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India to deploy Tejas aircraft on the western front by mid of this year (likely Srinagar)

Pakistanis are running behind the "truck ki batti" since last 70 years:lol:
erm...right now, the truck ki laal batti is that fading dream of india becoming a supa pawa as the truck leaves the covid19 riddled indians far behind in the dust gasping for air due to lack of oxygen tanks...so shush, no like, seriously, just put that baby tejas in your mouth and shush, remain silent. 🤐
erm...right now, the truck ki laal batti is that fading dream of india becoming a supa pawa as the truck leaves the covid19 riddled indians far behind in the dust gasping for air due to lack of oxygen tanks...so shush, no like, seriously, just put that baby tejas in your mouth and shush, remain silent. 🤐

India's rise is inevitable and no one can stop it, this is just a temporary dip in the slope. So you better shut up and stop derailing the thread
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True, well we can not help it because the Truck that carry Teja bhai is so magnificent :D
Of course, far better than the one after the batti of which you people are running since 47 and you will keep going on at least for the next century if survive:lol:
Soft-Warning - Inappropriate language
Of course, far better than the one after the batti of which you people are running since 47 and you will keep going on at least for the next century if survive:lol:
Says the chutyabhakt made chutya on promise of becoming supa pawa by 2020 instead became Corona hellhole
it's,the old Smokey engines,from.russia they used on the first 120 thunders.
they went for low cost options by paying 2 or 3 million per engine rather than go for French or british engine which was double the cost but twice as efficient..
they cut corners,on flight control and just using alloy airframe so now fatigue sets in earlier.
these,first 120.thunders are stuck with these shortcoming barring a 5 year programme to change them at cost of over the 10 to 15 million each to upgrade

well.at least the 30 new thunders,in block 3 will be better and get a full hmd and hobs missles which are vital in dog fighting
Oh the bs fed to dumb sanghis by Godi media
Well Sonny if you have 100+ jets of a mod flying for couple of years 3-4 crashes aren't something catastrophic
If you just keep em to trucks and only few flying prototypes like Tejas then it's another thing
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There,is a growing confidence in tejas now it can use both the,Derby and python 5 missles. it has,helmet mounted display and the best flight control and radar cross,section in air Force bar Rafale.
no surprise it's moved to pak border
So why move it away to tail nadu if its that good.
They stationed it during peacetime near Pakistan because they knew no chance of meeting PAF for a cup of tea
A good replacement of mig 21s. By any chance is there a video of Tejas mock dogfight with other IAF planes?
No need ... tejas won.
Pakistanis are running behind the "truck ki batti" since last 70 years:lol:
Yes you came for tea at lahore gymkhana...what happened
You came for azad Kashmir which we took by force what happened.
You killed 300 so called terrorists but this time had a cup of tea. Agar rafale hota....

Dumbest Indian on the net. You make modi look smart.... no corona. Cover yourself in cow sh1t
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what’s the huge deal of this deployment if it’s true , that is lol , here? heard years of years hearing of there mighty SU30 didn’t really change anything for them. now tearjas endless scenarios of it crazy debates
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Announcement of Tejas deployment on Western front and Indian posters have started fantasies.

I am just wondering another Truck with full loads of Tejas wreckage heading towards PAF museum to decorate cemetery of Operation Swift Retort-2
Yum... Freshly cooked samosas will be falling out of the sky next eid...

On a more serious thought, these are probably going to replace the role of the MiG-21, which is a Soviet era flying trash can with a bullseye painted on it to help PAF end its misery.
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