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India to become world's 5th largest economy by 2020: Report

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Ha ha ha you are good at what you do must agree but don't use the inosent face card so often, gives up the prank.

My dish is F**d up with snow, all i have is PDF today :butcher:
Your a pakistani i can understand the reason as to why the economic terms and laws and assumptions are so hard for you to understand look at your economy if guys like you are there it wont be doing any good for a long time to come

Btw a lil bit of info for you economics is bassed on assumptions and predictions its a basic rule as economics is not as pure as law of science but of social nature

Ok kiddo - thanks for passing incredible knowledge, now tell me why you get heartburn when there are assumptions and predictions not in favor of shupar pawar and super power
...Never mind already replied...
do you know a difference between GDP (PPP) and GDP (nominal)? The links you posted is talking about GDP (PPP) and as per 2010 rankings we are at number 4 right below Japan and we need to wait for 2011 rankings to see if we reached number 3 or not..

I know it was a mistake on your side and sincerely hope this will correct any misunderstanding that you may had.. :cheers:

.......... Chaloo rahnay do. You looks sensible :smokin:
Why are Pakistanis refusing the facts?
We Indians know that we are lagging and we don't want to.
We are trying to develop so do you, then why are you lagging much behind than India.
Please don't mention China because communist country don't care of individuals in the way of development. you want to be same, go ahead. No one is stopping you to be so called developed on the dead body of your brothers, sisters and family members.
China is far ahead of us because of so much sacrifice and sacrifice results in something good.
GO learn some economics then reply and if economics is not available in your country, then first google it and then reply.
And the matter of fact that China will attack on India or USA is simply stupid. Reason- again economics, they are China's major customer and a attack will shattered its whole economy.
Why are Pakistanis refusing the facts?
We Indians know that we are lagging and we don't want to.
We are trying to develop so do you, then why are you lagging much behind than India.
Please don't mention China because communist country don't care of individuals in the way of development. you want to be same, go ahead. No one is stopping you to be so called developed on the dead body of your brothers, sisters and family members.
China is far ahead of us because of so much sacrifice and sacrifice results in something good.
GO learn some economics then reply and if economics is not available in your country, then first google it and then reply.
And the matter of fact that China will attack on India or USA is simply stupid. Reason- again economics, they are China's major customer and a attack will shattered its whole economy.

Yaar fifty tu complete kar lu, abhe say chaaky laganay ke koshish kar rahay ho

First you bhartiis must agree on one thing - India world's 5th largest eco-no-my is fact or assumption and prediction
Ok kiddo - thanks for passing incredible knowledge, now tell me why you get heartburn when there are assumptions and predictions not in favor of shupar pawar and super power
Kiddi dude if you are older than me and your brain cant get this then do one thing jump from a mountain

Let me explain it to you again when we are talking about a nations economy then this subject comes under the study of macro economics now macro economics is bassed on an assumption of OTHER THINGS BEING constant say for the study of demand when this whole study is bassed on assumptions an un realistic facts then the assumptions being made is fair kiddo go kill yourself if you still cant get it
Kiddi dude if you are older than me and your brain cant get this then do one thing jump from a mountain

Let me explain it to you again when we are talking about a nations economy then this subject comes under the study of macro economics now macro economics is bassed on an assumption of OTHER THINGS BEING constant say for the study of demand when this whole study is bassed on assumptions an un realistic facts then the assumptions being made is fair kiddo go kill yourself if you still cant get it

Man ... i am incredibly confused, One bhartii is trying to educate me economics and insisting it's based on assumption and other is enforcing that it's fact :hitwall:
Man ... i am incredibly confused, One bhartii is trying to educate me economics and insisting it's based on assumption and other is enforcing that it's fact :hitwall:
I give you are dumb read books from authors like pc tulsian
Now go back to topic and order some beer to celebrate, It's 2AM - subah mazdoori par bhe jana hai
Bl[i]tZ;2433903 said:
US will be no. one country for decades to come even for the Chinese - the explosion of Chinese students to US testifies to that.
. Even when Chinese GDP equals that of US, it'll only mean that an average Chinese will earn 1/5th of an American.

Also, US is an egalitarian society. US stands for values of Freedom , equality and innovation. What does China stand for theoretical communism, practical capitalism. huh?

The economic part goes for India as well!

There are 2 types of Chinese students in the US. The graduate students are pretty damn elite. I have nothing to say about them. The undergrads are mostly children of China's 10% top rich who couldn't make it into college in China and paid the very high international tuition rate to go to the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc.
bheekh mang ne se to Mazdoori karna better hay!!:rofl:

Cut it out, man.. Such talks sound so sick.. Every nation does what is good for it and its people no matter how bad other people perceive it. I know it's difficult for us to trust each other but at least, for courtesy sake, can we try make an effort to respect each other? Don't know what this throwing trash on each other is gonna achieve??

Btw, there are number of beggars on Indian streets why don't we go around and preach them the same thing??
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