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India stands with Isreal

At Least Pakistani should not claim to be real well wisher of Palestine People.

Your Pakistani army is involved in killing of as many as 25000 Palestine people.

If you don't know search Black September in Google.

The Pakistani fundamentalist are illeagal son of Gen Zia-ul-haq (As per Hassan Nissar and Najam Sethi).. Zia lead the battalian who slaughtered Palestanian like lamb..

Pakistani fundamentalists are liar and fraud..
So you think they are planning India's development projects and Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor?:lol:

You are Cute-E-Momin:p

I don't think that they are planning, it's you who always think that they are planning to bomb india, you simply failed to understand what I meant, hence, you misinterpreted and we're not at all surprised because we know very well the level of wit of the zionazi pets.
One wise guy of Nottingham backing up another.
Sorry birathar

I am not conspiracy believer so I can't decode this post:D

I don't think that they are planning, it's you who always think that they are planning to bomb india,.
And this qualifies as "Indians believe in conspiracy theories"?

I told ya.. you are Cute-E-Momin:P
wasnt Mr Ghandi with Palestinian struggle? I dont know but i read a quote by him some days back in favour of Palestine...
It's all about vote bank politics to appease the Muslims of India. That's what the Congress has been doing since independence. And where have they landed after all this? They got a hammering in the polls and down to 44 seats out of 540, a figure so low that doesn't even qualify them to have a leader of the opposition in Parliament!!

That's the biggest irony. Communal politics have landed the Congress in shit, and Modi knows it. Thank God, he's charting a new course for India's foreign policy. :tup:
I don't see where. Some of them are, some aren't. There are terrorist attacks with political purposes that CIA/MI5/MOSSAD are behind.

Everyone acknowledges this, those types of attacks usually occur in nations they consider their enemies.

Yes, and of course the Pakistani backed terror organisations consider us their friends and would never attack us. You aren't going to get any takers for that here any time soon.
Yes, and of course the Pakistani backed terror organisations consider us their friends and would never attack us. You aren't going to get any takers for that here any time soon.

What Pakistani-backed organizations? I wasn't referring to India. Can't you read? There are terrorist operations in the Middle East with CIA/MI5/Mossad fingerprints all over them. And there are many others which have no relation to them.
What Pakistani-backed organizations? I wasn't referring to India. Can't you read? There are terrorist operations in the Middle East with CIA/MI5/Mossad fingerprints all over them. And there are many others which have no relation to them.

He (T-REX) was referring to terrorist attacks IN INDIA as zionist conspiracies, so I was very much referring to India in the post you replied to.
Sorry birathar

I am not conspiracy believer so I can't decode this post:D

You do subscribe to conspiracy theory when it suits your purpose it's just that you don't know anything about English Literature or else you would have known who the wise men of Nottingham were.

And this qualifies as "Indians believe in conspiracy theories"?

Even when the zionazi pets in india fart the blame goes to the ISI. No, no, it's not conspiracy theory, it's just your national hobby.
If you are to find any information about the ISIS terrorists why don't you ask your buddies who trained them?

One wise guy of Nottingham backing up another.
what proof you got to say Israel trained ISIS. .
wasnt Mr Ghandi with Palestinian struggle? I dont know but i read a quote by him some days back in favour of Palestine...

@levina @Ayush @arp2041 @Ravi Nair

Gandhi Supported Khilafat Movement as well... Who cares what gandhi view was.. This is 2014, If Arabs will help us in defeating Pakistan and regain our lands (Karachi, FATA, Punjab, Sindh) . We will help Arab..
what proof you got to say Israel trained ISIS. .

Why is uncle sam so reluctant to bomb the ISIS bastards? Answer this and you'll get your proof, and of course, we've heard from Snowden as well. Now, don't tell us that you don't know who Snowden is!
You do subscribe to conspiracy theory when it suits your purpose it's just that you don't know anything about English Literature or else you would have known who the wise men of Nottingham were.
I didn't know that in order to know the English literature, you have to know the "phrase" of wise men of Nottingham.
OK. Now I get it:D

Even when the Jamati pets in Bangladesh fart the blame goes to the RAW. No, no, it's not conspiracy theory, it's just your national hobby.
Edited your post.:P Now its correct.:lol:
Why is uncle sam so reluctant to bomb the ISIS bastards? Answer this and you'll get your proof, and of course, we've heard from Snowden as well. Now, don't tell us that you don't know who Snowden is!

Because Obama has to fix his home... The economy need to revived.. If USA will bomb ISIS, more Pakistani/Bangla/indian Muslim become terrorist...

USA want there a$$ off of Muslim mess.

Muslim will fight among them once Christian attack them, they will be united against USA. The best way to keep Muslim shut is "Let them fight.."
I didn't know that in order to know the English literature, you have to know the "phrase" of wise men of Nottingham.
OK. Now I get it:D

Edited your post.:P Now its correct.:lol:

Dragging jamaat when nothing else works, truly pathetic losers. Matter of fact, what jammat claims is true and the zionazi pets brag about it on this forum.
Why is uncle sam so reluctant to bomb the ISIS bastards? Answer this and you'll get your proof, and of course, we've heard from Snowden as well. Now, don't tell us that you don't know who Snowden is!
i asked what proof you got ... don't divert topic..
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