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India stands with Isreal

I never heard of this theory before. Could you please be kind to tell me more about it?

Did you not know that Saddam conspired to nuke Washington and Tel Aviv in 24 hours notice before bushi and his poodle were forced to invade Iraq? Do you not know that ISI has always been conspiring to spread terrorism in mother india? So, before mocking at conspiracy theories remember to look at your own past.
Nah, you just slam planes into buildings and then act surprised when the first good hit on the sole superpower of the world culminates in 300,000 plus casualties as a result of their retaliatory strikes, smart would not be the word used to describe that strategy.

Again subscribing to conspiracy theory! Terrorists like you have no shame!
Again subscribing to conspiracy theory! Terrorists like you have no shame!

So sayeth you with the tin foil hat at hand, if 9/11 is a conspiracy then I posit that it is not the IDF killing Gazans but Bangladeshis who have learnt how to utilize mind control, therefore stripping the otherwise benign Israelis of free agency and forcing them to kill innocent Gazans, yup sounds about right.
Again subscribing to conspiracy theory! Terrorists like you have no shame!

No matter what happens in Afghan/Africa/Iraq/Syria/India/China etc. Any terrorist attack by Muslims is conspiracy and all retaliation are culmination of that Zionist conspiracy. Just in some other thread I was enlightened about how ISIS is trained by Mosad/CIA!
No matter what happens in Afghan/Africa/Iraq/Syria/India/China etc. Any terrorist attack by Muslims is conspiracy and all retaliation are culmination of that Zionist conspiracy. Just in some other thread I was enlightened about how ISIS is trained by Mosad/CIA!

Not true. You just choose to ignore the ongoing massive discussion on the regional developments.
No matter what happens in Afghan/Africa/Iraq/Syria/India/China etc. Any terrorist attack by Muslims is conspiracy and all retaliation are culmination of that Zionist conspiracy. Just in some other thread I was enlightened about how ISIS is trained by Mosad/CIA!

They're right, I trained Abu Bakr on contract man, where do you think he go that fly rolex, gifted it to him after he bathed in the blood of the innocent.

People like T-REX damage the cause for Palestinian justice immeasurably, turning a rational and fair argument for having a state of their own into a wonk fest.

Not true. You just choose to ignore the ongoing massive discussion on the regional developments.

You do realize, that fellow has termed all the terrorist attacks which have occurred on our land as Zionist conspiracies, exactly how are we supposed to wrap our heads around that?
Do you not know that ISI has always been conspiring to spread terrorism in mother india? So, before mocking at conspiracy theories remember to look at your own past.
So you think they are planning India's development projects and Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor?:lol:

You are Cute-E-Momin:p
They're right, I trained Abu Bakr on contract man, where do you think he go that fly rolex, gifted it to him after he bathed in the blood of the innocent.

People like T-REX damage the cause for Palestinian justice immeasurably, turning a rational and fair argument for having a state of their own into a wonk fest.

You do realize, that fellow has termed all the terrorist attacks which have occurred on our land as Zionist conspiracies, exactly how are we supposed to wrap our heads around that?

I don't see where. Some of them are, some aren't. There are terrorist attacks with political purposes that CIA/MI5/MOSSAD are behind.

Everyone acknowledges this, those types of attacks usually occur in nations they consider their enemies.
Indians standing up for Israeli terror and genocide, why that does not surprise us?
we do according to our interest. . that's non of your concern. .. We don't have blind love like you got on Islamist terrorists group like Hamas. .. In plenty occasion I asked your response on Boko Haram and ISIS no reply yet...
So you think they are planning India's development projects and Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor?:lol:

You are Cute-E-Momin:p

I didn't know that you were intellectually handicapped. The post is not for an illiterate or mentally challenged, ignore it and go back to your asylum.
we do according to our interest. . that's non of your concern. .. We don't have blind love like you got on Islamist terrorists group like Hamas. .. In plenty occasion I asked your response on Boko Haram and ISIS no reply yet...

If you are to find any information about the ISIS terrorists why don't you ask your buddies who trained them?

Nice way to say "oh I am busted now please don't carry the discussion on and leave me alone:lol:

One wise guy of Nottingham backing up another.
A burgeoning strategic partnership with Israel matters more to India than reflexive solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Enough of pandering to a particular community's vote bank. And thanks to Modi. He's being more pragmatic.

Israel was and will always remain a great friend of India. Period.
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