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India stands with Isreal

You really are shameless liar. I can't even begin to fathom the kind of deceit and shrewdness that dwells in you.

Your original comment make it seems like Pakistan army invaded Palestine and killed as many as 25,000 people. Are you crazy, man, or just stupid? And as a source you post a blog entry of someone about a general who served in the Jordinan army before his PA tenure.

I can't even comment properly on your ill mannered, propaganda creating posts. You have shown here you are with Israel, stick with your decision, however immoral it may be. Don't create lies and propaganda about Pakistan to justify your immorality.

wasnt Mr Ghandi with Palestinian struggle? I dont know but i read a quote by him some days back in favour of Palestine...

@levina @Ayush @arp2041 @Ravi Nair
Gandhi would hang his head in shame seeing his children defending a tyrant because of a handful of weapons the tyrant provides to his country.
Freedom of opinion and its expression,though I doubt those frothing and raging at Israelis will understand.
Freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of choice.

Your government deprives so many people from this 'freedom of choice' and on this forum you defend freedom of choice, as if it is only for you and your likes.

There are as many Indians condemning Israel as well.

Perhaps you should post some of the photos of thousands of indians condemning the zionazi state. All we read are the rants of the indians defending the zionazi crimes against humanity.
ISRAAAAAEEEEEELLL has excellent water management technologies.

But Seriously who would you like to see in the world more
Israel a Technological Super power or Palestine & Keep in mind the size & the geography of Israel
One, UN does not dictate who to vote in India, it is indians knowingly voted a hindu fundamentalist. Second, if indians are so much in respect of UN call then why indians refused to obey United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 and hold plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir?

Indian lie and deception has no bound and in full display.
Do you even know what are the conditions of resolution 47 to hold plebiscite?

Let me quote it from the same link that you provided.

The resolution recommended that in order to ensure the impartiality of the plebiscite Pakistan withdraw all tribesmen and nationals who entered the region for the purpose of fighting and that India leave only the minimum number of troops needed to keep civil order.

And then guess what....

Pakistan ignored the UN mandate, did not withdraw its troops and claimed the withdrawal of Indian forces was a prerequisite as per this resolution.

Now tell me this.. you don't even read the link that you provide?
No you can't, because you don't seem to believe in conspiracy theories:)

Only conspiracy believers are allowed to guess:D

You sound like you and your zionazi allies never subscribed to any conspiracy theory. Must I apply a dose of juice to treat your 'selective amnesia'? At least we don't go on bombing or planning to bomb another state after subscribing to 'conspiracy theory'.
At least we don't go on bombing or planning to bomb another state after subscribing to 'conspiracy theory'.[/COLOR]
I never heard of this theory before. Could you please be kind to tell me more about it?
You sound like you and your zionazi allies never subscribed to any conspiracy theory. Must I apply a dose of juice to treat your 'selective amnesia'? At least we don't go on bombing or planning to bomb another state after subscribing to 'conspiracy theory'.

Nah, you just slam planes into buildings and then act surprised when the first good hit on the sole superpower of the world culminates in 300,000 plus casualties as a result of their retaliatory strikes, smart would not be the word used to describe that strategy.
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