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India sits on Black Top with Helmet under its boots. A 1962 tactic by China is now likely

Dude it's pathetic, give me one Chinese source. All you have is foreign sources arguing over twitter and you believe the side that favors you. There are zero Chinese sources that have any OSINT, the ones available are farm bot trolls. Basically you have no clue about what happens to your soldiers along LAC.

Guess that's how it is, given it's a private army owned by CCP. Pretty demoralizing to fight wars of a political party lol.
WTF man, I give you Indian sources you are pissed, I gave you Chinese sources you say its a lie. Then in the end you just want to hear what you want to hear. Go argue with Nitin Gokhale, don't argue with me. HE IS THE ONE WHO SAID WE ARE AT BLACK AND HELMET HILL. Lolololol.
A) no idea mate, gotta ask your Intel agency how they came to that conclusion. I told you I don't use Chinese sources to avoid antagonising you guys. Had been using Indian info all along. Nitin Gokhale and Ruser is actually quite neutral sources, not 100% reliable but neutral. Coupled with internal Chinese news, we get a clear picture. Not the usual Indian bullshit for Modibot consumption.

B) if you had been following this conflict, before India trespassed and do camping on the LAC, China actually said disengagement is complete and did not do any protest.

C) how many heights are there on a ridge? Many many, the main strategic heights were highlighted on the map, we occupied some, you occupied some, which conveniently lies on the LAC, but we still consider it trespassing. So let's see how it goes, not much territorial loss as compared to 1000sqkm but I think what will. Happen is the buffer zone will. Be created ala Galwan. That's what China wants. Cheap maintenance and no wars. With a proper agreement signed, buffer zone will extend into India with LAC which approximates our claim line will be created no more rats running around. Lol

Chinese war philosophy is totally different from India, we don't aim for heights we aim for access control, meaning passes into a plain etc. Peaks and heights are hard to man, and the logistics is costly. Look at how your villagers are chugging water up 5000m,how long can you last doing that. Look at the facilities we have, I am being neutral now, it's proper and insulated, heated, with food and sanitation, that will boost morale, wars are won not just by soldiers, its also logistics. That's one thing you guys can never win, LOGISTICS. We friggin deliver packed food prepared in a base with drones. Can you do that?
What's most important, Indian Army crossed the Chinese Claim Line in several offensive actions but were beaten back each time while taking casualties. These include counterattack at Helmet top / Black top and Rechin La / Rezan La. Yesterday, they attempted to cross from finger 3 ridgeline into finger 4 ridgeline. That was blocked. For a while, PLA evacuated finger 4 plains to minimize casualties if the Indian Army escalated.
What's most important, Indian Army crossed the Chinese Claim Line in several offensive actions but were beaten back each time while taking casualties. These include counterattack at Helmet top / Black top and Rechin La / Rezan La. Yesterday, they attempted to cross from finger 3 ridgeline into finger 4 ridgeline. That was blocked. For a while, PLA evacuated finger 4 plains to minimize casualties if the Indian Army escalated.

lol............. :D

we are on black top/helmut top , you tried but slapped back , that is why china is whinning
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You do realise that this has really pushed India to improve roads trains etc on war footing. And in the long run, india would be able to rotate troops more cost effectively.
hahaha ..just a month or two before they get bored or corrupt and drop it. what "war footing" - 4 million covid does not make indian govt go on war footing, desperate hunger or proverty does not make it go on war footing but some squabbles will ? such touching faith in indian govt lol.
WTF man, I give you Indian sources you are pissed, I gave you Chinese sources you say its a lie. Then in the end you just want to hear what you want to hear. Go argue with Nitin Gokhale, don't argue with me. HE IS THE ONE WHO SAID WE ARE AT BLACK AND HELMET HILL. Lolololol.
LOL! Your Chinese source quote from an Indian forum, that's hilarious. Is it the same for every farm bot trolls, believes Indian psyops? :lol:
LOL! Your Chinese source quote from an Indian forum, that's hilarious. Is it the same for every farm bot trolls, believes Indian psyops? :lol:

You want me to quote Chinese sources saying 300 yindoos were captured? Even Indian sources say the same shit and you still want to live in denial like Modi, not an inch lost? Come on... Wake up mate, if not an inch is lost, you won't be so agitated, and 20 won't freeze to death. Lol

Here another yindoo source says we are at finger 3 now..... Lololololol
What's most important, Indian Army crossed the Chinese Claim Line in several offensive actions but were beaten back each time while taking casualties. These include counterattack at Helmet top / Black top and Rechin La / Rezan La. Yesterday, they attempted to cross from finger 3 ridgeline into finger 4 ridgeline. That was blocked. For a while, PLA evacuated finger 4 plains to minimize casualties if the Indian Army escalated.
Yes, they trued crossing into finger 4 through a interconnected ridge, but PLA was camping there. We are at the top of finger 3,not the whole finger 3.
The longer it drags the better. Winter is coming and this puts India at disadvantage especially with their poor logistics and huge manpower.
The cost part i fully agree with you.
But what is more beneficial for China?
A country who is developing it's borders at snails pace, no clear doctrine to handle China. All politicians talk about Pakistan while China slowly captures all indian market ?

Instead now indian will have emergency procedures to handle this type of problem in feature.
Will develop roads etc. I always consider this as more useful to locals than to army . Just like in Pakistan.

The only real waste of money is handling troops numbers in mountains. It will definitely burn holes in economy. Hope they get wiser and local produced material r purchased. Private companies will start making cold gears when they see large purchases. But I have very less hope considering our track record.

The endemic corruption and inherent incompetence in the Indian defense procurement is well known and it is directly proportional. The more and urgent procurement due to events at the LAC, the more corruption and bribery.

Every weapon selling business from Jerusalem to Moscow is proverbially "milking the Indian cow" and fleecing the Indians, dumping a myriad of weapons with not a care in the World at a time when the Indian economy is in tatters.

I believe that the Chinese know about the Indians much more then the Indians know about the Chinese. The Chinese do not wish to go to war, they made a cold calculated choice of bleeding the Indians across the LAC, the Winter will prove brutal for the Indians.

This is all "cheap for the Chinese" then trying to confront India if they would have moved into GB.

Next move is providing Pakistani military and particularly PAF and strengthening their maritime strike capability in the Arabian sea and exposing the soft underbelly of Indian coastal areas, again chump change investment for China to checkmate India instead of reacting when India actually makes a move against CPEC because that would be expensive.

China is doing this deliberately to protect its own financial and strategic interests.

The LAC could lead to war as it is possible but highly unlikely, China has achieved what they set out to do.

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