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India ready to take on Pakistan,China simultaneously, Army Chief

Ah, my Pak Friend,

Indeed a peaceful solution to problems is the only way out for the Civlisational survival of all three Civilisations.

We have to understand that China, Pak and India are not in biletral but trilleteral relationship.

Yes, we know less informed will through in billion plus market and Indo-China trade volume... but that is not the real essence.

China by her very nature is a patient actor... time is not long when China will be the only leader in Asia.

Rest you can fill in.

In my studied view War is Stupid. And Only Stupid want War.

Let us remain hopefull for peaceful co-exhistence!



I agree war is stupid. sometime however, war is necessary but no one actually ever wins. all sides lose militarily, economically and emotionally. often men that want war don't actually fight wars. ask soldiers on the front. they obey orders and kill but given a choice they would much rather talk for they know what their guns can do.

in this scenario I believe Pakistan and China have outsmarted India with CPEC. Indias grand scheme to isolate pakistan has immensely backfired and has infact left it isolated as the world is ignoring India and investing in CPEC. India shifting the American camp has upset Russia. the chances of the Iranins port project looks a distant dream.
economically china cannot be ignored. militarily china is a mega power. pakistan is growing economically and militarily. india is not something to be taken lightly but the statement by their chief today was short sighted and irresponsible
pakistani as usual being a chinese cheerleader save ur country from chinese colonization then talk.
on topic a country almost six times as pak having almost six times defense budget they will easily handle that
and indians should tolerate this nonsense, chest thumping and brag
on the other other hand when a country of billion and half says that it will able to defend itself from a country six times smaller and a country who is superior to itself it gives pakistanis heart stroke
i mean come on guys do u really think a country of india size will take ur nonsense
when it will be existential threat we will use whatever at our disposal and india and china both are not idiots to go into the war as it will put almost three billion and a lot of things in danger
it will be a shame as they both will be heavy looser and the victory will simply not worth
so dont jump like kids have a rational mind to think rationally
Seems you just had a brain wave or maybe the side effect of your army chief's statement.
How did your brilliant mind conclude we are being cheer leaders for Chinese when your dialogue delivering army warlord is directly addressing Pakistan...and China.
Anyone with little sanity would simply say that we can defend ourselves against any external threat but NO, the man of war declares that he can take on not ONE or TWO but 2.5 aggressor SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Hell, even US didn't feel this confident when taking on Iraq but then talk is cheap and just like the so called surgical circus, no one in India will ask for proof.
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Your posts are a pleasure to read as always, my friend. You are absolutely correct in your assessment of a two front war. History has never been kind to the nation that had to face the unenviable possibility of a two front hostility. In case of a conventional war India stand no chance. Pakistan had its best chance in Kashmir in '62 and it, luckily for us lost the opportunity.

The best way to protect peace is not to overdo things. Keep the dispute aside for next fifty years and focus on economic development. India and Pakistan needs to to pragmatic and take a lesson from the Chinese. China too had to bear the baggages of boundary disputes with its neighbours. But with time, patience and situational practicalism you have solved your differences. Economic and social development had been given priority instead of indiscriminate military spendings. But it's always easier said than done. Socio-religious and political realities of China and Indo-Pakistan are never same. Fear psychosis against each other plays a vital role in two nations to develop their bilateral policies, rather than pragmatic sensibilities. That's why you see so much poverty, unemployment and psychological regress in every aspect in the two countries. Once the leaders can spot this cancer, hope peace will prevail in future.

Ah, my dear Friend,

All you say makes sense... I truly believe falling back to original Civilisational Heritage allows both Pak and India to break free from their unspoken existential angst.

I do believe both countries feel deeply insecure in the back of their minds about their existence.

Sometimes it does appear as if they can't even believe they are a reality. Perhaps healing can begin with acceptance of Self first and then the Other.

The Dialectic differences between China and India are like two parallel Unisvera. By no means to insult your good country.

Despite my bias towards Sino-Pak Axis, I don't have any ill will towards you as people. You do inherit a remarkable Civilisation on its own account. As does Pak...

Whereas your crowd gets lost or distracted in mythology or avid creation thereof... Pak has yet to accept itself as the Sole inheritor of Lands of Indus.

So the cycle continues...

In each and everything we need to understand its fundamental nature, its Telos. Only then do we earn the right to form an opinion of worth. Rest is democracy...every one entitled to their opinions...and none counts.

I know I do engage in a counter narrative to the one propogated by your side...however, I do try to make a distinction between state and people...i.e. distinction between you as a Civilisational people and your establishment and it policies.

Herein we can always engage and challenge each other..hoping that we might learn something together.

I do have an inclination of some sort of Dialectic Acceleration on your side... its development is long in the making...will its creators/developers be able to effectively manage it...shall remain a study worth conducting.

Peace needs context. In the current state of affairs context is missing. Hence, the farce and sense killings shall continue.

You take good care TT-man,

Unnecessary juvenile sensalization. What do you expect an Indian army chief say when asked about his force's preparedness in case of fighting a two front war ? 'No, we are not ready for it'?!! Is it so difficult to guess that it would not be a very nice statement to boost the morale of the armed forces?

Whose juvenile sensalization, if not yours?

Where was the General asked such a point blank, specific question, so that he had to reply what he replied: "Indian Army is fully ready for a two-and-a-half front(China, Pakistan and internal security requirements simultaneously) war".

There was no such direct question thrown at him as such.

Clearly he is creating a war hysteria on his own mi lord!

NEW DELHI: Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat, in an interaction with ANI, said that the Indian Army is well-prepared to face external, as well as internal threats to the country.

Speaking to ANI
, General Bipin Rawat said, "Indian Army is fully ready for a two-and-a-half front(China, Pakistan and internal security requirements simultaneously) war".
Whose juvenile sensalization, if not yours?

Where was the General asked such a point blank, specific question, so that he had to reply what he replied: "Indian Army is fully ready for a two-and-a-half front(China, Pakistan and internal security requirements simultaneously) war".

There was no such direct question thrown at him as such.

Clearly he is creating a war hysteria on his own mi lord!
It does report that he said it in an interaction. ANI is a news agency. So logically, he answered to a specific question and not intended to create war hysteria on his own.

If such was his intention, he would not have said very next to it that there are effective mechanisms to defuse adverse situation and pointing out to Sino-Indian border situation which had not seen a single firing in the last fifty years; a vital statement that is being conveniently ignored by most of the Pakistanis posting here.
It does report that he said it in an interaction. ANI is a news agency. So logically, he answered to a specific question and not intended to create war hysteria on his own.

If such was his intention, he would not have said very next to it that there are effective mechanisms to defuse adverse situation and pointing out to Sino-Indian border situation which had not seen a single firing in the last fifty years; a vital statement that is being conveniently ignored by most of the Pakistanis posting here.

You are relying on his answer, to which you never saw any question from ANI.

BTW, how, of all, ANI is going to ask him about fighting 2 wars simultaneously. Pakistan is understood though.

Your dialogue rests on implied sense.
There is no specific question.
The onus remains on you.
An implied sense is not admissible in any court.
You are relying on his answer, to which you never saw any question from ANI.

BTW, how, of all, ANI is going to ask him about fighting 2 wars simultaneously. Pakistan is understood though.

Your dialogue rests on implied sense.
There is no specific question.
The onus remains on you.
An implied sense is not admissible in any court.
Alright then. If the army chief wanted to spread war hysteria, what effective mechanisms to diffuse adverse situation he was talking about?

If someone says there are means to avoid an war it can be anything but warmongering.
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Alright then. If the army chief wanted to spread war hysteria, what effective mechanisms to diffuse adverse situation he was talking about?

I go by what nonsense he spewed. Which is for everyone to read & realize.

Why should I speculate further on his attitude.
You know enough how Indian media sensationalizes this kind of stuff.
Nothing new.

You may soft-padal this, not others who might call a spade a spade.
it seems it was really hot in india and it is taking it's toll on the mental health of indians.
Let me remind you this is not an old era.Indian military still working on old obsolete military domination kind of theory.Indian army must realize now that old days are gone.there are methods to stop Indian invasion.we can't rely on tanks anymore but if you read the mentality of Indian army,the concept is to capture Pakistani places using tanks and heavy artillery. Those old days are gone Indians.Pakistan have developed different missiles for different purposes. This will be modern war and not that old obsolete t-90 type war.
You are right. Pakistan is technologically and militarily (in the modern sense) much more superior than the obsolete Indian Army. Hell, India doesn't even have missiles!

As a first step this minger flipping Bipin should start going to the toilet (if he has any) all alone i.e. without the guards. Once he has mastered that, he can take next step.
Very smart and distinguished reply for an Elite Member, Sir! :)
You are right. Pakistan is technologically and militarily (in the modern sense) much more superior than the obsolete Indian Army. Hell, India doesn't even have missiles!

Very smart and distinguished reply for an Elite Member, Sir! :)
Oh so sweet.. thank you and welcome...my comment was totally appropriate for the subject. :enjoy:

After all he is talking about fighting 2.5 front war simultaneously so he has to start taking one step at a time :lol:
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What's next 3 front?

Seriously though india has failed miserably to even properly fight the "half front" as referred to by indian general Mr. peen peen. Kashmir has been on the boil since early 80's and can't be controlled by almost a million strong army even after deploying most inhuman and brutal torture and countless killings. This is just one example then there are the Naxalites, the Communists, the Tamils, and around 30 more insurgencies going on for decades.

NEW DELHI: Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat, in an interaction with ANI, said that the Indian Army is well-prepared to face external, as well as internal threats to the country. Speaking to ANI, General Bipin Rawat said, "Indian Army is fully ready for a two-and-a-half front(China, Pakistan and internal security requirements simultaneously) war".

The Army Chief added that even though India is ready for a multi-front war, there are effective mechanisms available to defuse an adverse situation. "Even the PM has stated that for the last forty years not even a single bullet has been fired on the Indo-China border," said General Rawat.In a freewheeling conversation with ANI, General Rawat also informed that a new strike corps, 17 Strike Corps, is being raised specifically for mountain warfare. On asking about the delay in its raising, the Army Chief said a process as complex as this takes time. He said, "It is being raised from scratch. The recruitments are on. As it is, to prepare an Army soldier it takes about three years from recruitment process to training and then orienting and finally their deployment."

General Rawat went on to discuss modernization plans of the Army, saying that the government is aware of our all needs and is supporting us in every manner. "Make in India is a good initiative, it will give results in two to three years," said General Rawat.

General Rawat added that all armies across the world maintain an inventory in the ratio of the 30:40:30. Here 30 percent equipment is state of the art technology, 40 percent is undergoing modernization and the rest 30 percent is obsolete, which requires an upgrade.

General Bipin Rawat concluded by saying that the Indian Army's preparations are not against any specific country.

NEW DELHI: Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat, in an interaction with ANI, said that the Indian Army is well-prepared to face external, as well as internal threats to the country. Speaking to ANI, General Bipin Rawat said, "Indian Army is fully ready for a two-and-a-half front(China, Pakistan and internal security requirements simultaneously) war".

The Army Chief added that even though India is ready for a multi-front war, there are effective mechanisms available to defuse an adverse situation. "Even the PM has stated that for the last forty years not even a single bullet has been fired on the Indo-China border," said General Rawat.In a freewheeling conversation with ANI, General Rawat also informed that a new strike corps, 17 Strike Corps, is being raised specifically for mountain warfare. On asking about the delay in its raising, the Army Chief said a process as complex as this takes time. He said, "It is being raised from scratch. The recruitments are on. As it is, to prepare an Army soldier it takes about three years from recruitment process to training and then orienting and finally their deployment."

General Rawat went on to discuss modernization plans of the Army, saying that the government is aware of our all needs and is supporting us in every manner. "Make in India is a good initiative, it will give results in two to three years," said General Rawat.

General Rawat added that all armies across the world maintain an inventory in the ratio of the 30:40:30. Here 30 percent equipment is state of the art technology, 40 percent is undergoing modernization and the rest 30 percent is obsolete, which requires an upgrade.

General Bipin Rawat concluded by saying that the Indian Army's preparations are not against any specific country.
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