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India ready to take on Pakistan,China simultaneously, Army Chief

And once again the great general put his foot right up in his mouth and no one dared to challenge him in the Indian media, please elaborate how can you actually win a WAR on two fronts? Instead I am sure the Indian media devoid of any working brain cells went along with the beating of war drums and chest thumping.

Or may be the great general wanted tough questions to be asked so he can state look we are not getting enough money so give us more. What goes in his great mind is a mystery to us and at times it seems himself as well.

I am no expert or claims to be one when it comes to matters of war but underestimating your enemy and over estimating your abilities is a dangerous proposition. You might want to have a realistic view of situation, instead of resorting to war mongering or falling victim to jingoism. Please understand, sub-continent and world in general can not have another full blown war between India and Pakistan, there wont be any glory as no one will be left to celebrate it. All that will be left is death and destruction, but it seems majority of Indian politicians, media and some members of Army still believe in the fallacy of Pakistan rolling over and just dying.

There will be NO WINNERS here.

The problem is why your government officials keep popping up this type of statements that no one would believe.
May be small dick syndrome rendered their brains useless, hence they need to project every 5 mins how big and scary they are!

@scorpionx @StraightShooter my indian friends,

Firstly, allow me to express my esteem for your balanced, realistic and counter-narrative views.

War is indeed a stupid thing.

My reading of the tea leaves is that your army chief is bound by the instructions he gets from his political masters... you being democratic and all.

Playing to gallery is as old as first human tribe.

As both of you know better than myself that all politics are local.

Standing tall and tough against two 'bad' guys does wonders for ruling parties... regadless who is running the show. And all oppositions are to call everything as wrong/stunt/lies... SOPs of democracies.

War is never only about the valour... it is all about logistics... just like plans are nothing without actual planning...and planning without assets is just death by PowerPoint.

If I may ask... this time around if such a horror comes to pass... the outcome has to be decisive in favour of india... anything less will have lasting consequences. Your views?

I believe @StraightShooter is quite correct in his assessment... india doesn't have the numbers needed for decisive outcome. 10:01 is the key in all assets not only manpower. And when you factor in China... I am sorry to say... indians would be chasing their own shadows.

This I don't say to belittle you.... but combined comprehensive power of Sino-Pak Axis is rather overwhelming.... you would be able to inflict massive damage to Pak and some harm to China...but the return favours will be also unbearable to your side.

All warfares are won or lost in the quality of calculations.

Although @StraightShooter is a devout son of india... he doesn't allow his patriotism to blind his reason, same as yourself.

Hence, I tip my hat!

PS. What can be a mechanism for truly peaceful co-existence... please, not the dead horse of Pak has do this first or China has to do that first.
Fresh, creative and path breaking thoughts from you gents are most welcome.

Take care,


To you sir, I tip my hat. Its about time both countries move forward, but it seems the Indian political class is hell bent on harping war drums and mobilising for a war which will leave nothing but death and misery.
A question to senior members
Assume that india does invade Pakistan...how will Pak be able to defend it/win the war?
Given the 2 conditions
1.No Chinese assistance..as had been the case in past..(n might be in future..at least no direct intervention by China)
2.Keeping it as a conventional war... as both countries might not want to attract sanctions and play victim
I know the second condition is quite unrealistic..in today's war...but can Pak do the job with conventional forces..does it has the enough muscle today???

Plz don't try to troll..n respond in most with healthy arguments
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