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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

India is not Interested in talk at all. It has been confirmed by India many times. If any talk happens by chance, it will be on India's terms only. I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.
Puahahha :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thats why india has approached 2 times in last 9 to 10 months for talks ? And you are to some extent right india is not interested in talks its only interested in topi drama and showbazi which it can use at international level to say look we are talking...

And indian govt confirmed many other things aswell which also include 14 lakh in every indians account (if I'm not wrong about the amount) but does that mean it was true or it happened? India has been desperately trying backdoor diplomacy to put a show for international community...

And if india is serious talks will happen on terms that are acceptable to all three parties according to SAPM Moeed Yusuf...

I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.

Yeah sure india has a future offensive plan like it had a counter China policy 😆😆😆
India is not Interested in talk at all. It has been confirmed by India many times. If any talk happens by chance, it will be on India's terms only. I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.
And what are these Indian terms exactly?
Sure, with AJK and GB as the third party
If Pakistan give AJK and GB to India, what will Pakistan get in return?
No talks with terrormatha modie banya is trying to over smart us there economy is on down hill India is trying the chanakya tricks on us again now its the right time for China Pakistan to take care of Hindutva terrorists state once and for all disintegration of India should be our target if China Pakistan wants peace in the region.
Puahahha :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thats why india has approached 2 times in last 9 to 10 months for talks ? And you are to some extent right india is not interested in talks its only interested in topi drama and showbazi which it can use at international level to say look we are talking...

And indian govt confirmed many other things aswell which also include 14 lakh in every indians account (if I'm not wrong about the amount) but does that mean it was true or it happened? India has been desperately trying backdoor diplomacy to put a show for international community...

And if india is serious talks will happen on terms that are acceptable to all three parties according to SAPM Moeed Yusuf...


Yeah sure india has a future offensive plan like it had a counter China policy 😆😆😆
Don't laugh. Their plan is to ban all Pakistani apps.

They're saving this trump card for when things get serious.
No talks now no talks ever again. Their Sanghi muscular foreign policy has reaped them so many dividends, said no man ever.
Concentrate on ourselves economic wise, unity among the people, keep strong alliances etc.
When the time comes it will come.
China leave Tibet and then we will negotiate with the Tibetan government.
No talks now no talks ever again. Their Sanghi muscular foreign policy has reaped them so many dividends, said no man ever.
Concentrate on ourselves economic wise, unity among the people, keep strong alliances etc.
When the time comes it will come.
I think gov should push it hard, We have enough evidance to blacklist india before it is too late .
India is being under pressure. Its more like a damage controle they piss everyone off by implement 370. They want Pak to accept cuz they are not in position to change it.
They might have reached to Pak manytimes to help india by calm down situation between china and them.
Its in their mouth they cant swollow or throw it..
India is being quietly pressured by many to reach a political settlement over Kashmir with Pakistan. On the ground by Kashmiri leaders, by an aggressive China...and the real fear of a two front war, but also by USA/Quad. India can no longer have the status quo. It must change its thinking. USA and friends can no longer continue to expand relations with India and pretend that Kashmir issue doesn't exist. Too many related consequences. I would talk but wouldn't expect much.
Fat Arse Bajwa is eating to much pizza and visiting diplomats in freshly acquired suites. Pound these bhangees harder. We need to increase cooperation with Chinese x100 fold.

- Station special forces alongside PLA on the LAC
- Start building a Drone army and conducting drone strikes along both LOC, IB, LAC
- We need 100+ jets asap, whether its latest J-10s or J-31s or a combo of both. Deal needs to be signed asap. These will suplement the JF-17 block 3s
- We need to acquire thousands of Chinese HJ-10, HJ-12 fire and forget anti-tank bunker busting missiles
- Buildup our special forces capacity many fold. Special forces are the tip of your spear and their success leads to other successes.
There will never be peace between Pakistan and fascist Bharat, if we weren't a nuclear power they would have went all out and attacked ages ago, they dream of killing and raping us like they are doing to the poor Kashmiri folks in occupied territories. I for one cannot fathom why the hell we even have any sort of diplomatic relations with these RSS Nazi swines anyway, close the embassy for goodness sake.

The only reason they are approaching us is to buy time, it would seem they bit off more than they can chew with this 2.5 front fantasy.. we should NEVER give them the opportunity to recuperate, build pressure on all fronts diplomatic and offensive.
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Not my country or military but if I was India I think what is the point of talking. They hate us. Under threat of a two front war you destroy/remove the weaker of the two threats in a massive attack.
Once China entered the dispute India was left with an unwinnable war. The way to change unwinnable to winnable it so eliminate one front and threat.

PAKISTAN has a population of 220 million, is armed to the teeth and has over 150 nuclear warheads

India has been checkmated and out thought by ISI

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