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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

Not my country or military but if I was India I think what is the point of talking. They hate us. Under threat of a two front war you destroy/remove the weaker of the two threats in a massive attack.
Once China entered the dispute India was left with an unwinnable war. The way to change unwinnable to winnable it so eliminate one front and threat.
Why just look at this from the Indian perspective?

Given the evidence on display in terms of the statements of the Indian government, the political leadership of the ruling party in India, the hate and jingoism spewed on Indian media day in and day out and the plethora of hate spewed by Indians on almost every single platform on the internet where issues related to Pakistan come up (whether they involve India or not), it is patently obvious to all but the most biased observers that Indian hatred for Pakistan and desire for its dissolution easily outweighs anything similar on the Pakistani side.

Yet, despite all the evidence pointing to this irrational hatred in India for Pakistan, Pakistan has still attempted to make peace and tried multiple avenues (peaceful and non-peaceful) to resolve the dispute of J&K with India, because in the long term regional peace is necessary to harness the complete potential of the countries and people of the region.

In fact, many Pakistanis would argue that Pakistan has given up too much, done too much and reached out too much over the years. The recent posture of the Pakistani government under Imran Khan is a welcome change, in that Pakistan has said 'enough' to India and clearly indicated that going around in circles just to put on a show for India's sake is no longer acceptable, and that India needs to demonstrate, through tangible actions, a desire for engagement with Pakistan and a desire to resolve outstanding issues.
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India is not Interested in talk at all. It has been confirmed by India many times. If any talk happens by chance, it will be on India's terms only. I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.

Don't beg for talks then

A hindutva extremist India is intolerable for South Asia

Pakistan and China are ready to save south Asia from the hindutva extremists
PAKISTAN has a population of 220 million, is armed to the teeth and has over 150 nuclear warheads

India has been checkmated and out thought by ISI

You have not checkmated India. You have trapped them into fighting a two front war.
Indians can read history and know what their options are. Surrender and be robbed or fight. Fighting a two front war means attacking. Attacking means attacking and trying to eliminate the weaker of the two enemies.
Look at historical wars. That is what Generals do. They do it because they are trapped and have no other options.
Don't beg for talks then
That has always been India's MO - engage just enough to get talks started/restarted, and then go around in circles for years with absolutely no progress on resolving outstanding disputes.

From India's perspective, talks with Pakistan make them look good in the international community in that they are seen as engaging with Pakistan, even as India maligns and attempts to isolate Pakistan diplomatically. Until the Article 370 revocation & increased atrocities by Indian security forces in IIOJK, it was hard for Pakistan to refuse to engage, even if our diplomats and analysts understood the futility of such engagement.

Now, Modi and the BJP basically handed Pakistan the list of 'conditions' (that Pakistan wants met prior to talks) on a platter - and Imran Khan's diplomacy and outreach since Modi's actions in IIOJ&K laid the groundwork for Pakistan to insist on these conditions.
You have not checkmated India. You have trapped them into fighting a two front war.
Indians can read history and know what their options are. Surrender and be robbed or fight. Fighting a two front war means attacking. Attacking means attacking and trying to eliminate the weaker of the two enemies.
Look at historical wars. That is what Generals do. They do it because they are trapped and have no other options.

They are fighting a two front war because of our planning

They have been neutralised in Afghanistan because of our planning

Internally they are divided because of their increasing hindutva extremism but it's something we are taking advantage of
You have not checkmated India. You have trapped them into fighting a two front war.
Indians can read history and know what their options are. Surrender and be robbed or fight. Fighting a two front war means attacking. Attacking means attacking and trying to eliminate the weaker of the two enemies.
Look at historical wars. That is what Generals do. They do it because they are trapped and have no other options.
Which alternative world are you living in???? They couldn't take the loss of 2 fighter jets or 20 soldiers, and you're talking about going all-out on Pak!!!! If it were so, could the Turkic conquerors have kept India for centuries after centuries after winning a couple of battles??????
You have not checkmated India. You have trapped them into fighting a two front war.
Indians can read history and know what their options are. Surrender and be robbed or fight. Fighting a two front war means attacking. Attacking means attacking and trying to eliminate the weaker of the two enemies.
Look at historical wars. That is what Generals do. They do it because they are trapped and have no other options.

No General has ever had to fight against a nuclear armed nation before, there is no precedence or historic simulations for reference, this is a completely different era with different dynamics. You literally have 3 nuclear armed nations about to have a war, two-on-one. You think China would sit back and see the results of Pakistan's & India's nuclear exchange? Then risk having its own territory nuked? Or would they prefer to jointly attack India with Pakistan? Just imagine.. seeing nuclear deployments from the Air, Land, & Sea at the same time by two different forces.

Also I am pretty sure most of India's silo's are compromised by the Chinese.

Are you deliberately incompetent or what?
How did they "win" independence from the British? Was there some great war of freedom, or just some hunger strike and mass volume of people causing the British to simply walk away in disgust?

materchief_mirza : British ruled Indians, not us, we are Pakistanis, we are brave and warriors.

Retard !!
From India's perspective, talks with Pakistan make them look good in the international community in that they are seen as engaging with Pakistan, even as India maligns and attempts to isolate Pakistan diplomatically. Until the Article 370 revocation & increased atrocities by Indian security forces in IIOJK, it was hard for Pakistan to refuse to engage, even if our diplomats and analysts understood the futility of such engagement.

You can't be any far than this from the reality. Talk with Pakistan impose a certain political cost on every government of India, no wonder we have been hearing for decade now that "Talks and Terror cant go hand in hand" from India and Pakistan been accusing India of not coming on table.

Rather its is vice versa for Pakistan. The only tangible effort which Pakistan can show to its Public (and openly claim it too) is talks regarding Kashmir.
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