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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

India wants to keep status quo so if we talk with them we have accepted this.
Agreed. The current situation should not be normalised. Don't even pick up the phone when they call.

Nothing to discuss.

Maintain full hostile intent. India cannot do the dramatic ethnic cleansing they wish to do overnight. Likewise, they cannot provoke war from their side as Pakistan and China have both demonstrated a capability to thwart all such designs aggressively.

Pakistan must simply prepare for a decisive war. Modern tech, drones, EW and support from China will swing the balance Pakistan's way.

Trust me - these tossers who spam crap here every day from across the border are shittting themselves at the thought of a proper war. Nobody's going to come to help India and these bhakt skinnies will flee like rats when the drones start hitting. Pakistan needs simply to be clever and fortify well enough to resist their limited counter attack.

A damn virus is unravelling their country. Do you think Pakistan and China could not easily deal with these skinnies?
Praveen Sawhney is a PLA mole, he may be a retired army officer but he is a stooge, he has peddled lot’s of fake news in the past and has faced public backlash by many serving and retired officers and public.

The day pravin sawhney starts talking something positive about India he will be labeled as RETARDED, INDIOT by these very PDF kids.....
Let me ask the Pakistanis and Indians a simple question here. Why are Indians so so obsessed with "casualty bean counting"?

In psychological terms, why does it matter that one's own army loses fewer souls than the enemy's when what actually matters is who achieved their military objective and who didn't?

Pakistan downed their MiG but all India wanted was to prove they downed an f16. China took the high ground but all India wanted was to prove more PLA died than IA. There is a theme here and there is a reason why.

They're scared shitless of dying. There are billions of them but they're terrified of losing a thousand.

When those drones hit these bstards, they will cry and hold candles and seek peace. How did they "win" independence from the British? Was there some great war of freedom, or just some hunger strike and mass volume of people causing the British to simply walk away in disgust?

Believe me. Indians are terrified of what may come. Hence, they bark loudest.

We see it on Twitter every week. Some bhakyt is all bravado until they get reported to Emirati police or some pedo hunter nabs them - suddenly the hands join together and the begging starts.

Do Indians on pdf not think we're onto these traits of yours?

Trust me - a well aimed and well timed kick and the house of cards will collapse.
India is being under pressure. Its more like a damage controle they piss everyone off by implement 370. They want Pak to accept cuz they are not in position to change it.
They might have reached to Pak manytimes to help india by calm down situation between china and them.
Its in their mouth they cant swollow or throw it..
Nope. That ship has sailed. The snakes cannot be trusted with status quos any more. Freedom for Kashmir, hard border with India,drones, guard towers, keep them out.

Focus should be on dismantling their surveilance capability and counter-infiltration grid along the LOC, i.e. punch holes through their defenses.

@Ghost 125
India is living in denial and delusion. Sanity does not exist in the circles of BJP. Their hawkish attitude and hatred towards Pakistan will preclude them from making any wise judgment and decision. The world already knows that India is on the wrong side of history, but that’s not the issue; the issue is, how long can you sustain such a status? Something must be giving, you don’t know it, and that’s too bad! Hint: Pakistan is neither Palestine nor Syria nor Iraq nor BD nor Bhutan nor Nepal nor Afghanistan nor Iran nor Sri Lanka.
India will realize that it cannot have another state defaming it on every international forum. India will soon see its repercussions on the economic front. If it doesn’t, Pakistan and Imran Khan will make that the hypocrisy of those countries supporting India will be out there for everyone to see.
Pakistan sets five preconditions for resumption of talks with India

Kashmiris remain the rightful principal party in the dispute, says SAPM Moeed Yusuf

Kamran Yousaf
October 13, 2020


Moeed Yusuf.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday set five pre-conditions for the resumption of “meaningful dialogue" with India to resolve all outstanding issues including the longstanding Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) dispute.

In an interview to Indian journalist Karan Thapar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security Dr Moeed Yousaf said that Pakistan desired peaceful ties with India and wanted to resolve all issues through dialogue.

However, he asserted that for any meaningful dialogue to take place between the two neighbours, India has to release all political prisoners in Kashmir, end inhuman blockade and restrictions, rescind domicile law that allows non-Kashmiris to settle in the disputed territory, stop human rights abuses and end state terrorism in Pakistan.

On August 5, 2019, New Delhi had revoked Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian Constitution that gave Kashmir a special status. Pakistan condemned the move and termed it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements that sought to maintain status quo till the final settlement.
The PM special assistant also spoke about Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing’s (RAW's), involvement in terrorism in Pakistan.

“Pakistan had evidence that the mastermind of December 2014 APS terrorist attack in Peshawar was in contact with RAW,” he said.

The SAPM added that India used its missions in one of the neighbouring countries of Pakistan to facilitate and sponsor terrorist attack at a five-star Hotel in Gwadar, Chinese Consulate in Karachi and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

“India spent $1 million to ensure the merger of different TTP factions in Afghanistan,” he added.

Moeed added Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted a peaceful neighbourhood but India's expansionist and Hindutva policies were the main hurdles in the way of peace.

According to a statement issued by the foreign office, he reiterated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance that if India took one step forward, Pakistan would take two steps forward.

Dr Yusuf also emphasised that Kashmiris remain the principal party in the dispute according to Pakistan and their wishes and aspirations should be addressed in any dialogue.

Drawing a contrast between Pakistan and India, the PM’s aide said that the Pakistani government was dedicated to pursuing economic security and connectivity for the prosperity of Pakistan and the region, but policy makers in New Delhi remained blind sighted by Hindutva ideology. He said India had lost the neighbourhood because of the expansionist policies of the BJP government, while Pakistan was pursuing peace in its neighbourhood.

Responding to Indian allegations about terrorism, Dr Yusuf said that Pakistan had facilitated investigations in all cases pending in courts but India was delaying the investigations by not providing evidence in the case. He said not finding a resolution to terror cases helped India in its false narrative of terrorism. Dr Yusuf called out India for being unable to bring the perpetrators of the Samjhuta and Babri Masjid cases , Malegaon blast case and others to justice while it accused Pakistan of delays which spoke to double standards.

Indian support for terrorism

Taking an aggressive approach towards Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, the SAPM revealed new details about millions of dollars in payments made to TTP leadership by RAW officer through Indian Embassy funds. He said Pakistan knew the names and ranks of officers in touch with terror leadership and would soon reveal Indian activities to the world through a detailed dossier based on lengthy investigations. He also revealed that India had financed anti-Pakistan terrorist groups and supported their merger with the TTP earlier this year.

‘Kashmiris principal party’

Debunking latest propaganda by India on Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir issue, Dr Yusuf said Pakistan stood by UNSC resolutions as the way forward for resolving the dispute and fulfilling the aspirations of over eight million Kashmiris. He said Indian propaganda would not shake the principled stance of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue.

The SAPM said that Prime Minister Imran had directed his office to open space for the government in the region and find solutions to lingering problems, but his counterpart in India was pursuing an opposite direction.

He highlighted that Pakistan stands for peace and would welcome any dialogue with India if the lives of Kashmiris in IIOJK were normalised, Kashmiris were recognised as the rightful principal party in any dialogue, and India stopped sponsoring terrorism against Pakistan. He also pointed to Pakistan’s response on February 27, 2019 and warned that any misadventure from India would result in an equally swift response from Pakistan.

Does anyone know who this Malik Faridoon is ? Who india treated?
10 months old news being recycled, and portrayed as if its recent development.

What India offered was .. accept what has happened and move on... Pakistan said no and that was it.
Lolx the interview is fresh and even know India has been trying as per Moeed Yusuf but Pakistans stance is we will talk but if india is serious not just a topi drama to show the world
Not my country or military but if I was India I think what is the point of talking. They hate us. Under threat of a two front war you destroy/remove the weaker of the two threats in a massive attack.
Once China entered the dispute India was left with an unwinnable war. The way to change unwinnable to winnable it so eliminate one front and threat.
As if it was so easy 🤣😆... wars go on for decades you of all people should know that... *cough* Tali *Cough*
Is this a joke? Karan Thapar is an irrelevant journalist. He is pretty anti-Modi. How does his interview construe as a request from Indian government? India couldn't care less about the talks.
Lmao ashke teri thinking pe 😆😆😆

Karan Thapars interview doesn't construe as a request... Moeed Yusuf himself said India sent a message for talks but didn't disclose what route india took for the message to be sent and he also said that if he discloses it you would be embarrassed 😁

And Karan Thapar is irrelevant it should have been arnab sawami tab maza ata indians ko 🤣

That's what was Moeeds point aswell india isn't sincere in holding talks it just wants a fake curtain to show "sab changa si"
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Dawn.com | Naveed Siddiqui Updated 13 Oct 2020
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Screengrab shows SAPM on National Security Moeed Yusuf in a virtual interview with Indian journalist Karan Thapar. — Courtesy YouTube

Screengrab shows SAPM on National Security Moeed Yusuf in a virtual interview with Indian journalist Karan Thapar. — Courtesy YouTube
Prime minister's aide Dr Moeed Yusuf on Tuesday said that Pakistan was ready to hold talks with India, provided Kashmir was included as a third party.
In an interview with Indian media outlet The Wire, Yusuf revealed that India had expressed a "desire for conversation" but said that Pakistan's agreement to talks would be conditional. The conditions include the immediate release of occupied Kashmir's political prisoners, lifting of the heavy military siege from the territory, reversal of New Delhi's decision to strip the region of its special status, ending human rights violations in the valley and a stop to India's state-sponsored terrorism against Pakistan.
This is the first time a Pakistani government official has given an interview to an Indian news outlet since India repealed occupied Kashmir's special status last year. Indian journalist Karan Thapar interviewed the premier's special assistant virtually.
The interview started with last year's decision by the Indian government to strip occupied Kashmir of its special status, with Thapar asking why Pakistan was "so worked up" on the issue which, the journalist said, was India's "internal" matter.
The SAPM, however, said that the Indian Muslims did not want to be "ruled by India". He quoted Kashmiri leader Farooq Abdullah, who during an interview with Thapar had said that Kashmiris living in the occupied territory "would much rather be ruled by Chinese" than India.
Yusuf further said that the world was "calling India out" over its actions in occupied Kashmir.
"That's the reality. Kashmiris can't bear the thought of being Indian. Kashmiris hate Hindustan," he told Thapar. He further said that while India had "never obeyed" the UN charter and resolutions, it had now "formally stated [that] you're going to violate them".
He regretted that India had chosen to take a "unilateral" decision bypassing the United Nations Security Council resolutions, as well as the bilateral Simla Agreement, signed between New Delhi and Islamabad.
"When you did something unilateral you had to bring in a 180,000 troops, lie to the world that there was a terrorist threat and then Indian government perpetrated terrorism on August 5. And a year later, you had to impose curfew.
"When you say that the wishes of the people don't matter, that's where you go wrong."
"The day India recognises that only the wishes of people of Kashmir matter, this issue can be resolved," Yusuf told Thapar.
The premier's aide explained that while Pakistan had never recognised the now scraped Article 370 of the Indian constitution, adding that Islamabad was "raising the issue [of the Article being repealed] because you (India) have formally gone outside the UN charter and resolutions by making a permanent change to a territory I rightfully claim as mine".
In response to a question, Yusuf said "no decision has been made" regarding granting Gilgit Baltistan a provincial status but added that the matter was the subject of "public debate".
"If it was so confirmed and so done, where is the act?" Yusuf said when asked if Pakistan had granted provincial status to GB and if such a step would be a contradiction to Islamabad's opposition to New Delhi's decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Indian constitution.
"One: no decision has been made. Two: there is a public debate. The public debate has not been generated by the government of Pakistan. It's been generated by the people of Gilgit Baltistan. They have been saying this for two or three years now. What are they saying? 'We want to be fully integrated with Pakistan.'
"Now you tell me Karan, if a people is not treated well, would they ever want that? I've never heard the Kashmiri Muslims talk about this in the occupied territory," Yusuf said.
He further said that Pakistan's decision would be in line with the resolutions passed by the UNSC.
"If the resolutions bar permanent change of territorial status, there will be no permanent change," Yusuf stated, adding that the matter was being debated in Pakistan since "this is how democratic societies" work.
"Democratic societies, by the way, do not bring in 180,000 troops to change the status of a territory. That's the difference between Pakistan and India right now," Yusuf said, referring to heavy Indian military deployment in occupied Kashmir since August 2019.
He agreed with Thapar that GB was a disputed territory, saying that the region would be included in the plebiscite "the day [it] happens".
He further said that India had left Pakistan with no choice but to speak out on the Kashmir issue on a global stage as the former had repeatedly rejected Islamabad's offers for talks.
On the way forward for Pakistan-India ties, Yusuf said the two countries "need to sit down like adults" and talk about the two fundamental issues affecting their ties — Kashmir and terrorism.
"There has to be an enabling environment to talk. Create that and you will find us willing the next day. Take that one step [and] you will see my prime minister take two," he said, addressing the Indian leadership.
Uighurs a 'non-issue'
When asked why PM Imran had never raised his voice for the Uighur community in China that was being persecuted by the Chinese government, the SAPM said: "China and Pakistan are friends like no other. We have a completely transparent relationship; virtually everything under the sky, we discuss.
"Uighurs is a non-issue [...] Our delegations have visited, we've seen and we are a 100 per cent satisfied that it's a non-issue. The West can say what it wants. I am telling you as a responsible official: we know everything we need to know about the Uighurs and everything else in China as they do about us."
Thapar quoted an interview PM Imran gave to the Financial Times last year, where the premier had said: "Frankly, I don't know much about" the Uighur issue. Yusuf, however, continued to insist that the matter was a non-issue and said that he had briefed the prime minister about it.
Consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav
Yusuf also discussed the case of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was convicted by a military court in 2017.
He told Thapar that the Pakistani government had granted India consular access to Jadhav as per the International Court of Justice's verdict but that the Indian government was "dragging its feet" over the matter of appointing a legal representative.
He further said that Pakistan had complied with the ICJ verdict and lamented that court proceedings could not be started because India has yet to appoint a lawyer to get relevant documents. He told Thapar that the Pakistani government was waiting for India to accept Pakistan's offer for a third consular access.
'One-sided narrative'
While responding to a question regarding New Delhi's allegations that Pakistan sponsors terrorism in India, Yusuf said that the Indian side had pushed a "one-sided narrative for at least two decades" since 9/11 attacks.
The premier's aide said that in 2019, more than a billion US dollars from the Indian embassy funds had been used for the merger of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan with other terrorist outfits.
"Congratulations to the RAW. They have succeeded in creating an organisation to kill Pakistanis," he said.
He further said that Malik Fareedoun, a mastermind of the Army Public School massacre in Peshawar, was in touch with handlers at the Indian consulate in Afghanistan. The terrorist was also treated at a New Delhi hospital in 2017, Yusuf added. The premier's assistant said that the government had records of phone calls, phone numbers of people who orchestrated the APS attack from a third country.
Yusuf said that Islamabad has "evidence to a T" that India was sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan, adding that the Indian government was "using Afghanistan's" territory in its schemes.
He went on to reveal that Aslam Achoo, a Balochistan Liberation Army terrorist, who was involved in an attack on the Chinese embassy in Karachi, was also "directly working with his RAW handlers" and was also treated at an Indian hospital later.
He said that Pakistan had collected "hard evidence" regarding Indian involvement in terror attacks instead of making them public at a premature stage.
When asked about Indian allegations that Mumbai attacks were sponsored from Pakistan's territory, he said that Islamabad had pursued the case but India refused to grant access to the crime scene or to send its witnesses.
"We have to follow the course of law and India is not cooperating in the evidence it needs to provide. Get the witnesses over, provide the evidence," he said about cases concerning attacks in India.
"Any Pakistani [or] any Indian involved in any violence must face justice. Please play your part and we'll get this done."
That so called special status was a joke, it was a source of income for the political families ruling here in kashmir.

Look who’s talking, it was pakistan that started offensive against t@liban under US Pressure and now when the same taliban is targetting pakistan, you blame it to India, the only proof you have is Kulbhushan Jadhav whom you kidnapped from Chabahar.
Lolx Kashmiris feel contrary to your claim on special status... even pro indian Kashmiris are against india now ever wondered why ?

And see the interview and you'll know whats the difference between both Pakistan and India... Unlike India who 5 minutes after terrorist attacks start saying "Pakistan Pakistan "... Pakistan took months if not years to do though investigation into all the attacks... 2014 attack,Both karachi attacks and Gawadar attack all were done by backing of india and Moeed Yusuf said in coming months proves will be shown...

And Pakistan started its anti terror ops on its own and forced TTP into Afghanistan... and TTP has been targeting Pakistan before and was almost dead until india revived it and as per Moeeds claim india spent $1 mil to merge 4 other groups into TTP... so why shall we not blame india when we can now prove it ?

And Kalbushan Yadav was kidnapped from Chabahar ? :rofl::rofl:

Why didn't you ask you iranian friends to speak up for you? Why is there no FIR filed in Iran regarding his kidnapping?

Secondly why was Kalbushan carrying an indian issued false identity by the name of Hussain Mubarak Patel?
There are two issues for that. For one, that'll be political suicide for BJP if it rolls back the decision, not only it'll alienate Ladakh UT, it'll also affect the Jammu politics and it's own politics. While Kashmir more or less remains tensed.

Secondly, rolling it back for talks will give unnecessary leverage for Pakistan in Kashmir politics, the art 370 was never an India-Pak issue, to begin with, the article has been diluted even before last year. Art 370 was simply a move to keep the Kashmiri politicians be in good terms with the Central government and provide some autonomy in deciding its subjects.

If Pakistan asks for reinstating art 370 as a pre-requisite, the talks if any will stall. Besides, this is old news, like 10 months old, I wonder why your government shares it with you now.
Nope its recent news not the old news as told by Moeed Yusuf in interview
The day pravin sawhney starts talking something positive about India he will be labeled as RETARDED, INDIOT by these very PDF kids.....
He does talk positively about india and he also talks without selling fake nationalism
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India is not Interested in talk at all. It has been confirmed by India many times. If any talk happens by chance, it will be on India's terms only. I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.
I could barely watch the interview. This Karan guy interrupted him on almost all of his sentences lol

No talks with this disaster of a nation. Simply state repeatedly over and over again:

"All options are on the table. We have communicated our demands through appropriate channels which I cannot disclose here. The ball is in India's court". That sends a message to India that we are itching for war but (and this is the bit we communicate through private conversations) we will accept your complete withdrawal from occupied J & K and full reparations for the genocide of Jammu Muslims to their closest living descendants. At the same time, the public statement above imparts a mature, statesman-like confidence and oozes diplomatic prowess and control of the situation, without coming across as a warmonger. Lastly, the above statement demonstrates a desire to not reveal one's complete hand at the earliest opportunity, hence maintaining an advantage over an uncertain enemy.

Some of our spokespersons need proper training.

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