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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

India wants status quo so doesn't need to talk, if Pakistan is the only factor here. Probably pressure from USA/quad to settle with Pakistan and focus on China.
Due to Corona Indian economy badly hit . Almost 30 percent increase in poverty. Trade is dead slow. US shutdown all type of visa. Pakistani economy also badly hit due to Corona, but India has worst hit.
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Pakistan sets five preconditions for resumption of talks with India

Kashmiris remain the rightful principal party in the dispute, says SAPM Moeed Yusuf

Kamran Yousaf
October 13, 2020


Moeed Yusuf.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday set five pre-conditions for the resumption of “meaningful dialogue" with India to resolve all outstanding issues including the longstanding Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) dispute.

In an interview to Indian journalist Karan Thapar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security Dr Moeed Yousaf said that Pakistan desired peaceful ties with India and wanted to resolve all issues through dialogue.

However, he asserted that for any meaningful dialogue to take place between the two neighbours, India has to release all political prisoners in Kashmir, end inhuman blockade and restrictions, rescind domicile law that allows non-Kashmiris to settle in the disputed territory, stop human rights abuses and end state terrorism in Pakistan.

On August 5, 2019, New Delhi had revoked Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian Constitution that gave Kashmir a special status. Pakistan condemned the move and termed it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements that sought to maintain status quo till the final settlement.
The PM special assistant also spoke about Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing’s (RAW's), involvement in terrorism in Pakistan.

“Pakistan had evidence that the mastermind of December 2014 APS terrorist attack in Peshawar was in contact with RAW,” he said.

The SAPM added that India used its missions in one of the neighbouring countries of Pakistan to facilitate and sponsor terrorist attack at a five-star Hotel in Gwadar, Chinese Consulate in Karachi and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

“India spent $1 million to ensure the merger of different TTP factions in Afghanistan,” he added.

Moeed added Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted a peaceful neighbourhood but India's expansionist and Hindutva policies were the main hurdles in the way of peace.

According to a statement issued by the foreign office, he reiterated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance that if India took one step forward, Pakistan would take two steps forward.

Dr Yusuf also emphasised that Kashmiris remain the principal party in the dispute according to Pakistan and their wishes and aspirations should be addressed in any dialogue.

Drawing a contrast between Pakistan and India, the PM’s aide said that the Pakistani government was dedicated to pursuing economic security and connectivity for the prosperity of Pakistan and the region, but policy makers in New Delhi remained blind sighted by Hindutva ideology. He said India had lost the neighbourhood because of the expansionist policies of the BJP government, while Pakistan was pursuing peace in its neighbourhood.

Responding to Indian allegations about terrorism, Dr Yusuf said that Pakistan had facilitated investigations in all cases pending in courts but India was delaying the investigations by not providing evidence in the case. He said not finding a resolution to terror cases helped India in its false narrative of terrorism. Dr Yusuf called out India for being unable to bring the perpetrators of the Samjhuta and Babri Masjid cases , Malegaon blast case and others to justice while it accused Pakistan of delays which spoke to double standards.

Indian support for terrorism

Taking an aggressive approach towards Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, the SAPM revealed new details about millions of dollars in payments made to TTP leadership by RAW officer through Indian Embassy funds. He said Pakistan knew the names and ranks of officers in touch with terror leadership and would soon reveal Indian activities to the world through a detailed dossier based on lengthy investigations. He also revealed that India had financed anti-Pakistan terrorist groups and supported their merger with the TTP earlier this year.

‘Kashmiris principal party’

Debunking latest propaganda by India on Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir issue, Dr Yusuf said Pakistan stood by UNSC resolutions as the way forward for resolving the dispute and fulfilling the aspirations of over eight million Kashmiris. He said Indian propaganda would not shake the principled stance of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue.

The SAPM said that Prime Minister Imran had directed his office to open space for the government in the region and find solutions to lingering problems, but his counterpart in India was pursuing an opposite direction.

He highlighted that Pakistan stands for peace and would welcome any dialogue with India if the lives of Kashmiris in IIOJK were normalised, Kashmiris were recognised as the rightful principal party in any dialogue, and India stopped sponsoring terrorism against Pakistan. He also pointed to Pakistan’s response on February 27, 2019 and warned that any misadventure from India would result in an equally swift response from Pakistan.

India is not desperate it just wants to show the world business as usual. If Pakistan accepts Indian offer without resetting of Kashmir special status it will be a technically a diplomatic loss for Pakistan and worst hit for Kashmir cause.
However, he asserted that for any meaningful dialogue to take place between the two neighbours, India has to release all political prisoners in Kashmir, end inhuman blockade and restrictions, rescind domicile law that allows non-Kashmiris to settle in the disputed territory, stop human rights abuses and end state terrorism in Pakistan.
When was the last time anyone of us saw this? Did any Mard-e-Momin before took such a clear line with India? Anyone?
Indian sponsored terrorism was a taboo never spoken off anywhere within the Pakistani diplomatic circle yet alone taking it to the world stage and putting it bluntly as a precondition in front of India.
In fact this was the very opposite and it was India that use to use this line as a precondition for talks with Pakistan. How the times have changed and than people say Kashmir slipped away under Khan government.
10 months old news being recycled, and portrayed as if its recent development.

What India offered was .. accept what has happened and move on... Pakistan said no and that was it.
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Not my country or military but if I was India I think what is the point of talking. They hate us. Under threat of a two front war you destroy/remove the weaker of the two threats in a massive attack.
Once China entered the dispute India was left with an unwinnable war. The way to change unwinnable to winnable it so eliminate one front and threat.
APS mastermind was in touch with an Indian consulate during attack: Moeed Yusuf
October 13, 2020


Prime Minister's adviser on national security, Moeed Yusuf said Tuesday that Pakistan had proof that the Army Public School massacre's mastermind was in contact with an Indian consulate during the attack.

In an interview to veteran Indian journalist Karan Thapar for The Wire (which will be live at 5:00pm IST on their website), Yusuf said that Pakistan has proof of India's ties to terrorism.

This was the first interview by any Pakistani government official to Indian media after India's illegal attempt to annex occupied Kashmir by revoking Article 370 of the Indian constitution.

Holding India responsible for terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Yusuf said that New Delhi had used a consulate "in a neighbouring country" to launch attacks on a five-star hotel in Gwadar, the Chinese consulate in Karachi and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

He further said that India recently spent $1 million to merge the Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan (TTP) and four other terrorist organisations in Afghanistan under the supervision of RAW officials.

Yusuf said that Aslam alias Achu, a militant involved in the attack on the Chinese consulate, had undergone treatment at a hospital in New Delhi, which was proof of India's involvement in the matter.

He told Thapar that the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan was using think-tanks as a front to funnel money to terrorists in Balochistan.

The national security adviser also said that Pakistan had evidence that the mastermind of the APS massacre was in contact with an Indian consulate and that he had the phone number of the handler as well.

"We have evidence to the T," he was quoted as saying by The Wire.

India sent message expressing desire for talks: Yusuf

During the interview, the national security adviser said that Pakistan had "received a message for a desire for conversation."

According to The Wire, he refused to divulge more details regarding the matter but said that Kashmiris must be a third party in any dialogue between India and Pakistan concerning the issue.

Yusuf also said that Pakistan was willing to discuss terrorism but stressed on diplomacy between the two sides.

"We must sit down like adults," he was quoted as saying.

He said that Pakistan stands for peace and the country wants to move forward.

However, he made it clear that there were at least two preconditions to any talks with India and they were: a) the end of the military siege in occupied Kashmir, and b) the reversal of the domicile law.

The other pre-conditions were that India should stop state terrorism against Pakistan and put a stop to the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

According to The Wire, Yusuf spoke about Indian agent Kulbhushan Jadhav during the course of the interview and said that the RAW agent "has been caught with his pants down".

Yusuf denied Indian allegations during the interview that Pakistan did not grant unimpeded and unconditional consular access to New Delhi.

Talking about the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the Pakistani national security adviser did not mince words in blaming India for the culprits not being punished severely, saying that India was, “deliberately delaying sending evidence and witnesses” as it wanted to use the issue to embarrass Pakistan in front of the world.
Pakistan sets five preconditions for resumption of talks with India

Kashmiris remain the rightful principal party in the dispute, says SAPM Moeed Yusuf

Kamran Yousaf
October 13, 2020


Moeed Yusuf.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday set five pre-conditions for the resumption of “meaningful dialogue" with India to resolve all outstanding issues including the longstanding Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) dispute.

In an interview to Indian journalist Karan Thapar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security Dr Moeed Yousaf said that Pakistan desired peaceful ties with India and wanted to resolve all issues through dialogue.

However, he asserted that for any meaningful dialogue to take place between the two neighbours, India has to release all political prisoners in Kashmir, end inhuman blockade and restrictions, rescind domicile law that allows non-Kashmiris to settle in the disputed territory, stop human rights abuses and end state terrorism in Pakistan.

On August 5, 2019, New Delhi had revoked Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian Constitution that gave Kashmir a special status. Pakistan condemned the move and termed it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements that sought to maintain status quo till the final settlement.
The PM special assistant also spoke about Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing’s (RAW's), involvement in terrorism in Pakistan.

“Pakistan had evidence that the mastermind of December 2014 APS terrorist attack in Peshawar was in contact with RAW,” he said.

The SAPM added that India used its missions in one of the neighbouring countries of Pakistan to facilitate and sponsor terrorist attack at a five-star Hotel in Gwadar, Chinese Consulate in Karachi and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

“India spent $1 million to ensure the merger of different TTP factions in Afghanistan,” he added.

Moeed added Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted a peaceful neighbourhood but India's expansionist and Hindutva policies were the main hurdles in the way of peace.

According to a statement issued by the foreign office, he reiterated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance that if India took one step forward, Pakistan would take two steps forward.

Dr Yusuf also emphasised that Kashmiris remain the principal party in the dispute according to Pakistan and their wishes and aspirations should be addressed in any dialogue.

Drawing a contrast between Pakistan and India, the PM’s aide said that the Pakistani government was dedicated to pursuing economic security and connectivity for the prosperity of Pakistan and the region, but policy makers in New Delhi remained blind sighted by Hindutva ideology. He said India had lost the neighbourhood because of the expansionist policies of the BJP government, while Pakistan was pursuing peace in its neighbourhood.

Responding to Indian allegations about terrorism, Dr Yusuf said that Pakistan had facilitated investigations in all cases pending in courts but India was delaying the investigations by not providing evidence in the case. He said not finding a resolution to terror cases helped India in its false narrative of terrorism. Dr Yusuf called out India for being unable to bring the perpetrators of the Samjhuta and Babri Masjid cases , Malegaon blast case and others to justice while it accused Pakistan of delays which spoke to double standards.

Indian support for terrorism

Taking an aggressive approach towards Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, the SAPM revealed new details about millions of dollars in payments made to TTP leadership by RAW officer through Indian Embassy funds. He said Pakistan knew the names and ranks of officers in touch with terror leadership and would soon reveal Indian activities to the world through a detailed dossier based on lengthy investigations. He also revealed that India had financed anti-Pakistan terrorist groups and supported their merger with the TTP earlier this year.

‘Kashmiris principal party’

Debunking latest propaganda by India on Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir issue, Dr Yusuf said Pakistan stood by UNSC resolutions as the way forward for resolving the dispute and fulfilling the aspirations of over eight million Kashmiris. He said Indian propaganda would not shake the principled stance of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue.

The SAPM said that Prime Minister Imran had directed his office to open space for the government in the region and find solutions to lingering problems, but his counterpart in India was pursuing an opposite direction.

He highlighted that Pakistan stands for peace and would welcome any dialogue with India if the lives of Kashmiris in IIOJK were normalised, Kashmiris were recognised as the rightful principal party in any dialogue, and India stopped sponsoring terrorism against Pakistan. He also pointed to Pakistan’s response on February 27, 2019 and warned that any misadventure from India would result in an equally swift response from Pakistan.

Is this a joke? Karan Thapar is an irrelevant journalist. He is pretty anti-Modi. How does his interview construe as a request from Indian government? India couldn't care less about the talks.
Returning the status quo of J&K should be a basic prerequisite for talks. But it is a positive step if dialogue is established, we had made many attempts before August 2019 to talk but found no mood for it in India.
Nope. That ship has sailed. The snakes cannot be trusted with status quos any more. Freedom for Kashmir, hard border with India,drones, guard towers, keep them out.
India is not desperate it just wants to show the world business as usual. If Pakistan accepts Indian offer without resetting of Kashmir special status it will be a technically a diplomatic loss for Pakistan and worst hit for Kashmir cause.
That so called special status was a joke, it was a source of income for the political families ruling here in kashmir.
We don't talk or negotiate with terrorist nations.
No sense in talking with a country which is completely taken over by a evil hateful extremist ideology.
Look who’s talking, it was pakistan that started offensive against t@liban under US Pressure and now when the same taliban is targetting pakistan, you blame it to India, the only proof you have is Kulbhushan Jadhav whom you kidnapped from Chabahar.
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