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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

Diplomatic victory of Pakistan:pakistan:

There are no winners only both are losers as both countries have to spend more on the arm purchases and poor of both countries have to pay the price for it. Only winners in this game are other countries who are selling weapons to both countries. India can shine as much as she like where sun shine does reaches or Pakistan can shout as much we like at the end of the day sorting out the Kashmir problem with the consent of Kashmiri's will be the only issue which will make them both winners. Both countries forget we are still neighbours and we share a long border like we have got a long history together.
So the Indian posters are trying to save face by saying the offer is old.

They think we are all dumb, this is the same India who said no talks with Pakistan until terror ends, now after getting nose bleed from Pakistan in feb2019 and than humiliation by Chinese , India is begging for dialogue.

Do they have any shame??? I don't think so.
Karan keeps interrupting , so annoying.

However clearly Pakistan's body language is much stronger, no more defensiveness , aggressive approach.

Well done Moeed.

If Pakistan stays confident and aggressive against India, a lot can be achieved. Modi has made things easier for Pakistan by stupid blunders and PR stunts.
Nope. That ship has sailed. The snakes cannot be trusted with status quos any more. Freedom for Kashmir, hard border with India,drones, guard towers, keep them out.

So you suggest no dialogue? What will you achieve by that?
Not my country or military but if I was India I think what is the point of talking. They hate us. Under threat of a two front war you destroy/remove the weaker of the two threats in a massive attack.
Once China entered the dispute India was left with an unwinnable war. The way to change unwinnable to winnable it so eliminate one front and threat.

Do you even understand the basics of military power and projection? You think Pakistan is weak? Lost your marbles?

Pakistan has already pummelled India by the use of conventional force on 27th feb 2019. Not even talking about non conventional might here. If push comes to shove, there will no India on the face of the earth , and we are only talking about Pakistan-India war here without China coming into equation.

Now you can get back to the topic under discussion.
Returning the status quo of J&K should be a basic prerequisite for talks. But it is a positive step if dialogue is established, we had made many attempts before August 2019 to talk but found no mood for it in India.
There are two issues for that. For one, that'll be political suicide for BJP if it rolls back the decision, not only it'll alienate Ladakh UT, it'll also affect the Jammu politics and it's own politics. While Kashmir more or less remains tensed.

Secondly, rolling it back for talks will give unnecessary leverage for Pakistan in Kashmir politics, the art 370 was never an India-Pak issue, to begin with, the article has been diluted even before last year. Art 370 was simply a move to keep the Kashmiri politicians be in good terms with the Central government and provide some autonomy in deciding its subjects.

If Pakistan asks for reinstating art 370 as a pre-requisite, the talks if any will stall. Besides, this is old news, like 10 months old, I wonder why your government shares it with you now.
This changes nothing for Pakistan and can even be considered a victory lap by India.

India wants to keep status quo so if Pak talks with them we have accepted this. It's not just about Kashmir status but also the subjugation and humiliation of Muslims in the rest of India.

The secular constitution of India is effectively dead. Just last week Assam which has largest Muslim minority among larger states (34%) has announced closure of all 600 government madrassas which have been operating starting way back in 1780. On the other hand the 100 Sanskrit tols started in 1957, and after saying they will close these as well the state is no longer committed to it (no doubt due to pressure from BJP bosses in Delhi). Once the public madrassas are closed the private madrassas will be targeted next, likely based on the pretext of illegal source of funds.

If a state with 1/3 Muslim population can abandon Islamic education and face no backlash, what chance do smaller number of Muslims in the rest of India have to fight back?
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So you suggest no dialogue? What will you achieve by that?

What has dialogue achieved? Please answer this. Then you will understand why "no dialogue" is the better option.

Never mind "dialogue". Outright subservient acquiescence and acceptance of the Delhi narrative has achieved nothing for Kashmiris. The Abdullah clan is the most disillusioned and demoralised family in India, scratching at India's other main enemy, China, for moral support even. If licking the boots of the stubborn and idiotic occupier achieves nothing, how can some sort of "negotiation" or "barter" hope to do so?

There is no option for dialogue, now that the real Hindustan has revealed its cards. Delhi demands subservience to a brahminist Aryan supremacist regime and the erasure of Muslim legacy in the subcontinent. There is no negotiating with that business model.
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