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India ranks 141 of 162 countries in peace index, even lower than Sri Lanka

it was a useless Indian who was getting some solace in comparing with us not otherway round

dosnt matter to me at all neither i commented on that. Seems the most modern state people are having some inferiority complex thats why were dragging Pakistan here :)

because as they say keep an eye on your friends but keep a very keen eye on your enemies :smitten:
and I bet Somalia, Congo, and Haiti and respectfully top 3? Another idiotic list courtesy of America. I am tempted to make my own under an official guise "Top 50 War-Mongering nations" and label America NO1 on all counts.
and I bet Somalia, Congo, and Haiti and respectfully top 3? Another idiotic list courtesy of America. I am tempted to make my own under an official guise "Top 50 War-Mongering nations" and label America NO1 on all counts.

so what still it was the same USA your veru own field marshell adressed as Friends not Master who gave you civil and millitarry aid like patton tanks and sabers in 1960s , and F16s in 1980 and gave a huge boost to your navy in 80s now till they were giving you money and wepons withowt any questions asked they were good but when they asked for the payback suddenli they are the war mongers my advice to you is make a list for the nations who fights others war for AID and please tell me where will u put land of the pure on that list :cheers:
and I bet Somalia, Congo, and Haiti and respectfully top 3? Another idiotic list courtesy of America. I am tempted to make my own under an official guise "Top 50 War-Mongering nations" and label America NO1 on all counts.

US itself is at 99 while Haiti is at 92 and Congo at 107 while you are correct about Somalia which is at second position after Afghanistan.

Russia is at 155 while even NK is at 154.

dosnt matter to me at all neither i commented on that. Seems the most modern state people are having some inferiority complex thats why were dragging Pakistan here :)

I think it was you who was dragging India in that thread about sexual harassment of Pakistani cricketing girls by their board's 70 year old official.

So does that mean you have inferiority complex ??
When western press say one good thing about India, you are all over it. When its against India, its "western puppet agencies" your credibility is below zero.

We take what is good and leave what is bad ..... what is wrong in it..??
When western press say one good thing about India, you are all over it. When its against India, its "western puppet agencies" your credibility is below zero.

Oh. Again the India expert!

And your qualification to make such comments is?

When western press say one good thing about India, you are all over it. When its against India, its "western puppet agencies" your credibility is below zero.

See, we can make a lot of comments and generalizations about you Chin.

We don't do that while the pathetic 50 cents primitive brigade is obsessed with us.

That itself should tell you something.
India’s ranking was brought down by militarisation, conflicts and corruption

India ranks low at 141in this year’s Global Peace Index (GPI) that measured peace in 162 countries, according to 22 qualitative and quantitative indicators of the absence and fear of violence.

The major indicators that bring down India’s ranking are militarisation, domestic and international conflicts, and corruption.
However, despite an increase in military expenditure, India made positive gains in its level of peace after reductions in deaths from internal conflict and the level of perceived criminality in society, according to the 7th edition of the annual GPI released on Tuesday.
In the South Asian region, Sri Lanka is one notch above India at rank four while Bhutan is the most peaceful country. It is followed by Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, in that order.
Globally, a dramatic rise in the number of homicides and 59 more countries increasing their military expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product were the key drivers in making the world a less peaceful place, according to the 2013 GPI.
This year’s findings underline a six-year trend showing a deterioration of five per cent in global peace. In this time, 110 countries have seen their score deteriorate while only 48 became more peaceful. The economic impact of this five per cent loss in peace came at a cost to the global economy of $473 billion last year.
Rise in homicides
The sharp increase in the number of homicides — up eight per cent over the last year — can be almost entirely attributed to Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa with, for example, the homicide rate in Honduras further increasing by almost 10 per 100,000 people — becoming the highest in the world at 92 homicides per 100,000 people.
Steve Killelea, founder and Executive Chairman of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), said: “The migration of populations to urban areas in developing countries has been a key driver in the rise of homicides worldwide. This has also led to an increase in violent crime. It is essential for the police to gain the trust of those living in city slums; to achieve this, addressing police corruption would be a first important step.”
The overall deterioration of the military spending indicator in the GPI is primarily due to a large number of low-middle income countries, typically authoritarian regimes like Iran, Iraq, Oman, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan, Cote d’Ivoire and Democratic Republic of the Congo having increased their expenditure to more than seven per cent of GDP.
In contrast, some slight improvements were evident over the last year on the indicators of the likelihood of violent demonstrations and the Political Terror Scale, a measure of State-sponsored terror, with improvements in countries such as Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Zambia, and Tunisia.
Syria’s descent into civil war recorded the greatest score deterioration in the history of the Index. Additionally, many Middle Eastern and North African countries continue to be affected by the fallout from the Arab Spring with violent demonstrations and further political instability.
The data also revealed evidence of countries being able to make significant gains in peace. Libya, for example, experienced the greatest rise in peace as its newly elected government and recovering institutions were established following the turmoil of the recent revolution and civil war. North Africa also had more to celebrate as Sudan and Chad experienced the second and third most substantial gains as their respective conflicts eased.
Europe remains the most peaceful region comprising 13 of the top 20 countries, including Iceland, which continues to rank first. However, several high debt countries including Spain, Greece, France and Portugal experienced less peaceful conditions amid challenging economic circumstances during the last year.
This also reflects the six-year trend data, which shows that countries that suffer from recession decrease in peace at a greater rate than the rest of the world.

Hey genius where is the source link?
No link.

PM me the link and thread will re-open.
So india is not that peaceful as portrayed?....well good luck in going up the ladder....its pitty though ....i thought you guys were not fighting any WoT:what:

Yeah... I dont understand why things like corruption are taken into account (and everyone knows that India is pretty much the most corrupt country among the larger nations/economies) .... this ranking is nonsense in many aspects... Europeans seem to have a different definition of peace.
Hey genius where is the source link?

Oh ! the link is the only thing u missed in the thread?

here it is, :D

India ranks 141 of 162 countries in peace index, even lower than Sri Lanka | The Hindu

India's national Newspaper :D

Indias ranking improved from 142 last year to 141 this year.

BUT Pakistan's ranking fell to 157 this year from 149 last year.

Actually our ranking has dropped :(

so u mean war free india was more violent than SL with a war.............hmmm.............that says a lot!
Bull **** from the west ......
No relation, as usual some circus from western puppet agencies.
:D of course western puppet agencies. They always have other motives.
BS "report". One of the many that are churned out that have no resemblance to the reality.
So u mean western orgs like this are issuing wrong reports with wrong data….
Do not get carried away by these pathetic reports from the west, No body cares for them here in India.
Really? Or is it that u care for them when it suits u and ignore them when u don’t!
salaam jana ji dont mind ji but if india is ranked 142 or say 162 how does that matters at least we dont have to beg to USA and trade of owr soverinity for the sake of AID and IMF support to run owr nation indicaions are slowli but steadilly we are improving while lesser the said about the land of the pure
so jana ji who says there are rivers of honey and milk flowing in India but at least we are improving and if things go well we shal over come owr problems but you are going in reverse gear in every parametre of a modern nation state ....good luck
USA give aid to Pakistan because US needs PAK.
todays peaceful incident in srilanka, ranil wickremasinghe runs for life :(The Balapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman, a close confidant of a powerful UPFA parliamentarian from the area, is alleged to have led the attack)
Yeah, and we will punish him. And u mean u don’t have such incidents in india on a DAILY basis ALL over india.
We take what is good and leave what is bad ..... what is wrong in it..??
Ok, and don’t cry when the other countries do the same!
Yeah... I dont understand why things like corruption are taken into account (and everyone knows that India is pretty much the most corrupt country among the larger nations/economies) .... this ranking is nonsense in many aspects... Europeans seem to have a different definition of peace.
So u mean if corruption is NOT taken into account India would rank high? Seriously is india that corrupt?
@my TN 'friends ' here,

It seems ur place is a bit more ...er......violent come to our place :D I can assure u we dont assault people from neighbouring countries at rail way stations.....hey .....No NO ....dont come ..........we like clean roads.....:D
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