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India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

Well, only the U.S. and India could benefit from this incident. So I would keep a weary eye on India too. ^^
it is getting funnier by the day....if Indians are involved then it is a scary scenario----a navy base under attack succesful with help of insiders inside Pakistans navy.....we have insiders in Pakistans navy.....

however i dont believe this crap......this only shows that chinese papers too are full of crap and are similar to Pakistans ----just posting stuff without any crediblity....this also shows that the chinese are also just war mongering or trying to create a war situation between Pakistan and India so they can 1)turn India's attention from its economic development...2)earn money---sell wepons to Pakistan-china's largest defence export customer.....

now if you still arent satisfied here's a conspiracy theory......the two planes were not completely destroyed but this was a staged by Chinese and Pakistan navy(explains the inside help part) so that these planes can be shifted to China for reverse engineering.....
Well, only the U.S. and India could benefit from this incident. So I would keep a weary eye on India too. ^^

And China dint have to gain anythin??...come on mate aft this the PAK govt asked China to take control of Gwadar...and also mostlikely US wudnt sell the orions to Pak again cause of the relationship and Pak will obviously wanna need a replacement for it...so where do you think they ll look for the replacement??....If everybody wanna rely on conspiracy theory then people can come up with real crazy stuff!!
Yes why did they not kill the Chinese and instead go for the Orion?
And they cry about their 26/11 attack..............lol

We provided Proof for 26/11, and ur own govt accepted Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani...

@ Topic : First get some real proofs before blaming others....
now if you still arent satisfied here's a conspiracy theory......the two planes were not completely destroyed but this was a staged by Chinese and Pakistan navy(explains the inside help part) so that these planes can be shifted to China for reverse engineering.....

This remind me of this:

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Tonight, I robbed State Bank of Pakistan. Any news in Chinese..?:smokin:
How about this.. Pakistan planned this so that they lose their Orions so as to beg more money from US.. now who wants to believe it....?
Bro do you know we evacuate Chinese engineers in just 35 seconds.
Terrorists entered from the front doors (in numbers they are two),and we evacuated the engineers from back door.
the person who evacuated them gives his bullet proof jacket to Chinese who is in the front position.
Pajaro which is used for evacuation took the fire.

Our friendship and trust is very deep.Our enemy has to do alot of hard work to jeopardize that level of trust.
The loss of 2 Orions will only have 20% impact on Pakistan's marine survelliance capability. Doesnt make much sense for India to destry them.

As far as Chinese engineers are considered, well we all know how Chinese policies works for the rest of the world. so.....shhhhh...no comments
Bro do you know we evacuate Chinese engineers in just 35 seconds.
Terrorists entered from the front doors (in numbers they are two),and we evacuated the engineers from back door.
the person who evacuated them gives his bullet proof jacket to Chinese who is in the front position.
Pajaro which is used for evacuation took the fire.

Our friendship and trust is very deep.Our enemy has to do alot of hard work to jeopardize that level of trust.

Why didn't you save those 16 people in 35 seconds who were killed? Sounds like you love Chinese more than your own countrymen.. strange..
Why didn't you save those 16 people in 35 seconds who were killed? Sounds like you love Chinese more than your own countrymen.. strange..

That's non-sense.
Americans or Chinese dying inside that base would have been much more problematic for Pakistan then the navy personnel who died otherwise. International dimensions of an event are always more problematic.

Anyway, I don't think India would target Chinese or Americans inside Pakistan. Ultimately, these kinds of attacks are traced to their sources. We bloggers may not know what goes behind the scene--but a lot does. If Chinese were convinced that India killed its citizens then India's restive northeast--the Naxalite insurgency--would have become even more violent.
India is a soft state like Pakistan. Both are quite easy to target.
That's non-sense.
Americans or Chinese dying inside that base would have been much more problematic for Pakistan then the navy personnel who died otherwise. International dimensions of an event are always more problematic.

Anyway, I don't think India would target Chinese or Americans inside Pakistan. Ultimately, these kinds of attacks are traced to their sources. We bloggers may not know what goes behind the scene--but a lot does. If Chinese were convinced that India killed its citizens then India's restive northeast--the Naxalite insurgency--would have become even more violent.
India is a soft state like Pakistan. Both are quite easy to target.

Why is that you guys always think we are like you??...Does that make you feel good??..just because your country aint doingwell you assume even your neighbouring countries are like your country??..Why is that??..
In claiming responsibility, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the attack was part of their planned response to the death of the al-Qaida chief, and that Pakistan is the top target.

Islamist Militants Attack Pakistan Naval Base

& all such "Ahsanullah Ahsans" get funding, training & weapons from terrorist-india & murderer-Americans...

Proof has been presented many many times ,, all those demanding proof even now are plain blind...
& all such "Ahsanullah Ahsans" get funding, training & weapons from terrorist-india & murderer-Americans...

Proof has been presented many many times ,, all those demanding proof even now are plain blind...

Can you post a link for that??..BTW do you agree India has the capability to strike deep inside Pakistan??
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