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India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

definitely u can laugh...its fully free...but dont laugh at such silly statements......im sure can do better than that..dont laugh on such grapevine hoopla like india tries to kill chinese engineers..bla bla bla... trust me it looks bad
he laughed on the fact
plz post links from international media that blame india for this attack??? :coffee:

ill tell u ...the answer!!!!!there are no posts.....may ull get the link in alqaeda's magazine....or 313 brigade monthly newsletter...according to them
definitely u can laugh...its fully free...but dont laugh at such silly statements......im sure can do better than that..dont laugh on such grapevine hoopla like india tries to kill chinese engineers..bla bla bla... trust me it looks bad

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

Zarvan said Chinese would find that statement funny... and I did find it funny.

So I told Zarvan: "You're right buddy".

That's it. :azn: It is quite simple really.
Hey zarvan dude the operation was successful, and if it was carried on by us that means that we have added another feather in our cap what do you say lol.
ill tell u ...the answer!!!!!there are no posts.....may ull get the link in alqaeda's magazine....or 313 brigade monthly newsletter...according to them

or perhaps the Zaid Hamid Weekly magazine.............already 50 million subscibers in pakistan alone!!!:cheesy:
I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

Zarvan said Chinese would find that statement funny... and I did find it funny.

So I told Zarvan: "You're right buddy".

That's it. :azn: It is quite simple really.

no really im serious ...he said if india was involved and chinese were the targets they'd be dead.....seriously!!!!!!!!!!looking at the level of security in pns mehran it's not surprising at all...dont u think?????obviously he didnt mean that india's wud attack china...he meant attacking PN assets in pakistan..THEIR GUARD IS DOWN NOWADAYS U SEE!!!

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

Hey zarvan dude the operation was successful, and if it was carried on by us that means that we have added another feather in our cap what do you say lol.

Please stop. You are embarrassing Chinese members here. First of all, don't go off and start ranting ill-supported bullcrap as if you're the victim of a conspiracy of something, because you are not.

Second of all, my apologies to any Indian members here who were insulted by this.

Mate u seriously dont have to apologize...there are trolls everywhere..and everybody here knows how is Hong-wu...so its not a prob...i even doubt if he is Chinese. Just because of him nobody is goin to think low of any Chinese members. :cheers: Anyways i am happy you dont support people like Hong-wu. :yahoo:
or perhaps the Zaid Hamid Weekly magazine.............already 50 million subscibers in pakistan alone!!!:cheesy:

ha ha ..ya ya maybe this zaid hamid is milkin money out of warmongers and day dreamers..he shud be labelled pakistan's greatest entrepreneur :yahoo::yahoo::woot:
I dont get it...Pakistanis here are claiming India doesnt have capability to strike deep inside Pakistan ..and the same Pakistanis blame India for the Mehran op!!...LOL If you guys say India doesnt have capability to strike deep inside Pakistan than dont blame Mehran on us...but if you still wanna blame Mehran on us then agree we have the capability to strike deep inside Pakistan....Pick one. You guys are unbelievable.

To all the Pakistani members...if India was involved in the Mehran op...Then do you guys agree India has the capability to strike deep inside Pakistan??
I am merely saying that India is a soft state to target. There have been numerous terrorist and mob attacks inside India over last decade alone. That means the security setup has many holes. And, yes, that means, if China or Pakistan really want to start violence officially then you will see much worse kind of violence.

Does 'soft state' makes a state bad? I think not, in general.

Alrite mate ...but weren't you guys doing the same thing for this soft state from the time of independence?? Where are we now and where are you now??
and further more this is no fcuk up of the GOP...the gop is not responsible for this mess ur in...yes we may blame mr 10% for some troubles ur facing but the blame purely lies on the army ans isi top brass ...not the honorable soldier patrolling the borders day and night...the pak army top brass has poured acid into india's wound always

You would be the least person to pass a judgement on PA. I would request you to refrain from it.
It is becoming boring now..........try a new one..."Saleem Shahzad was killed by RAW agents as he was about to expose their roles in trouble in Pakistan".....O something extra ordinari....." Ilyas ZKashmiri, Masood Azhar, Omar sheikh are RAW agents"
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