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India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

We know it not from today but from long time that India is potential hub for terrorism & extremists trainings, there is only minor change has come that before they trained in India and now some camps shifted to Afghanistan with their extremists ally US/NATO.

World is not blind, they know it.
India was involved in PNS MEHRAN according to some cRAPPY Chinese Media and from neighbouring fanboys..Great stuff for out of mind Guys...Now come up with solid proof otherwise keep your mouth shut...:tdown:
do u really think the attack was done by indian's ...yes the attack's direct benefit has gone to india..beacuse of weakeni8ng of pak naval ability but if u have the slightest trust on us...even an aota then with firm conviction i can state that this is apropaganda of some religious bigots who want to save their b*** as their's is on fire from nato and US.india has got no link in this ..better hunt down the mehsuds and haqqani and fazlullah and the kashmiri's before it is too late
sir whole world knows India was behind it and don't worry about haqqanis they will be the first one to attack India
sir whole world knows India was behind it and don't worry about haqqanis they will be the first one to attack India

YES Every one knws who is behind it. Even one militant organization announced that they r responsible for attack, u came vd india did it, later india helped to that terrorist group now india tried to kill Chinese engineers, n what next :pop:.
We know it not from today but from long time that India is potential hub for terrorism & extremists trainings, there is only minor change has come that before they trained in India and now some camps shifted to Afghanistan with their extremists ally US/NATO.

World is not blind, they know it.

iv said this again and im saying it firm conviction .........if u really open ur mind to all the things happening around u..then ull know that who is getting paid wat for their nefarious activities over the years....10 years of butchering kashmiri pundits and murdering 60000 people in kashmir hasnt had even an aota effect on u all...most of the pak army brass laughed and mocked wen india bled..now its ur time mate..see the whole picture ...9/11 has really been a blessing in disguise....
YES Every one knws who is behind it. Even one militant organization announced that they r responsible for attack, u came vd india did it, later india helped to that terrorist group now india tried to kill Chinese engineers, n what next :pop:.
Sir for past 60 years you are trying to cause trouble in Pakistan thats not new
Every day new concepts, thats y i stopd watching movies. :coffee:
As per Saleem Shahzad's book, it was the Taliban who did it because the Pakistan Navy did not agree on releasing one of its top officer who was detained for interrogation because of his links with the Taliban.

And Saleem Shahzad has been killed!
sir whole world knows India was behind it and don't worry about haqqanis they will be the first one to attack India

nope id bet u have more worries than us......don't worry only time will tell wat is the fate of these 2 nations.......we shall all be alive to see the truth unfold.
the haqqani's shall be driven to the hell hole thy've come from i promise u....just like we did to all terrorists in kashmir
Sir for past 60 years you are trying to cause trouble in Pakistan thats not new

I could quote as to why it was essential to have an anti India hate in Pakistan, right from Independence.
Thats the difference between you and us.. we prefer our guest's life over our own.. and on top of that, those were our friends.. let alone Chinese, even if YOU (our enemy) were a guest in our country, we'll protect you even, with our life.. on the contrary, you'll run as fast as you can to save your life if we were guests and attacked, and you were the hosts..

Now you know why we preferred lives of US and Chinese over our own people?..

I never knew that Daniel Pearl was a Pakistani and not your guest. Is that why you didnt save him? Why did you not provide a full security to Sri Lankan players? Is it because they were not Chinese? Please read some news papers and find out how many foreigners are killed in Pakistan before making a nonsense claim. And please provide me a link which says that WE RUN AWAY WHEN IT COMES TO SAVE YOU GUYS. If you can't provide the link of your stupid claim then better keep your mouth shut.
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