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India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

Why didn't you save those 16 people in 35 seconds who were killed? Sounds like you love Chinese more than your own countrymen.. strange..

Thats the difference between you and us.. we prefer our guest's life over our own.. and on top of that, those were our friends.. let alone Chinese, even if YOU (our enemy) were a guest in our country, we'll protect you even, with our life.. on the contrary, you'll run as fast as you can to save your life if we were guests and attacked, and you were the hosts..

Now you know why we preferred lives of US and Chinese over our own people?..
Some pakistanis including one cleric is arrested related to attack to pns mehran.Pakistani taliban had claimed responsibility of the attacks.And till date pak govt have not blamed india or cia or anyone else..!And some idiots are blaming india.
give us proof for 26/11 too, or ur sure that was ISI? bs

Your govt after some denial mode admitted the attackers were pakistani.And the pakistani arrested here in india and pakistani-americans arrested in U.S have admitted of isi assistance..Compare this to pns mehran attack-pak govt has not yet blamed india,pak taliban admitted responshbility,pakistanis getting arrested-including a religious cleric,former pak navy commando arrested!
Please forgive the Chinese newspaper there is crappy everywhere.
ISLAMABAD: Besides the destruction of P-3C Orion aircraft of the Pakistan Navy, the twin aim of the recent terrorist attack on PNS Mehran Base in Karachi was to harm the 11 Chinese engineers, informed sources said on Wednesday.

They revealed the footsteps of the attackers go to India. “Eleven Chinese engineers, who were working on a very important project, were present in the Base Mess when the terrorists attacked the compound. Six US marines were also present in their separate mess and the security of the Chinese and Americans was given the top priority, as the attackers were charging on from two directions because the two messes were not located at one place,” informed sources told The News.

The sources said security officials first safely evacuated the Chinese and Americans, which is being considered a big success, and the two countries also expressed their satisfaction over the safe evacuation of their nationals. They said although the attackers succeeded in destroying the aircraft, their plot to harm the Chinese engineers was foiled.

“The Chinese engineers were working with Pakistani engineers on a project to enhance the defence capabilities of the Pakistan Navy. The project had, however, been completed and its demonstration had also been given sometime ago,” the sources said.

“Since India is the only country in the region that feels troubled by the Pakistan Navy, which had awfully beaten the Indian Navy in Operation Dwarka of 1965. Since then, it has been an earnest desire of India to harm the Pakistan Navy but it was perhaps not possible on battle front, hence it struck the PNS Mehran,” reasoned the sources privy to the matter, disclosing that sufficient evidence of the Indian involvement in the attack has been found.

The sources said that the Indian access to the terror outfits active in Pakistan through her consulates in Afghanistan has a major threat to internal security of the country. This is the reason that Pakistan has always been voicing concern over opening of an unjustified number of the Indian consulates in the war-ravaged and lawless neighbouring country of Afghanistan, they said.

“The attack on the PNS Mehran was conceived by the top secret service of India, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), with the primary objective of killing the Chinese engineers with the destruction of the expensive maritime surveillance aircraft of the Pakistan Navy being the secondary objective,” said the sources. “The final goal of such a daring assault was to give an impression to the international community that Pakistan was a highly fragile country vis-‡-vis its internal security,” they commented.

The sources said the impression being created by some anti-Pakistan quarters that the security institutions of the country have failed is completely baseless, misleading and concocted because the Chinese engineers, who were the real target of the terrorists, were successfully evacuated from the base safe and sound amid intense firing.
India's hand in PNS Mehran attack: Pakistani paper - World - DNA
Chinese engineers at PNS Mehran were the prime target
?????????????????????_??_???(Reports from China)


So what if the indian signature is found behind this terrorism, india's name must not be in the suspect list. India is a country of saints, hence, uncle sam advises, "Pakistan must come out of its india bashing mindset."

So what if the indian signature is found behind this terrorism, india's name must not be in the suspect list. India is a country of saints, hence, uncle sam advises, "Pakistan must come out of its india bashing mindset."

it is clear because those militants passed C 130 planes but the didn't attacked those planes they straight came close to PC 3 ORIONS and attacked them and destroyed and destruction of PC 3 ORIONS will benefit only one country the disease of the world INDIA
India has more Chinese engineers and workers in India than Pakistan...I saw few of them in Delhi building some structure...
it is clear because those militants passed C 130 planes but the didn't attacked those planes they straight came close to PC 3 ORIONS and attacked them and destroyed and destruction of PC 3 ORIONS will benefit only one country the disease of the world INDIA

I must say you have very strong reasoning power...keep it up!!!
and Indians are deaf and blind enough and they cant see the truth
listen fanboy,i know it might hurt you but pakistan navy is nothing compared to indian navy, even with P3C orion aircraft, pakistan's navy is much behind its indian counterpart, why should india target its bases then, and your so called well trained gaurds couldnt save those aircrafts from a bunch of ragtags, it only highlights your inefficiency, your guards are to blamed for the loss not indians.
Does it have solid proof, authenticated sources, or witness to the planning?

If not, I'm dismissing this as false information.
Indian's can never afford to go on war with Pakistan face to face because they know they will lose. So this is what they can do sneak and attack and make terrorist consulates in Afghanistan along Pakistan's border. Don't worry we will get you all ISNAALLAH. And INSHAALLAH Pakistan will be victorious.
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