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India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

y r u trying to drag GOI into dis.

KARACHI, Pakistan — Islamist militants stormed a naval base in the Pakistani city of Karachi late Sunday, destroying a U.S.-supplied surveillance aircraft, firing rockets and battling commandos sent to subdue them in one of the most brazen attacks in years, officials said.

At least four navy personnel were killed and nine wounded in fighting at the Naval Station Mehran, said navy spokesman Irfan ul Haq. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack as fighting was still reportedly going on Monday morning, saying it was part of their revenge for the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

It was unclear how many militants were killed or wounded. But between 10 and 15 attackers entered the high-security facility before splitting into smaller groups, setting off explosions and hiding in the sprawling facility, Haq said.

"We are receiving fire from different directions," said another spokesman, Salman Ali.

The coordinated strike rocked the country's largest city just under three weeks after the May 2 death of bin Laden in a U.S. Navy SEALs raid in the northwest garrison city of Abbottabad, an event al-Qaida-allied extremists in Pakistan have vowed to avenge.

The unilateral American raid triggered a strong backlash against Washington, which is trying to support Pakistan in its fight against militants, as well as rare domestic criticism against the armed forces for failing to detect or prevent the operation.

The fact that militants were able to enter one of the country's largest military bases is another embarrassing blow to the Pakistani army and will raise questions over whether the attackers had inside information. That they targeted a U.S. supplied aircraft draws attention to American aid to the military, something generals here do not talk about, fearing criticism from the county's fiercely anti-American population.

After heavy American prodding, security forces launched several operations against militants in their heartland close to the border with Afghanistan over the last three years. The extremists have struck back against police and army targets around the country.

In claiming responsibility, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the attack was part of their planned response to the death of the al-Qaida chief, and that Pakistan is the top target.
Story continues below

The militant group hates the Pakistani government because of its alliance with the U.S. This is the third major attack it has claimed since the bin Laden killing, including a car bombing that slightly injured American consulate workers in the northwest city of Peshawar and a twin-suicide attack that killed around 90 Pakistani paramilitary police recruits.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack, saying such a "cowardly act of terror could not deter the commitment of the government and people of Pakistan to fight terrorism."

Sunday's raid appeared to be the most serious against the military since October 2009, when militants attacked the army headquarters close to the capital, Islamabad. They held dozens hostage in a 22-hour standoff that left 23 people dead, including nine militants.

The raid began with at least three loud explosions, which were heard by people who live around the naval air station. It was unclear what caused the explosions, but they set off raging fires that could be seen from far in the distance.

An Associated Press reporting team outside the base heard at least six other explosions and sporadic gunfire.

Authorities sent in several dozen navy and police commandos to battle the attackers, who responded with gunfire and grenades, said Salman Ali. At least one airplane in a hangar – a P-3C Orion, a maritime surveillance aircraft that was recently given to Pakistan by the U.S. – was destroyed, he said.

The United States handed over two Orions to the Pakistani navy at a ceremony at the base in June 2010 attended by 250 Pakistani and American officials, according to the website of the U.S. Central Command. It said by late 2012, Pakistan would have eight of the planes.

At least one media report said a team of American technicians were working on the aircraft at the time of the strike, but U.S. Embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said no Americans were on the base. Ali also stated there was no foreigners inside the base.

Karachi, a city of around 18 million people, has not been spared the violence sweeping the country, despite being in the south far from the northwest where militancy is at its strongest. In April, militants bombed three buses taking navy employees to work, killing at least nine people.

The Pakistani Taliban and other militant groups have little direct public support, but the army and the government have struggled to convince the people of the need for armed operations against them. The militants' identification with Islam, strong anti-American rhetoric and support for insurgents in Afghanistan resonates with some in the country.


Associated Press writers Ishtiaq Mahsud in Dera Ismail Khan and Rasool Dawar in Peshawar contributed to this report.
It time for you Chinese or Pakistanis to bring some evidence to support your claims.

Killing of Chinese engineers, first, to sow discord between China and Pakistan.
2: Let the Chinese government holds that civil unrest in Pakistan, 3: the Chinese did not dare venture to send another engineer to Pakistan. 4, aroused the people of China's dissatisfaction with the Government of Pakistan. 5, obstacles between China and Pakistan, technical exchanges and cooperation.
So, I have reason to believe that the Indian government dictates, and to the killing of Chinese engineers primary objective.
World Briefing | Asia
Former Pakistani Navy Commando Arrested in Sweep for Attack Suspects
Published: May 30, 2011

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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A former Pakistan Navy commando has been arrested in a sweep by Pakistani intelligence agents in connection with the audacious attack last week on the naval base in the southern port city of Karachi that apparently was planned with inside information about the facility, security officials said Monday.

Militants Attack Pakistani Naval Base in Karachi (May 23, 2011)

The former commando, Kamran Malik, was detained last Friday along with his brother.

The arrests, which have not been officially announced, reflected suspicions that the attackers had access to knowledge about the naval base that could only have been obtained from within the base itself. The May 21 assault, which lasted 16 hours, left at least 10 security officers dead and destroyed two American-made aircraft.

Local Pakistani news accounts reported that Mr. Malik had been court martialed 10 years ago on charges that he had assaulted a senior colleague, and that his telephone had been tapped in 2008 after an attack on a naval academy in Lahore.

It was unclear precisely how Mr. Malik could have helped the naval-base attackers, who numbered at least four. But Pakistani officials have said the attackers could not have succeeded without advance knowledge.

“It is clear that somebody provided them with help,” the interior minister, Rehman Malik, who is not related to the former commando, said Sunday when he visited Lahore to console the family of a Naval officer killed in the attack on the naval base.

The attack was an enormous embarrassment to the Pakistani armed forces and intelligence services, who are still reeling from the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden by American commandos who raided a compound in the city of Abbottabad, about 75 miles from the capital. The raid raised basic questions about whether some people in the Pakistan military had known that Bin Laden, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, was hiding there.

---------- Post added at 10:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ----------

And they cry about their 26/11 attack..............lol

yes its ur time

---------- Post added at 10:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

Interest and motivation. You understand

Conspiracy theories are dime a dozen..it is incredibly ease to weave one.

ie. Chinese engineers present on the base passed crucial information about the base security, CCTV blind spots, Plane hangars to terrorist .

Motive : So that American planes donated to Pakistan can be destroyed(and buying an American plane in future become a liability) and Pakistan places all further orders with Chinese.

That is the reason all Chinese engineers despite being so close to the fire fight remained unscratched ..because terrorist were not interested in them.

How do you like this one?
Killing of Chinese engineers, first, to sow discord between China and Pakistan.
2: Let the Chinese government holds that civil unrest in Pakistan, 3: the Chinese did not dare venture to send another engineer to Pakistan. 4, aroused the people of China's dissatisfaction with the Government of Pakistan. 5, obstacles between China and Pakistan, technical exchanges and cooperation.
So, I have reason to believe that the Indian government dictates, and to the killing of Chinese engineers primary objective.

So why did they destroy orions first instead of killing the chinese engineers
Killing of Chinese engineers, first, to sow discord between China and Pakistan.
2: Let the Chinese government holds that civil unrest in Pakistan, 3: the Chinese did not dare venture to send another engineer to Pakistan. 4, aroused the people of China's dissatisfaction with the Government of Pakistan. 5, obstacles between China and Pakistan, technical exchanges and cooperation.
So, I have reason to believe that the Indian government dictates, and to the killing of Chinese engineers primary objective.

Mate an ex ssg operative has been arrested involved in the mehran op...so you guys are ready to accept former pak army members are helping India to ruin Pak-Sino relationships, destabalize PAK and help India??
World Briefing | Asia
Former Pakistani Navy Commando Arrested in Sweep for Attack Suspects
Published: May 30, 2011

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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A former Pakistan Navy commando has been arrested in a sweep by Pakistani intelligence agents in connection with the audacious attack last week on the naval base in the southern port city of Karachi that apparently was planned with inside information about the facility, security officials said Monday.

Militants Attack Pakistani Naval Base in Karachi (May 23, 2011)

The former commando, Kamran Malik, was detained last Friday along with his brother.

The arrests, which have not been officially announced, reflected suspicions that the attackers had access to knowledge about the naval base that could only have been obtained from within the base itself. The May 21 assault, which lasted 16 hours, left at least 10 security officers dead and destroyed two American-made aircraft.

Local Pakistani news accounts reported that Mr. Malik had been court martialed 10 years ago on charges that he had assaulted a senior colleague, and that his telephone had been tapped in 2008 after an attack on a naval academy in Lahore.

It was unclear precisely how Mr. Malik could have helped the naval-base attackers, who numbered at least four. But Pakistani officials have said the attackers could not have succeeded without advance knowledge.

“It is clear that somebody provided them with help,” the interior minister, Rehman Malik, who is not related to the former commando, said Sunday when he visited Lahore to console the family of a Naval officer killed in the attack on the naval base.

The attack was an enormous embarrassment to the Pakistani armed forces and intelligence services, who are still reeling from the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden by American commandos who raided a compound in the city of Abbottabad, about 75 miles from the capital. The raid raised basic questions about whether some people in the Pakistan military had known that Bin Laden, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, was hiding there.
A version of this article appeared in print on May 31, 2011, on page A10 of the New York edition with the headline: Pakistan: Arrest in Karachi Attack.

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ----------

KARACHI, Pakistan — Islamist militants stormed a naval base in the Pakistani city of Karachi late Sunday, destroying a U.S.-supplied surveillance aircraft, firing rockets and battling commandos sent to subdue them in one of the most brazen attacks in years, officials said.

At least four navy personnel were killed and nine wounded in fighting at the Naval Station Mehran, said navy spokesman Irfan ul Haq. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack as fighting was still reportedly going on Monday morning, saying it was part of their revenge for the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

It was unclear how many militants were killed or wounded. But between 10 and 15 attackers entered the high-security facility before splitting into smaller groups, setting off explosions and hiding in the sprawling facility, Haq said.

"We are receiving fire from different directions," said another spokesman, Salman Ali.

The coordinated strike rocked the country's largest city just under three weeks after the May 2 death of bin Laden in a U.S. Navy SEALs raid in the northwest garrison city of Abbottabad, an event al-Qaida-allied extremists in Pakistan have vowed to avenge.

The unilateral American raid triggered a strong backlash against Washington, which is trying to support Pakistan in its fight against militants, as well as rare domestic criticism against the armed forces for failing to detect or prevent the operation.

The fact that militants were able to enter one of the country's largest military bases is another embarrassing blow to the Pakistani army and will raise questions over whether the attackers had inside information. That they targeted a U.S. supplied aircraft draws attention to American aid to the military, something generals here do not talk about, fearing criticism from the county's fiercely anti-American population.

After heavy American prodding, security forces launched several operations against militants in their heartland close to the border with Afghanistan over the last three years. The extremists have struck back against police and army targets around the country.

In claiming responsibility, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the attack was part of their planned response to the death of the al-Qaida chief, and that Pakistan is the top target.
Story continues below

The militant group hates the Pakistani government because of its alliance with the U.S. This is the third major attack it has claimed since the bin Laden killing, including a car bombing that slightly injured American consulate workers in the northwest city of Peshawar and a twin-suicide attack that killed around 90 Pakistani paramilitary police recruits.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack, saying such a "cowardly act of terror could not deter the commitment of the government and people of Pakistan to fight terrorism."

Sunday's raid appeared to be the most serious against the military since October 2009, when militants attacked the army headquarters close to the capital, Islamabad. They held dozens hostage in a 22-hour standoff that left 23 people dead, including nine militants.

The raid began with at least three loud explosions, which were heard by people who live around the naval air station. It was unclear what caused the explosions, but they set off raging fires that could be seen from far in the distance.

An Associated Press reporting team outside the base heard at least six other explosions and sporadic gunfire.

Authorities sent in several dozen navy and police commandos to battle the attackers, who responded with gunfire and grenades, said Salman Ali. At least one airplane in a hangar – a P-3C Orion, a maritime surveillance aircraft that was recently given to Pakistan by the U.S. – was destroyed, he said.

The United States handed over two Orions to the Pakistani navy at a ceremony at the base in June 2010 attended by 250 Pakistani and American officials, according to the website of the U.S. Central Command. It said by late 2012, Pakistan would have eight of the planes.

At least one media report said a team of American technicians were working on the aircraft at the time of the strike, but U.S. Embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said no Americans were on the base. Ali also stated there was no foreigners inside the base.

Karachi, a city of around 18 million people, has not been spared the violence sweeping the country, despite being in the south far from the northwest where militancy is at its strongest. In April, militants bombed three buses taking navy employees to work, killing at least nine people.

The Pakistani Taliban and other militant groups have little direct public support, but the army and the government have struggled to convince the people of the need for armed operations against them. The militants' identification with Islam, strong anti-American rhetoric and support for insurgents in Afghanistan resonates with some in the country.


---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------

Islamist Militants Attack Pakistan Naval Base
Well, India is better to blame.

Blame America and you get another Drone attack or another Stealth raid.

Poor chap.

Why ruin his day?

Further, he does not read. I am not too sure if Books are expensive in Pakistan.

He could read Saleem Shahzad's book and then realise what is happening. I hope it is there in some Public Library in Pakistan or he could get one from the ISI!!

To say there are lot of people like this.. they read news only what there Army says.. Of course army of them is not credible.... I have seen lot of people around me .. the read some urudu news paper and they stick to it.... so no doubt these people are misled...
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