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Featured India Passes Law Making Compulsory Teaching of Hindu Ramayana and Gita in Islamic Madrassas

You are right. Religion discusses a bunch of ideas. And these ideas are debated and discussed. But there need not be a winner or loser at the end. Like in a group discussion in class, each student contributes and discusses his or her ideas. Most ideas help enrich the knowledge of everyone in the class.

would i go a meeting of engineers to discuss construction methods? no, because i am not an engineer, dont know jack about it, and i have nothing to contribute. if a scholar and religion has nothing to contribute or is simply not interested, then they have no business being in the battle. a student that really studied is the one that wants to go for the exam, not the one that started studying 24 hours before the exam.

So even in life, all religious thinkers can learn from one another.

if a religious thinker only wants to learn, then he is just a student. not fit to be a thinker. thats why Sadhguru for me is like one of those western evangelists that are super passionate in front of a home crowd but never debate. total frauds.

If Aghors are killing humans / living beings, then that is deplorable and God will not be pleased. Similarly, animal slaughter in the name of God is deplorable

ok. so we agree that all paths dont lead to God. animal slaughter is allowed in Islam, and its even practical. what vegetables do you expect the eskimos to eat?

Lets see if you can convince the Chinese members on PDF the virtues of accepting Islam (or any religion).

they will learn when their society ages, shrinks, and then finally collapses. btw, chrisitianity is growing fast in China. societies cant go on for long without spirituality.

Sure, you can believe that. I dont.

then dont support the indian military. dont pay them with your taxes.
would i go a meeting of engineers to discuss construction methods? no, because i am not an engineer, dont know jack about it, and i have nothing to contribute. if a scholar and religion has nothing to contribute or is simply not interested, then they have no business being in the battle. a student that really studied is the one that wants to go for the exam, not the one that started studying 24 hours before the exam.

if a religious thinker only wants to learn, then he is just a student. not fit to be a thinker. thats why Sadhguru for me is like one of those western evangelists that are super passionate in front of a home crowd but never debate. total frauds.
Learning never stops my friend. The more you learn, the more you realize that there is a lot that you do not know. Its like an infinite universe. The more you observe, the more there is to observe.
If someone (other than God) claims that they know everything, then that person is fraud or ignorant.

ok. so we agree that all paths dont lead to God. animal slaughter is allowed in Islam, and its even practical. what vegetables do you expect the eskimos to eat?
There is a difference in being acceptable when you have no choice and doing it even when you have ample choice. If I am alone in a place and dying of hunger, and have nothing to eat but a cow, then yes I can eat the cow. But if I have other choices like vegetables or fruits in front of me, then I should not harm a living being.

they will learn when their society ages, shrinks, and then finally collapses. btw, chrisitianity is growing fast in China. societies cant go on for long without spirituality.
But Christianity wont help them you said. As per you, only Islam is their savior.

then dont support the indian military. dont pay them with your taxes.
Indian military is not fighting to protect Krishna or Allah. God does not need protection. Indian military is fighting to protect the territory and people of India.
Yes all strictly prohibited
What about people working in supporting industries like cinema hall employees, people in advertising, and working on display boards, show organizers, photographers etc ?
Learning never stops my friend. The more you learn, the more you realize that there is a lot that you do not know. Its like an infinite universe. The more you observe, the more there is to observe.
If someone (other than God) claims that they know everything, then that person is fraud or ignorant.

i dont want to talk about Sadhguru anymore. we are going in circles.

There is a difference in being acceptable when you have no choice and doing it even when you have ample choice. If I am alone in a place and dying of hunger, and have nothing to eat but a cow, then yes I can eat the cow. But if I have other choices like vegetables or fruits in front of me, then I should not harm a living being.

like i said, we agreed that not all paths lead to God. there are paths within Islam that dont lead to God, and there are paths within Hinduism that dont lead to God.

But Christianity wont help them you said. As per you, only Islam is their savior.

christianity in the long term wont save them, because rich and/or liberal societies kill christianity. we can see ample evidence of this in the West. Islam on the other hand can survive and thrive in both environments. we can see evidence of that with the spread of Islam in the West, which isnt just by birth rates, but also by conversion.

Indian military is not fighting to protect Krishna or Allah. God does not need protection. Indian military is fighting to protect the territory and people of India.

ok, so we have established that you arent a peace loving hippie that believes dissolving militaries is rational. so, if a military protects a state, and a state can be founded on any ideology (communism, capitalism, monarchy, religion, etc) then the God of a religion can and will instruct a state following a religion to establish a military through the rules of the religion. since wars are inevitable, and not always started by the country at war, a religion made by God must include instructions on how to conduct warfare when war happens. Islam has such instructions. when at war, Allah says not to target civilians, infrastructure, trees, water supply, priests, religious buildings, etc. such rules helped in winning over locals and the spread of Islam far, wide, and fast, even if the majority of the locals eventually converted (north africa, levant, etc) or didnt (India).
i dont want to talk about Sadhguru anymore. we are going in circles.
Your choice.

like i said, we agreed that not all paths lead to God. there are paths within Islam that dont lead to God, and there are paths within Hinduism that dont lead to God.
All paths lead to God does not mean that if you do sin or bad deeds, even that would lead you to God. What I meant was good deeds through whichever way you have been taught would lead you to God. Whether you are doing those good deeds as learnt from Islam or Hinduism or doing on your own (atheist).

christianity in the long term wont save them, because rich and/or liberal societies kill christianity. we can see ample evidence of this in the West. Islam on the other hand can survive and thrive in both environments. we can see evidence of that with the spread of Islam in the West, which isnt just by birth rates, but also by conversion.
Yes, that is why I am saying let's see if you can convince the Chinese members on PDF.

a religion made by God
As per me, religions are made by humans not God. The same God has made you and me. It is we humans who have divided ourselves into different religions at earth.
All paths lead to God does not mean that if you do sin or bad deeds, even that would lead you to God. What I meant was good deeds through whichever way you have been taught would lead you to God. Whether you are doing those good deeds as learnt from Islam or Hinduism or doing on your own (atheist).

Islam says different. only believing in Islam brings salvation on the Day of Judgement.

Yes, that is why I am saying let's see if you can convince the Chinese members on PDF.

not interested in trying to convince anyone.

As per me, religions are made by humans not God. The same God has made you and me. It is we humans who have divided ourselves into different religions at earth.

Islam says Allah made all mankind, some follow Him through Islam and some follow other religions.
Islam says different. only believing in Islam brings salvation on the Day of Judgement.
Sure. You can follow what you learnt from Islam to achieve salvation. I have no objection to that. Similarly, I will follow my own path, which as per you will not lead me to salvation. So we will see :)

Islam says Allah made all mankind, some follow Him through Islam and some follow other religions.
I am saying the exact same thing. Allah (who we call by different names in different religions) created the entire universe including all living and non-living beings.
Nice move since technically people from other religions can also study in madrassa.

Ideally all madrassas should be banned as only around 4% of muslims even use them.
this is true inclusiveness

the world's best muslim will come from India !

However...It's time they pick up AK-47s and make another "Pakistan"!

Freedom for oppressed Indian Muslims!
IMs know it'll hurt their cause if they join a global holy war against us.

only solution is that they go Jai Siya Ram !
Geeta and Ramayana is what Bharat is.. Stories of courage n honour action n deeds. Will be a life changing experience for these muslim students.
Don’t explain it to Pakistanis, whatever you tell them is wrong only they are right. Ramayan is a part of our ancient history and culture, plus Bhagwat Gita has nothing to do with Hinduism but is a book of moral values which everyone should read once irrespective of religion.

And no one is banning Quran for them, they will be taught that also, but in my opinion if they are taught Ramayan and Gita they will connect to their roots in India instead of remaining into a delusion that they are Arabs, Turks Mughals. It is my opinion only.
Muslims being forced to learn pagan stories and Hindu sickulars on PDF go hurray. Hindus and Muslims cannot live together, thanks for proving this over and over again.

Don't worry, Muslims don't suck up and fighting Hindus is in their genes, Pagans beware!
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