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Featured India Passes Law Making Compulsory Teaching of Hindu Ramayana and Gita in Islamic Madrassas

To your last question, the answer is quite obvious. The same reason Russia won't get out on the grey list regardless of the fact that they have surmounted significant cybersecurity attacks and been involved in several dubious money flows. India is too big of a market, especially for the likes of France and US. Nothing to do with how clean (or otherwise) you are. If you believe even for a second that FATF is anything other than a political organisation, you can't be more naive.
typical pakistani argument, whole world is at fault .so pakistan is right .
Mauritius a predominantly Hindu country is on the grey list too.
So is the Cayman Islands which is a multi-billion dollar secret Swiis type banking center, and likes being on the grey list.
it is a shame they are in FATF .
Europe should arm them and send them to India.

poor people are just trying to save their lives .
Lol religion is the fighting pit for humans since the beginning mankind ( thousand of years if not hundreds of thousands of years) look the ancient world histories of different part of the world (Iraq/Egypt/Indus river civilization etc etc)

you mean religion makes this world fighting pit ?
you mean religion makes this world fighting pit ?
As per this White and Green fellow, all entertainment (music, singing, dancing, acting) are strictly prohibited in Islam. Muslims should just live a bored life, as per him.
typical pakistani argument, whole world is at fault .so pakistan is right .

it is a shame they are in FATF .

poor people are just trying to save their lives .

I'm telling you how the world works. Its a money game - they are serving their self interest. It may not be fair, but they are doing what is best for them.

You cannot with a straight face say that Russia is not behind massive cybersecurity terrorism. The US and Europe have openly claimed this several times. Where are the FATF sanctions?
I'm telling you how the world works. Its a money game - they are serving their self interest. It may not be fair, but they are doing what is best for them.

You cannot with a straight face say that Russia is not behind massive cybersecurity terrorism. The US and Europe have openly claimed this several times. Where are the FATF sanctions?

you are free to make your own rules , but if you want to deal with others , you have to follow rules agreed upon by everyone.
RSS was founded by Chitpawan Brahmans also know as Konkanstha Brahmans, Brahmans in India's Konkan coat. These people spread hate against muslims 24/7 in India. They are the brain behind every attack on muslims and minorities in India. These are the motivators behind the cow lynching in India, they organize mobs and riots against muslims.

These same people having a big convention in Dubai. They do bussiness, make money in Muslims countries and fund organizations like Bajrang Dal and RSS

Well your retired Army Generals extends their services to Saudi to fight Houthi/Yemen rebels.
So, there is no lack of diplomatic influence. This diplomatic influence can be used to mobilize Right wing in Islamic country to selectively target the upper caste working their.

Best solution to all this is locating Hindutwa freak upper caste especially Brahmans, working in Muslim countries. Don't target some poor Hindu worker, go after a well to do, upper caste in Muslim country, with a name like Gupta or Panday. Most of the misery of Muslims and other minorities in India, are due of these upper castes, Brahman and Baniya.

Nothing made the Hindutwa upper caste back-track faster and piss in their pants more , than Muslim countries taking notice of HIndutwa. Educate the Arabs and other muslims countries, to do a surgical strike on upper caste working in Muslim countries. Don't let the Hindutwa freaks escape and take advantage of India's huge population. When you selectively target the upper castes, you will be doing double damage to HIndutwa.
Brilliant move. Most English speakers are too stupid to understand any second language. By speaking Hindi, Indians will cut out the those murderous slaver colonials of the UK (you are UK h ai or Uruk hai).

Pakistanis should always only speak their historical language also. Make the stupid people in English speaking lands frustrated.

Intelligent people can speak multiple languages. Most ABCANz people (me included) only speak one language. We must be stupid.

You tube videos only in your languages. Writing only in your languages. Learn your allies languages too. Make us stupid English speakers, pariah and unable to communicate.
Must just be you I speak 4.
Learning 2 more
RSS was founded by Chitpawan Brahmans also know as Konkanstha Brahmans, Brahmans in India's Konkan coat. These people spread hate against muslims 24/7 in India. They are the brain behind every attack on muslims and minorities in India. These are the motivators behind the cow lynching in India, they organize mobs and riots against muslims.

These same people having a big convention in Dubai. They do bussiness, make money in Muslims countries and fund organizations like Bajrang Dal and RSS

Well your retired Army Generals extends their services to Saudi to fight Houthi/Yemen rebels.
So, there is no lack of diplomatic influence. This diplomatic influence can be used to mobilize Right wing in Islamic country to selectively target the upper caste working their.

Best solution to all this is locating Hindutwa freak upper caste especially Brahmans, working in Muslim countries. Don't target some poor Hindu worker, go after a well to do, upper caste in Muslim country, with a name like Gupta or Panday. Most of the misery of Muslims and other minorities in India, are due of these upper castes, Brahman and Baniya.

Nothing made the Hindutwa upper caste back-track faster and piss in their pants more , than Muslim countries taking notice of HIndutwa. Educate the Arabs and other muslims countries, to do a surgical strike on upper caste working in Muslim countries. Don't let the Hindutwa freaks escape and take advantage of India's huge population. When you selectively target the upper castes, you will be doing double damage to HIndutwa.

you mean chitpawan brahmans invented two nation theory because they hate muslims of india ?
brahmans forced muslims to divide india and forced muslims to go to pakistan?

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
NIOS has mandated the rule for madrasas as part of the new curriculum on ancient Indian knowledge and heritage in the New Education Policy (NEP).

jinnah was 500% correct
jinnah was 500% correct
Did you still had a doubt weather he was right or not and this decision cleared it ?

Had their be no partition muslims will constitute 600 million in India, which had been roughly 33-35 % of the population and this decision would have been impossible then.

That is the reason I say ,Thank You Jinnah.
Did you still had a doubt weather he was right or not and this decision cleared it ?

Had their be no partition muslims will constitute 600 million in India, which had been roughly 33-35 % of the population and this decision would have been impossible then.

That is the reason I say ,Thank You Jinnah.

BS... Muslims would have been 0.33%... because they would have been murdered by the bloodthirsty Hindutva...

Thank God for Pakistan ...!
Did you still had a doubt weather he was right or not and this decision cleared it ?

Had their be no partition muslims will constitute 600 million in India, which had been roughly 33-35 % of the population and this decision would have been impossible then.

That is the reason I say ,Thank You Jinnah.

Doubt is with you lot... not with us.

Hindu India has always treated it's muslims badly from day one.
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