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India main enemy for many Chinese

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Yes! It's a bad decision for mainland to use its short-range missiles aiming at Taiwan brothers. I suggest mainland withdraw 1000 short-term missles from southeast coastal regions and settle them in the Sino-Indian border. I think all of them can reach New Delphi. Then I don't think India can invade China!

Chine already deployed medium range missile /nukes towards India from more then 10 years , Its now India is deploying the same towards china and developing the same.
Chine already deployed medium range missile /nukes towards India from more then 10 years , Its now India is deploying the same towards china and developing the same.

It's not good for India to invade China since short-term missles are far cheaper than middle/long-term missles, it means China can deploy more missles in the Sino-Indian border which can cover major cities the country.
heheheheh actualy the Hafiz saeed issue has become so much old that India is out of stock for more propaganda so China is the best option to create war hysteria in India

Why do we need war hysteria? We dont have a millitary dictatorship or a state within the state, which requires constant justification to the people by stoking war/Kashmir/Jehad hysteria every now and then.
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China not USSR, never occupy other's territory!

Tibet is histrical part of China! Please don't use Tibet as example! :devil:
Almost 90% Indian members think in case of Indo-China war US will come to Indian help against China

India can do without American "help".
Chine already deployed medium range missile /nukes towards India from more then 10 years , Its now India is deploying the same towards china and developing the same.

China's long range artilleries have effective coverage of 400km. Set these babies up in Tibet, China can bomb all Northen India industry bases to the stone age in a matter of days, as easy as Israel did to Gaza. New Delhi is also within easy coverage as it is merely 300km from the border. For your information, China is able to produce these artillary shells as cheap and fast and tasty as making convinient noodles!! :smitten:

"China deploys mid-range missles against India"? :lol: You flatter yourself too much. :hang2:

stronger will survive Long live India Jai Hind!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We don't need any outside help...As long as a country has nuclear weapons even 4 or 5 ..Of great destructive ability we have today..
Bottomline is China pushes india to the limit..India nuke some part of china ..we dont have to reach Beijing..and there falls the new super power...Of course I accept India too would be part of history..

PS: Why US can't attack Iran or North Korea..its the Nuke funda...

Ok my little friend, You are saying that Indians are willing to trade the destruction of some minor western cities in China like Lahsa or Xian, for the destruction of all of India???
What I can garentee you is that if India dared to use nukes first, then India is just not an enemy of China, but an enemy of Human Kind. Plus, China won't lose its status as a superpower even if you nuked 1 or 2 city, but India will be completly history if China dumps all its nukes on India.:sniper:
see this is the problem with what your asking.

Officially India has not raised her voice over Tibet, for more than a decade. Not even a word.

But that not enough

You want us to willy-nilly go and arrest and then extradite any individual that has any affiliation with the free Tibet movement.

You pretend as if, we an just go arrest people who have under Law done nothing wrong.

what is it You want India to do do, regarding the free Tibet movement.

You cant ask us to stop sheltering the Dalai lama because, he has not broken any laws. And i even if we kick him out, just because, He will just go to Europe. And nothing would have changed but Lowering India's standing diplomatically.

"You pretend as if, we an just go arrest people who have under Law done nothing wrong."--Isn't this what the Indian police do ALL THE TIME??!!:sniper:
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