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India, Israel unite against Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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India, Israel unite against Pakistan


Modi accuses Islamabad of spreading terrorism

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday accused Pakistan of being the “origin and spread” of terrorism and said India and Israel had agreed on the need for the international community to act with a resolve against terror networks and the states that harboured them.

The remarks came as India and Israel on Tuesday decided to further broaden their already close defence partnership and intensify cooperation in combating radicalisation and extremism.

“We recognise that terrorism is a global challenge, knows no boundaries and has extensive links with other forms of organised crimes.“Regrettably, one of the countries of its origin and spread is in India’s neighbourhood,” said Modi in his media statement after holding talks with visiting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

“We agreed that the international community must act with resolve and determination against terror networks and states that harbour them,” added Modi.He sought Israel’s help in containing terrorism and extremism from Pakistan. “President Rivlin and I deeply value our strong and growing partnership to secure our societies. Our people are constantly threatened by forces of terrorism and extremism,” he said.

“We noted the strength of our growing defence partnership. And agreed on the need to make it more broad-based through production and manufacturing partnerships,” he said.Modi added that the Israeli president had also assured support for India’s UN Security Council permanent membership.

He also asked Israel to invest in India for high-technology manufacturing and in the services sectors.“We have identified water management and conservation, and collaboration in scientific research and development as two areas of priority engagement. We both agreed that the current trajectory of the Indian economy opens up many promising opportunities for Israeli companies,” he said.

Referring to growing collaboration between the two countries, particularly in defence sector, Rivlin said his country was ready to “Make in India and Make with India”.“We stand together in defending our people and our values,” Rivlin said.The two sides inked two pacts to strengthen cooperation in agriculture and water resources management sectors.
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who and what is israel? pakistan don't recognize israel. we are already enemies. we fought them many times. their first prime minister announced openly that pakistan is it's biggest enemy.
so we don't care about our enemies uniting.

Having diplomatic relations with Israel is in Pakistan's interest. Although they won't be exactly friends but Israel will cherish an Islamic country as a partner and Pakistan can then milk them to a certain extent in US then
yes we will establish diplomatic relations after the jews go back to euorope or worse happen to them.
who and what is israel? pakistan don't recognize israel. we are already enemies. we fought them many times. their first prime minister announced openly that pakistan is it's biggest enemy.
so we don't care about our enemies uniting.

yes we will establish diplomatic relations after the jews go back to euorope or worse happen to them.

Good for India I guess then, you can forget upon visiting some most holy sites of Muslims and some awesome tech, also you will be facing not just Indian lobby but Indian + Israeli lobby in the west

We too are enemies and have fought wars and keep on killing each other on daily basis, you have diplomatic relations with somebody who broke your country but not with someone with whom you have nothing to do whatsoever?
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Good for India I guess then, you can forget upon visiting some most holy sites of Muslims and some awesome tech, also you will be facing not just Indian lobby but Indian + Israeli lobby in the west
pakistanis don't visit holy sites in israel. pakistanis don't buy israeli weapons and we don't need them too. we have lived for 70 years without jewish lobby and we are happy without it's support.
we can't select worldly goods for the cost of our religious beliefs. israel want to destroy aqsa mosque for temple and in these circumstances we are enemies. and our belief is that before the world war 3, israel will be defeated.
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pakistanis don't visit holy sites in israel. pakistanis don't by israeli weapons and we don't need them too. we have lived for 70 years without jewish lobby and we are happy without it's support.
we can't select worldly goods for the cost of our religious beliefs. israel want to destroy aqsa mosque for temple and in these circumstances we are enemies. and our belief is that before the world war 3, israel will be defeated.

By tech I never meant weapons, they are in forefront of technologies related to water conservation, farming and much more which we can learn to provide enhanced harvest and lives for our people
Israel which is only good at attacking civilian population won't come out openly against Pakistan. But as usual you will need to watch your back against proxys. Keep working on economy and development and push CPEC.

Negative propaganda will be countered automatically through trade and prosperity. These are the biggest weapons.
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The level of desperation is too high one is arch enemy and other is the one we dont recognize came together.
who cares we have our problems to take care? they should do the same my suggestion to Indian friends.
The News with its "Jang" sensationalism again. Yeah, I am sure Israel wants to antagonise a country which can finish it off in 15 minutes, and getting deeper involved in Indo-Pak affairs is one sure way to do so.

They are going to smile, stay out and sell Indians ridiculously overpriced and useless weapons. Good for them.

@naveedullahkhankhattak, we are not genocidal maniacs like our neighbours. We want justice, not dead civilians.

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