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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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And I showed you what this Muhajir did to you Shia just now!

Being a Shia or Mohajir (or Muslim) is irrelevant. I am a Pakistani, period. And I am, by God's grace, doing very well in interior Sindh, Pakistan. There are many other people like me in Pakistan. At the end of the day, it's not the group, but the individual/person itself.
Another interesting fact is, non-Muslims or Mohajirs in Pakistan have never had to prove their loyalties publicly, whereas Indian Muslims have constantly come out & tried to prove their loyalty/patriotism to India time & time again, after any major incident. One only hears Indian Muslims being asked to speak after 26/11, other incidents, & they've come out saying that they are just as much of Indians as other non-Muslim Indians are. And even Indian Muslim celebrities can't get houses in decent neighborhoods in Mumbai, that is not the sign of a secular country. Or the fact that the cutting & consumption of cow meat is banned in most parts of India.

As an Iraqi Shia in Pakistan, don't they seem such minor issue when every day is such a struggle to stay alive in your own country?
Here is another Mohajir, I am sure you all know him pretty well in India:


I can't see Musharraf, I can only see people from my Bihari community suffering in refugee camps in Bangladesh who can't send their children to school and are condemned to live in houses like chicken cages because they don't have citizenship and branded as traitor in that country and not allowed to migrate to the country they want to live and welcomed with black-flags and bomb-blasts in Pakistan. And I can compare their miserable lives to the better lives of Muslims living in my native village in Bihar. MP from my native constituency is also a Muslim.

A bomb apparently planted as a protest at the repatriation of at least 238,000 Biharis from Bangladesh exploded in Kotri, Pakistan, on Monday (January 11 1993), killing 13 people and injuring 15. The first group of more than 320 Biharis arrived in Lahore, Pakistan on Monday, ending 21 years of squalid existence in camps in Bangladesh.

People opposed to the return of the Biharis called a "black day" of protest in the interior of Sind province on Monday, hanging black flags at schools and universities. Although the Biharis are to be repatriated to central Punjab province, many people in Sind fear they will eventually move into Sind.
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I invite you mister bilal to india come & have a look any city you like il come with you ...im sure after the trip you are going to regret your elders dicission to go to Pakistan ok tell me do your govt gives resrvation in educational institutes from primary to phd level to religeous minorities , do they have separate civil code , do there medical & educational institutions get monthly grants as we give to wakf board & jamia milliya islamia , can hindus & christians in pakistan have equal rights if not more like what we give to muslims , does pakistan govt give subsidy for hindus for there relegous tours like what we give for Haj & even have a sepparate haj terminal & IGI new delhi...you are most welcome to see for yourself

I've been to India a few times, & been to Bihar, UP, Delhi & Gujarat. I know what the realities of India are pretty well, my mother's whole family (& part of my Dad's family) lives in India.
Being a Shia or Mohajir (or Muslim) is irrelevant. I am a Pakistani, period. And I am, by God's grace, doing very well in interior Sindh, Pakistan. There are many other people like me in Pakistan.

It didn't turn out to be irrelevant for the thousands of Shia in Pakistan.

Or the Ahmedis!

I will advise you to be safe when taking a bus ride and don't carry an ID card that can identify you as a Shia, however irrelevant you think it is.

Be safe, not sorry.

I've been to India a few times, & been to Bihar, UP, Delhi & Gujarat. I know what the realities of India are pretty well, my mother's whole family (& part of my Dad's family) lives in India.

Obviously they rejected Pakistan.

Or were they illiterate downtrodden Dalits who couldn't migrate?
It didn't turn out to be irrelevant for the thousands of Shia in Pakistan.

Or the Ahmedis!

I will advise you to be safe when taking a bus ride and don't carry an ID card that can identify you as a Shia, however irrelevant you think it is.

Be safe, not sorry.

Obviously they rejected Pakistan.

Or were they illiterate downtrodden Dalits who couldn't migrate?

That is their part of life.
As an Iraqi Shia in Pakistan, don't they seem such minor issue when every day is such a struggle to stay alive in your own country?

Don't worry, there are no problems for me residing here, & Shias are doing very well in Pakistan God bless. It's about a certain group/class of people, not the group itself that suffers. Even in India, it is the poor that suffers mostly, regardless of religion. And it's the same case with Pakistan for the most part.
Another interesting fact is, non-Muslims or Mohajirs in Pakistan have never had to prove their loyalties publicly, whereas Indian Muslims have constantly come out & tried to prove their loyalty/patriotism to India time & time again, after any major incident. One only hears Indian Muslims being asked to speak after 26/11, other incidents, & they've come out saying that they are just as much of Indians as other non-Muslim Indians are. And even Indian Muslim celebrities can't get houses in decent neighborhoods in Mumbai, that is not the sign of a secular country. Or the fact that the cutting & consumption of cow meat is banned in most parts of India.

1. Shabana Azmi should get a better real estate agent.

2. When does consumption of beef became the requisite of any religion.
They aren't religious riots, unlike India, where communal religion tension/violence is rife all over the country. There are no killings from riots in Karachi, only "mafia wars". Drugs, guns & criminals.
You are totally wrong in assuming that religious riots are "common" in India. it is not. I believe, for some "India experts" uttar pradesh,bihar is what India looks like? I don't want to offend You, but up-bihar and the criminal culture there is not common in India. India is far more peaceful and promising. We see that states as one of the worst in India(~in mild language) and Hopefully they will improve. I concluded that You are referring to up-bihar;)
Another interesting fact is, non-Muslims or Mohajirs in Pakistan have never had to prove their loyalties publicly, whereas Indian Muslims have constantly come out & tried to prove their loyalty/patriotism to India time & time again, after any major incident. One only hears Indian Muslims being asked to speak after 26/11, other incidents, & they've come out saying that they are just as much of Indians as other non-Muslim Indians are. And even Indian Muslim celebrities can't get houses in decent neighborhoods in Mumbai, that is not the sign of a secular country. Or the fact that the cutting & consumption of cow meat is banned in most parts of India.

well you can cherry pick but why all the riots always start from a muslim majority area ...last was godhra ..some idiot muslim mulla gathered few idiots & burned down a train with hindu pilgrims what was he expecting in return garlands.....what would muslims had one to hindus had they burned a bus carrieng hajees...think before you type...
Don't worry, there are no problems for me residing here, & Shias are doing very well in Pakistan God bless. It's about a certain group/class of people, not the group itself that suffers. Even in India, it is the poor that suffers mostly, regardless of religion. And it's the same case with Pakistan for the most part.

OK. What are the characteristics of that group/class apart from the fact that they are Shia or Ahmedi?
I've been to India a few times, & been to Bihar, UP, Delhi & Gujarat. I know what the realities of India are pretty well, my mother's whole family (& part of my Dad's family) lives in India.

Then why don't you take them to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan if you feel that they are suffering here.
It's pretty well-known that the people who stayed behind in present day India from UP, Bihar, other places were all lower class, illiterate, backward, poor people; who didn't have the resources to go to Pakistan. That is why UP, which was a prosperous state one time, has become renowned for its "Muslim slums & ghettos" today. In some few cases, some people opted to stay back in India because they had land/established family businesses. But by in large, if those people in India had the resources to migrate, they would have taken it. Same is the case, countless Sikhs fled from 1984 to avoid the massacre, & the ones that didn't have the resources to flee were slaughtered. Most religious groups (besides Indian Hindus) in India have had to face this massacre every decade on average.

You are grossly wrong about the Sikhs,

The Sikhs who fostered the Khalistani movement were the Canadaian ones,who had migrated long ago from Punjab,never seen partition,never known the realities of India but continued to fund money,arms and support just to play havoc.

No Sikh escaped Delhi or left just like that,If it was truly a Hindu led riot/Hindus getting angry on the Sikhs,things would have been different now.It was a congress led activity and thats why Sikhs still live all across India.

The only people in trouble in India are always the Muslims and thats due to their attitude problem and some Christians due to their business of selling religion.The issue of Sikhs is a political problem of the Congress and not of the Hindus.

I am surprised that after mentioning this countless number of times,you of all people still dont grasp it.
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