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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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Are' bhai/didi, my mother is a prime example of someone born & raised in India, & surrendering her Indian citizenship when she married my Dad, & couldn't be happier about it. Mohajirs are the most prosperous & powerful group in Pakistan. They control the economic center of Pakistan (Karachi). They are proud Pakistanis, & would scoff at the thought of even going back to India.

Sikhs that fled from India got a second life, & the ones that didn't have enough resources to flee were slaughtered in huge numbers, some people say 50,000+.

Muhajirs too faced lots of issues in Pakistan, don't lie about it, migration of Muhajirs just changed the way of Hindu-Muslims tensions into more vigorous Muhajir-Sindhi-Pashtun tensions. Communal tension happens only once in 10-15 years but same happens every year in your country and dozens of Shias killed every month in your country. Your country is much more tensed than India.
Are' bhai/didi, my mother is a prime example of someone born & raised in India, & surrendering her Indian citizenship when she married my Dad, & couldn't be happier about it. Mohajirs are the most prosperous & powerful group in Pakistan. They control the economic center of Pakistan (Karachi). They are proud Pakistanis, & would scoff at the thought of even going back to India.

Sikhs that fled from India got a second life, & the ones that didn't have enough resources to flee were slaughtered in huge numbers, some people say 50,000+.

Why stop at 50,000?
Muhajirs too faced lots of issues in Pakistan, don't lie about it, migration of Muhajirs just changed the way of Hindu-Muslims tensions into more vigorous Muhajir-Sindhi-Pashtun tensions. Communal tension happens only once in 10-15 years but same happens every year in your country.

The difference is, thousands of non-Hindus get killed from riots in India every decade, whereas far less Pakistanis get killed from riots.
Pakistan has been hosting Saudi Arabia-Iran's proxy war in its country for a long time, citizens belonging to all ethnic/religious groups & backgrounds have suffered proportionately, unlike India where non-Hindu groups get killed in the thousands every decade, & Hindus don't.

Is that so?

Show me how many Sunnis have been killed, especially the Wahabi variety?

You are hallucinating about India. Some occasional riots happened in the past, they were a blip in the general fabric of tolerance and secularism and inclusiveness.

Unlike Pakistan, where you turned on other Muslim sects once the non Muslims were ethnically cleansed.

It was kind of inevitable. A repeat of history in every Islamic society out there.
Are' bhai/didi, my mother is a prime example of someone born & raised in India, & surrendering her Indian citizenship when she married my Dad, & couldn't be happier about it. Mohajirs are the most prosperous & powerful group in Pakistan. They control the economic center of Pakistan (Karachi). They are proud Pakistanis, & would scoff at the thought of even going back to India.

Sikhs that fled from India got a second life, & the ones that didn't have enough resources to flee were slaughtered in huge numbers, some people say 50,000+.

Yeah thats why they formed MQM and still fighting running battles with other ethincities.
The difference is, thousands of non-Hindus get killed from riots in India every decade, whereas far less Pakistanis get killed from riots.

:lol: population of non muslims in pakistan has decreased to only 3 % from 18 % since independence but in India it is ever increasing. Actually in pakistan muslims also killing muslims. In karachi alone thousands died per year because of sectarian violence.
Care to provide any statistics to support this statement?

Enough statistics has been shared here that Indian Muslims are doing better than the average Pakistani Muslim (leave out the kaffirs) on all relevant parameters.

Since they are at par or lower than Indian Dalits, hence proved.

QED... ;)
look the video...

all the muhajirs want to come back india and their leader pleading india for that...egg on face moment

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The difference is, thousands of non-Hindus get killed from riots in India every decade, whereas far less Pakistanis get killed from riots.

back it up with source. As far as I know, over a thousand die in Karachi town alone in various turf wars.
Is that so?

Show me how many Sunnis have been killed, especially the Wahabi variety?

Now you're not making any sense. Are Barelvis any less of Sunnis than Deobandis/Salafis?

You are hallucinating about India. Some occasional riots happened in the past, they were a blip in the general fabric of tolerance and secularism and inclusiveness.

In India, communal violence is rife, & on average every decade, there is a large scale riot in India, where large number of non-Hindu groups suffer. That is the difference between India & Pakistan.
The difference is, thousands of non-Hindus get killed from riots in India every decade, whereas far less Pakistanis get killed from riots.

Because they are either ethnically cleaned if they are non Muslims.

Or killed in their mosques and buses if they are Shia or Ahmedi.

They are not safe even in their graves it would appear, even if they happen to be the only Nobel winner from the country!

Sad state of affairs my dear Billu Al Iraqi...
Muslims are getting quota in some southern states, muslims are already getting quota as part of OBC, and they are going to get bigger quota in UP because the party that promised 18 percent has won the election.

I favour muslim quota(in North India) and I am sure more will be done in future.
The difference is, thousands of non-Hindus get killed from riots in India every decade, whereas far less Pakistanis get killed from riots.

In Gujarat riots some 1000 people died and last year 2011 target killing 1500 alone died in Karachi(you can count how many died in Karachi since last 20 yrs must be over 10,000) and every 2-3 three weeks 20-30 Shia are killed in Pakistan and in last 20 yrs some 5000-6000 Shias have been massacred in Pakistan. So, it is true your country is more tense than India because your population is 1/6.5 time that of India and figure quite high.
A good amount of problems also has to do with Muslims themselves(apart from the obvious discrimination in getting govt facilities - which is a true fact as well).

For too long they have remained backward of their own free will. A huge number of them are happy sending their kids just to madrassa's for education and not schools so that their kids become 'good muslims', while school was thought to bring 'bad influence'. They dont care if their kids are illiterate otherwise! Thus they become unemployable and is why their ratio in many sectors of the economy is appalling.

A big example is how Muslims are opposing even giving equal rights to married women in the muslim community. They have till date refused to move with the times, and consequently, the rest of India has left them behind. They still have the old mindset and are content in not doing or embracing change.

They have been far too content in the ghetto's. And the worst part is the Muslim leaders in India. They have done nothing but tokenism for the community which has lapped it up for decades. I have personally seen MLA's in elections giving fiery speeches on Israel and Palestine to get votes! Instead should the community not have been demanding why the MLA is not getting more govt schools built in the area! The kids of the MLA all attend good private schools!

Its only now that i see a desire amongst many Muslim families to improve their standard of living, sacrifice a lot to ensure their kids get the best education in schools...something that other Indian middle class families have held dear for decades! This is because they are also finally seeing first hand and realizing that the fruits of development are not reaching them.
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