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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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back it up with source. As far as I know, over a thousand die in Karachi town alone in various turf wars.

They aren't religious riots, unlike India, where communal religion tension/violence is rife all over the country. There are no killings from riots in Karachi, only "mafia wars". Drugs, guns & criminals.
Now you're not making any sense. Are Barelvis any less of Sunnis than Deobandis/Salafis?

In India, communal violence is rife, & on average every decade, there is a large scale riot in India, where large number of non-Hindu groups suffer. That is the difference between India & Pakistan.

66 % of riots have been originated from muslim dominated areas in India... there is no institutionalized crime against non hindus unlike pakistan where we have blasphemy laws to prosecute minorities.

They aren't religious riots, unlike India, where communal religion tension/violence is rife all over the country. There are no killings from riots in Karachi, only "mafia wars". Drugs, guns & criminals.

you don't need riots to kill non muslims you have blasphemy laws
Now you're not making any sense. Are Barelvis any less of Sunnis than Deobandis/Salafis?

Well, only Muslims can answer this. I can never understand why they call all other sects wajib-ul-qatl.

But they have been killed by the same Salafis so you can go and ask those salafis the reason.

In India, communal violence is rife, & on average every decade, there is a large scale riot in India, where large number of non-Hindu groups suffer. That is the difference between India & Pakistan.

No large scale riot since 2001. Your average is a bit shaky now.

India has moved on, you Iraqis are still killing each other for some political issues that happened a thousand years back.
66 % of riots have been originated from muslim dominated areas in India... there is no institutionalized crime against non hindus unlike pakistan where we have blasphemy laws to prosecute minorities.

you don't need riots to kill non muslims you have blasphemy laws

Blasphemy Law is for Muslims & non-Muslims. More Muslims have been prosecuted for Blasphemy than non-Muslims. Prosecution does not mean being sentenced to death (although I agree it's an inhumane law), so it is futile to compare India's riots where non-Hindus get killed to the Blasphemy Law.
look the video...

all the muhajirs want to come back india and their leader pleading india for that...egg on face moment

I am happy to say our Muslims choose to stay back in India. Buddy when Muhajirs Migrated to Pakistan, first reaction of Sindhis were not to embrace them but the word," You Muhajirs made us Sindhis like Red Indians in our own Home" and next step was making knowledge of Sindhi language compulsory for any government post in Sindh province and third step was introducing quota system in Sindh. After watching all this, why won't Altaf Hussain say something like that.
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Blasphemy Law is for Muslims & non-Muslims. More Muslims have been prosecuted for Blasphemy than non-Muslims. Prosecution does not mean being sentenced to death (although I agree it's an inhumane law), so it is futile to compare India's riots where non-Hindus get killed to the Blasphemy Law.

:lol: non muslims are persecuted more by this violent and inhuman law. last time I provided you the data that more than 50 % are non muslims who are just 3% of your population so don't lie anymore.
I am happy to say our Muslims choose to stay back in India. Buddy when Muhajirs Migrated to Pakistan, first reaction of Sindhis were not to embrace them but the word," You Muhajirs made us Sindhis like Red Indians in our own Home" and next step was making knowledge of Sindhi language compulsory for any government post in Sindh province and third step was introducing quota system in Sindh. After watching all this, why won't Altaf Hussain say something like that.

Here is another Mohajir, I am sure you all know him pretty well in India:

In Gujarat riots some 1000 people died and last year 2011 target killing 1500 alone died in Karachi(you can count how many died in Karachi since last 20 yrs must be over 10,000) and every 2-3 three weeks 20-30 Shia are killed in Pakistan and in last 20 yrs some 5000-6000 Shias have been massacred in Pakistan. So, it is true your country is more tense than India because your population is 1/6.5 time that of India and figure quite high.

Our Iraqi friend doesn't let facts bother him.

He feels the need to justify the decision to migrate. He knows it has backfired badly and he can't do anything about it.

We are sorry but it was an irreversible decision.

A one way ticket.

Like the ticket those Shia purchased on that bus!
I invite you mister bilal to india come & have a look any city you like il come with you ...im sure after the trip you are going to regret your elders dicission to go to Pakistan ok tell me do your govt gives resrvation in educational institutes from primary to phd level to religeous minorities , do they have separate civil code , do there medical & educational institutions get monthly grants as we give to wakf board & jamia milliya islamia , can hindus & christians in pakistan have equal rights if not more like what we give to muslims , does pakistan govt give subsidy for hindus for there relegous tours like what we give for Haj & even have a sepparate haj terminal & IGI new delhi...you are most welcome to see for yourself
Here is another Mohajir, I am sure you all know him pretty well in India:


And I showed you what this Muhajir did to you Shia just now!

You can go a few more years earlier in 1984 when General Zia sent his notorious lashkar led and supervised by no other than Brigadier Musharraf aka General Musharraf, the enlightened, the moderate. This proto-Talibanic lashkar not just burnt alive hundreds of the Shias of Gilgit, it burnt alive the animals too owned by the Shias. Of course, this can be justified because those animals were not human, Muslim, or Pakistani.

Talibanization of the heart | Pak Tea House

And he was the enlightened moderate one!

Where do you want to go today Billu Al Iraqi?
It's pretty well-known that the people who stayed behind in present day India from UP, Bihar, other places were all lower class, illiterate, backward, poor people; who didn't have the resources to go to Pakistan. That is why UP, which was a prosperous state one time, has become renowned for its "Muslim slums & ghettos" today. In some few cases, some people opted to stay back in India because they had land/established family businesses. But by in large, if those people in India had the resources to migrate, they would have taken it. Same is the case, countless Sikhs fled from 1984 to avoid the massacre, & the ones that didn't have the resources to flee were slaughtered. Most religious groups (besides Indian Hindus) in India have had to face this massacre every decade on average.

Do Mumbai Film industry hero's don't had money to goto PAK, BTW , going to PAK and V/Versa is free that time though Train.

Moreover those Muslims who are educated and go alone with time progress and those which had taliban type mentality remained poor. One can judge by the Fact that Today's Hindu's India is far ahead in terms of Sci & Tech then PAK.

Many PAK people Visit India for operations because they don't have access to cheap and Good medical facilities. The same Muslims from UP are active in Terrorist activity and some muslims help them , those help are also eligible to getting killed.

A) The case is godhra , when Muslims burn the Hindu in Train first and then were face the earth of angry hindu, that time no one in PAK or muslim country said that Muslim should be condemned to burn train but only condemned hindus...

But everyone forget how many hindu family get killed by terrorist in kashmir with active support from population their in 90's , If some day hindus start retaliate by killing muslim family then ?

Every Society has limit when that limit breaches it retaliate in massive way .... that surprise others.

Shikh terrorist killed Popular Hindu Leader , Indra Gandhi ( those PAK have Direct hand ), so Hindus retaliate in anger, but today a sikh is heading the country , we moved on but you didn't.

Is not the right of Muslims to kill someone and they should about minority issues..
Another interesting fact is, non-Muslims or Mohajirs in Pakistan have never had to prove their loyalties publicly, whereas Indian Muslims have constantly come out & tried to prove their loyalty/patriotism to India time & time again, after any major incident. One only hears Indian Muslims being asked to speak after 26/11, other incidents, & they've come out saying that they are just as much of Indians as other non-Muslim Indians are. And even Indian Muslim celebrities can't get houses in decent neighborhoods in Mumbai, that is not the sign of a secular country. Or the fact that the cutting & consumption of cow meat is banned in most parts of India.
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