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India hosts Balochistan based terror head in its Capital.

Only the prick of Kashmir militancy remains supported by Pakistan, that too, is in its terminal decline. In fact, from 2010-2015, 245 people died in militancy related incidence. In 1991 alone, more than 500 were killed

becouse Musharraf quit support of freedom fighter just for the sake of dialogues.. he was big idiot along with benazir and Nawaz who disclose all moles in Indian Punjab for the sake of better relationship...
sounds made up,and never heard of this guy before. Plus his face looks more indian than baloch.

Definitely not made up, I happen to know a Pordeli family from Afghanistan, but I was under the impression that they are Pashtuns.
BLA is a sinking ship..India as usual is destined for embarrassment..Indian failed to asess that Baluch separatist are also a sensitive issue for Iranian..perhaps this is the move which led Iranian to invite China to join Chahbar...Modi diplomacy is starting to fall apart!

By supporting Baluch separatist..India is also fingering Iran!
Where as Pakistan and Iran have close co-op in fighting Baluch separatist terrorist...


Iranian terrorist in Pakistan’s custody - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

becouse Musharraf quit support of freedom fighter just for the sake of dialogues.. he was big idiot along with benazir and Nawaz who disclose all moles in Indian Punjab for the sake of better relationship...

Dont worry..Mushraff wasnt such a fool to trust India...he did no damage unlike Naawazu!

The Kasuri effect: India acknowledges secret Kashmir draft, Balochistan link

NEW DELHI: The Indian Express reported on Thursday the handing over of a secret draft agreement on Jammu and Kashmir by the outgoing Indian prime minister to the current one in May last year. The Hindu flashed the picture of a man who claims to be the representative in Delhi of the Baloch Liberation Organisation.

Both stories seem spurred by the memoirs of former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri released in New Delhi this week.

Former prime minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf had hammered out the draft framework agreement on Jammu and Kashmir in secret talks, a senior Indian diplomat familiar with the negotiations has told The Indian Express.

Take a look: Kasuri claims India had planned air strikes in Pakistan after Mumbai attacks

The report follows Mr Kasuri’s identical claim at his book release function here on Wednesday where Dr Singh was present along with Bharatiya Janata Party stalwarts L.K. Advani and Yashwant Sinha.

Paper says India plans to highlight ‘human rights issues in Balochistan’ just as it has begun highlighting alleged excesses in Azad Kashmir
The Baloch issue with India has also figured in Mr Kasuri’s book, though not quite as dramatically as The Hindu report states.

“I want to say here that Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies have a full measure of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There’s no gainsaying that it is a futile and self-defeating motive to hurt the other side, because both are capable of destabilising each other or wreaking havoc. There is no substitute to good sense and for talks at every possible level,” he told this correspondent in a conversation.

Files recording the unsigned documents, exchanged by both sides, were personally handed over to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by his predecessor at a May 27, 2014 meeting, the Indian diplomat told the Express.

The paper confirmed that the Indian official was speaking even as Mr Kasuri was in New Delhi to release the Indian edition of his book, ‘Neither a hawk nor a dove’. The Express described the book as the first insider account of India-Pakistan secret diplomacy on Kashmir.

Mr Kasuri’s book quotes General Musharraf as stating that the secret Kashmir agreement envisaged joint management of the state by India and Pakistan, as well as demilitarisation of the territory.

The Indian negotiator said the final draft of the framework agreement in fact spoke of a “consultative mechanism”, made up of elected representatives of the governments of Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, as well as officials of the two national governments. The consultative mechanism, he said, was mandated to address regional “social and economic issues”, like tourism, religious pilgrimages, culture and trade.

New Delhi, the official said, had rejected General Musharraf’s push for institutions for joint management of Kashmir by the two states, arguing it would erode Indian sovereignty.

Prime minister Singh’s hand-picked envoy, Ambassador Satinder Lambah, and General Musharraf’s interlocutors, Riaz Muhammad Khan and Tariq Aziz, held over 200 hours of discussions on the draft agreement, during 30 meetings held in Dubai and Kathmandu, the Express said.

“Lambah, a former intelligence official recalled, was also flown to Rawalpindi on a Research and Analysis Wing jet as negotiations reached an advanced stage, travelling without a passport or visa to ensure the meetings remained secret.”

Former president Asif Ali Zardari had sought to revive the talks when he took power in 2008, but was prevented from doing so by Mr Musharraf’s successor as army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

“At one time,” Dr Singh admitted at a press conference in 2014, “it appeared that an important breakthrough was in sight. Events in Pakistan --- for example, the fact that General Musharraf had to make way for a different setup --- I think that led to the process not moving further.”

The Hindu, meanwhile, said that the acknowledged presence of the Baloch representative in India would enable India to highlight human rights issues there similar to the way it has begun highlighting alleged atrocities in Azad Kashmir.

The new Indian position over Balochistan became public when (outlawed in Pakistan) Balochistan Liberation Organisation (BLO) representative Balaach Pardili addressed a gathering in New Delhi on October 4, reading out a statement from BLO’s exiled leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri.

The BLO has confirmed to The Hindu about the presence of its political representative in Delhi. Mr Pardili, it said, originally hails from Afghanistan.

He has been living in Delhi since 2009 and was recently contacted by Nawabzada Marri to represent him at public meetings. Mr Kasuri said Pakistan was talking to senior Baloch interlocutors and the Indian revelation was “old hat”.

The London-based Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri is the leader of Free Balochistan Movement with a militant arm, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), and BLO, the political wing. “I hope to facilitate Nawabzada Marri’s visit to Delhi in near future,” Pardili told The Hindu.

In a statement to The Hindu, Nawabzada Marri said: “We wish that India, the largest democracy, have a clear policy about Balochistan. If Pakistani officials can openly meet the Kashmiri leadership, why shouldn’t India do the same? The Red Cross does not have a hotline on Balochistan despite our repeated pleas. I want India’s help to start a crisis hotline with the Red Cross.”

Published in Dawn, October 9th, 2015

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COAS, PM Sharif discuss internal security, Pak-Afghan border situation

India lynching: Meat in Muslim man's fridge mutton not beef, forensic test reveals
BLA is a sinking ship..India as usual is destined for embarrassment..Indian failed to asess that Baluch separatist are also a sensitive issue for Iranian..perhaps this is the move which led Iranian to invite China to join Chahbar...Modi diplomacy is starting to fall apart!

By supporting Baluch separatist..India is also fingering Iran!
Where as Pakistan and Iran have close co-op in fighting Baluch separatist terrorist...


Iranian terrorist in Pakistan’s custody - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Dont worry..Mushraff wasnt such a fool to trust India...he did no damage unlike Naawazu!

The Kasuri effect: India acknowledges secret Kashmir draft, Balochistan link

NEW DELHI: The Indian Express reported on Thursday the handing over of a secret draft agreement on Jammu and Kashmir by the outgoing Indian prime minister to the current one in May last year. The Hindu flashed the picture of a man who claims to be the representative in Delhi of the Baloch Liberation Organisation.

Both stories seem spurred by the memoirs of former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri released in New Delhi this week.

Former prime minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf had hammered out the draft framework agreement on Jammu and Kashmir in secret talks, a senior Indian diplomat familiar with the negotiations has told The Indian Express.

Take a look: Kasuri claims India had planned air strikes in Pakistan after Mumbai attacks

The report follows Mr Kasuri’s identical claim at his book release function here on Wednesday where Dr Singh was present along with Bharatiya Janata Party stalwarts L.K. Advani and Yashwant Sinha.

Paper says India plans to highlight ‘human rights issues in Balochistan’ just as it has begun highlighting alleged excesses in Azad Kashmir
The Baloch issue with India has also figured in Mr Kasuri’s book, though not quite as dramatically as The Hindu report states.

“I want to say here that Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies have a full measure of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There’s no gainsaying that it is a futile and self-defeating motive to hurt the other side, because both are capable of destabilising each other or wreaking havoc. There is no substitute to good sense and for talks at every possible level,” he told this correspondent in a conversation.

Files recording the unsigned documents, exchanged by both sides, were personally handed over to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by his predecessor at a May 27, 2014 meeting, the Indian diplomat told the Express.

The paper confirmed that the Indian official was speaking even as Mr Kasuri was in New Delhi to release the Indian edition of his book, ‘Neither a hawk nor a dove’. The Express described the book as the first insider account of India-Pakistan secret diplomacy on Kashmir.

Mr Kasuri’s book quotes General Musharraf as stating that the secret Kashmir agreement envisaged joint management of the state by India and Pakistan, as well as demilitarisation of the territory.

The Indian negotiator said the final draft of the framework agreement in fact spoke of a “consultative mechanism”, made up of elected representatives of the governments of Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, as well as officials of the two national governments. The consultative mechanism, he said, was mandated to address regional “social and economic issues”, like tourism, religious pilgrimages, culture and trade.

New Delhi, the official said, had rejected General Musharraf’s push for institutions for joint management of Kashmir by the two states, arguing it would erode Indian sovereignty.

Prime minister Singh’s hand-picked envoy, Ambassador Satinder Lambah, and General Musharraf’s interlocutors, Riaz Muhammad Khan and Tariq Aziz, held over 200 hours of discussions on the draft agreement, during 30 meetings held in Dubai and Kathmandu, the Express said.

“Lambah, a former intelligence official recalled, was also flown to Rawalpindi on a Research and Analysis Wing jet as negotiations reached an advanced stage, travelling without a passport or visa to ensure the meetings remained secret.”

Former president Asif Ali Zardari had sought to revive the talks when he took power in 2008, but was prevented from doing so by Mr Musharraf’s successor as army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

“At one time,” Dr Singh admitted at a press conference in 2014, “it appeared that an important breakthrough was in sight. Events in Pakistan --- for example, the fact that General Musharraf had to make way for a different setup --- I think that led to the process not moving further.”

The Hindu, meanwhile, said that the acknowledged presence of the Baloch representative in India would enable India to highlight human rights issues there similar to the way it has begun highlighting alleged atrocities in Azad Kashmir.

The new Indian position over Balochistan became public when (outlawed in Pakistan) Balochistan Liberation Organisation (BLO) representative Balaach Pardili addressed a gathering in New Delhi on October 4, reading out a statement from BLO’s exiled leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri.

The BLO has confirmed to The Hindu about the presence of its political representative in Delhi. Mr Pardili, it said, originally hails from Afghanistan.

He has been living in Delhi since 2009 and was recently contacted by Nawabzada Marri to represent him at public meetings. Mr Kasuri said Pakistan was talking to senior Baloch interlocutors and the Indian revelation was “old hat”.

The London-based Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri is the leader of Free Balochistan Movement with a militant arm, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), and BLO, the political wing. “I hope to facilitate Nawabzada Marri’s visit to Delhi in near future,” Pardili told The Hindu.

In a statement to The Hindu, Nawabzada Marri said: “We wish that India, the largest democracy, have a clear policy about Balochistan. If Pakistani officials can openly meet the Kashmiri leadership, why shouldn’t India do the same? The Red Cross does not have a hotline on Balochistan despite our repeated pleas. I want India’s help to start a crisis hotline with the Red Cross.”

Published in Dawn, October 9th, 2015

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COAS, PM Sharif discuss internal security, Pak-Afghan border situation

India lynching: Meat in Muslim man's fridge mutton not beef, forensic test reveals

These all dialogues were to fool Pakistan.. we already know India will never give an Inch of Kashmir with just talks..

Musharraf government averts war by compromising on Kashmir
India hosts Gujrat based terror head in its capital too................:agree:

If u know what i mean
Seem India has made it clear...if you meddle in Kashmir, we will meddle in Balochistan.

My take: both countries should stop meddling in each other's territory
Pakistan has ability to host and revive Khalistan movement in its capital. Pakistan has lot of sikh. Pakistan should take advantage of them. Balochi people are Muslim, but Sikhs aren't Hindu
Pakistan has ability to host and revive Khalistan movement in its capital. Pakistan has lot of sikh. Pakistan should take advantage of them. Balochi people are Muslim, but Sikhs aren't Hindu

No, Pakistan has no such capability. May be it can do something like Gurudaspur and not more. Even forgetting geography and population, India has 10 times more money than Pakistan does. India will last any battle either proxy or direct.
No, Pakistan has no such capability. May be it can do something like Gurudaspur and not more. Even forgetting geography and population, India has 10 times more money than Pakistan does. India will last any battle either proxy or direct.
Pakistan surprises, India cries. You want to believe in; what you want to believe in. Pakistan and Balochistan; Muslim, Muslim. Khalistan and India; Sikh and Hindu. Another two nation theory. I hope; you understand, what I'm trying to say. Pakistan just have to exploit sikhs in Pakistan, then just watch the show.
Has Pakistan written and delivered a letter to Ban Ki-Moon regarding this issue ?
Has Pakistan Government discussed this with GoI ?

Pakistan surprises, India cries. You want to believe in; what you want to believe in. Pakistan and Balochistan; Muslim, Muslim. Khalistan and India; Sikh and Hindu. Another two nation theory. I hope; you understand, what I'm trying to say. Pakistan just have to exploit sikhs in Pakistan, then just watch the show.

Yes the fantasy is nice to hear. You can definitely make a movie out of it but not a nation.
If all of these you said were true was Pakistan playing sepak takraw with Sikhs all these years ?
Why didn't you guys just revive Kalistan movement ? You had 68 years !!!
Has Pakistan written and delivered a letter to Ban Ki-Moon regarding this issue ?
Has Pakistan Government discussed this with GoI ?

Yes the fantasy is nice to hear. You can definitely make a movie out of it but not a nation.
If all of these you said were true was Pakistan playing sepak takraw with Sikhs all these years ?
Why didn't you guys just revive Kalistan movement ? You had 68 years !!!
Fantasy; Balochistan as Independent state is fantasy; state neighbors Iran, Afghnaistan don't have any problem. Khalistan as nation is reality. See their mammoth population in India.

You need to worry about. Whenever, India will break, Khalistan will be the first nation and Pakistan will be the reason behind it.

Has GoI discussed Baloch issue with Pak Govt?
Has India written and delivered a letter to Ban Ki-Moon regarding this issue ?
Seem India has made it clear...if you meddle in Kashmir, we will meddle in Balochistan.

My take: both countries should stop meddling in each other's territory

Kashmir is disputed..Baluchistan is not...more ever we paid $5 Billion to purchase Gawader from Oman...

Fantasy; Balochistan as Independent state is fantasy; state neighbors Iran, Afghnaistan don't have any problem. Khalistan as nation is reality. See their mammoth population in India.

You need to worry about. Whenever, India will break, Khalistan will be the first nation and Pakistan will be the reason behind it.

Has GoI discussed Baloch issue with Pak Govt?
Has India written and delivered a letter to Ban Ki-Moon regarding this issue ?

Entire Baluch population is 4% and more than 80% of them live and earn from mainland Pakistan..Baluchistan on its own is a waste land with no agriculture to feed its people, no fresh water and more importantly no economy...
Kashmir is disputed..Baluchistan is not...more ever we paid $5 Billion to purchase Gawader from Oman...

Which is 'disputed' and which is not...depends on the origin of the person. India, under Modi, has made is clear if you meddle in our affairs we will meddle in yours. And unlike other, if Modi decided, he does.

If India starts meddling in Pakistan affairs, then it can serious consequences for whole of Pakistan's stability. Unlike Pakistan's meddling that may not have that kind of effect on India.
Which is 'disputed' and which is not...depends on the origin of the person. India, under Modi, has made is clear if you meddle in our affairs we will meddle in yours. And unlike other, if Modi decided, he does.

If India starts meddling in Pakistan affairs, then it can serious consequences for whole of Pakistan's stability. Unlike Pakistan's meddling that may not have that kind of effect on India.

Yep..consequences can get damn serious...Indra can't come back from grave to tell you!

Pakistan being a Punjabi dominant state clearly understands the Sikh psychology and very well understood the iron-fist psychology of Indra from its East Pakistan experience......By mixing the two...we paid back Indra!

Not all intelligence operations are planned in board rooms by officers...some of them are also made with the help of medic professionals..!
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