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India hosts Balochistan based terror head in its Capital.

For Pakistan to take advantage, u need to have a competent foreign office and diplomatic team, who can push our case forward aggressively in front of intl community... Our foreign office is anything but tht.. At the most..they will only issue a press release condemning it..and thts it
I would disagree.
Foreign office is fairly competent. Pakistan's educational cream is sitting there and they know very well what they are doing. Problem lies with over diplomatic stance of our foreign policy. Combine it with incompetent democratic regimes and dictators who always remain engage in power struggle and you will got a fair idea. The inherent instability of our governments is the main reason behind this diplomatic attitude.
we should respond in the same manner by calling Khalistan leaders or maybe ask dawood ibrahim to give a speech.would love to see our mighty and super doper neighbors crying
The fellow is from Afghanistan ,Afghan controls he calls it (ouch NDS), spends his time in London o_O and is now taking an extending stay in India.

Pick of the bunch this fella! :woot:
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UK is probably another culprit in sponsoring international terrorism in Pakistan as ALtafu and this clown Marri both are operating from UK..
They came here to help newly raised army AKRF and to attack srinagar right after Indian involvement.
No doubt they sacrifised many lives to protect AK and freedom of IOK.
But they came at a later stage when much of ajk was already freed. Never EVER i am going to give any tribal any credit for capturing any part of ajk because they never did. Btw some amount of loot,pillaging,rape was done by tribals in srinagar ,iok, this thing may have been grossly exaggerated by hindus but still it is true to some extent. and its said its because of this stupid loot and rape that these tribals had engaged in delayed the capture of iok and honestly they had hardly freed ajk or protected it, ajk was already taken back......they only caused more trouble in iok and were hardly of any help to us. I would never give them credit for anything. They might have lost their lives but due to some idiots amongst them who engaged in looting ,the efforts of rest of them had gone wasted too.

And u are not getting what thing iwas calling as not based on facts. The report from bbc that i had shared... its first few paras were projecting as if the local ajk uprising never happened and it was only tribals who went in and captured towns....this is what iwas saying wasnt true or facts based. U misunderstood me.

I had shared the report to talk abt instrument of accession being a fake doc.
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But they came at a later stage when much of ajk was already freed. Never EVER i am going to give any tribal any credit for capturing any part of ajk because they never did. Btw some amount of loot,pillaging,rape was done by tribals in srinagar ,iok, this thing may have been grossly exaggerated by hindus but still it is true to some extent. and its said its because of this stupid loot and rape that these tribals had engaged in delayed the capture of iok and honestly they had hardly freed ajk or protected it, ajk was already taken back......they only caused more trouble in iok and were hardly of any help to us. I would never give them credit for anything. They might have lost their lives but due to some idiots amongst them who engaged in looting ,the efforts of rest of them had gone wasted too.

And u are not getting what thing iwas calling as not based on facts. The report from bbc that i had shared... its first few paras were projecting as if the local ajk uprising never happened and it was only tribals who went in and captured towns....this is what iwas saying wasnt true or facts based. U misunderstood me.

I had shared the report to talk abt instrument of accession being a fake doc.

Try not go off-topic sis and yes AJK was freed by its people, the dashing Azadis. 8-)
Try not go off-topic sis and yes AJK was freed by its people, the dashing Azadis. 8-)
Hahaha dashing.
Acha u are right iwas feeling that off topic thing too , @engineer saad lets not post on this thread anymore, plz reply back in pakistani corner, thread is getting derailed. Ok theek hai.
QUOTE="volcano, post: 7737383, member: 159216"]Great news if true. Pakistan for decades hosting anti indian terrorists in their country. Its high time we do the same.

Does Pakistan finance groups outside kashmir ? But when Maoists, Assam, Nagaland rebel kill non natives, the amount of outrage shown by typical indian is astounding but when it comes to Balochistan. An area on which India lays no claim, Just like Pakistan lay no claim on Indian Punjab, Assam, Nagalands and areas close to Burma. You suddenly become defensive and start supporting indian stance of financing those who kills indiscriminately. We have a complete database of those incidents where Non Native middle class workers were killed just because they were non native by this BLA.[/QUOTE]

You are perfect is your argument...I agree with you...But try to think from others perspective, for you Kashmir may be a special case, but for us, if we are bled by terrorist who is sponsored by someone, they we do not mind bleeding others...But again, personally i feel, India should not go for it...It is a short sighted one...But again, my personal feeling is no more alligned with what GOI thinks now a days...
Kashmir is unfinished agenda of Partition of subcontinent. India is trying to suppress freedom movement through brutal use of force. Arm uprising in kashmir against GOI is the logical consequence of their policies. There is no freedom of religion. People were forced not to slaughter cow on religious festival Eid Ul Azha. Even few hindu extremist killed innocent muslim on these stupid charges.
These incidents are logical justification of two nation theory and subsequently partition of Hindustan.
The case of freedom of kashmir is above regional proxies.
The visit won't change anything on the ground. We already are well aware of indian nefarious activities vis a vis Afghanistan.

They'll only invite retaliatory action. There are plenty of Sikhs world wide whom I'm sure we could have plenty of "talks" with too.

India should know its limits and not act like a school child

you people had any shame before .... ??

the game of Proxies was first initiated by India in this region ....

2 can play at this game. The chickens will come home to roost.
The visit won't change anything on the ground. We already are well aware of indian nefarious activities vis a vis Afghanistan.

They'll only invite retaliatory action. There are plenty of Sikhs world wide whom I'm sure we could have plenty of "talks" with too.

India should know its limits and not act like a school child

2 can play at this game. The chickens will come home to roost.

Its not a new game. You guys threw everything on Khalistan and Kashmir. Even after independence, our nation grew more and more...

1) Got Jammu and Kashmir valley from a sovereign Raja thanks to your infiltrators,
2) Sikkim was integrated into India (not a single bloodshed)
3) Goa was annexed same like Hyderabad (use of force if diplomacy failed)
4) Won in Bangladesh, 1971
5) Perhaps lost in Srilanka with LTTE but it has nothing to do with Pakistan because ultimately Rajiv Gandhi (who died fighting LTTE) helped end it

While on the other hand, you guys just got The AZK and GB part in 1948 and lost HALF your country in 1971. Not to mention the unrest in FATA/ KPK and Balochistan. So think before again playing this game.

The only solution to this vicious cycle is if Pakistan stops supporting Hurriyat/ infiltrators and LeT etc in Kashmir. Automatically India will also have to stop as there won't be any justification internationally and will be counterproductive strategically.

@Zarvan We are enemies for a reason. What you expect India to do? Fight BLA along with pakistan Army? Being 1/10th Indian economy, 1/4th Indian military and four times smaller in size, Pakistan can never win this proxy war. Only bet is to resolve Kashmir by declaring LOC as IB and live happily (even ignoring each other) ever after.
You claim Azad Kashmir as your own even though it's under our control. You lost one of the highest peaks at Draas Sector in 1999 (one could make the case indians claimed it but not in the physical sense).

All of your neighbors are at loggerheads with you. Your LTTE allies in SL were thrashed into a million pieces and are now fish food.

Such tall brave words from a pipsqueak. Regarding proxies and all - india started it. The chickens will come home to roost. the high rate of sucicide and delinquency in your military is very telling
nothing new.... we already know all traitors and terrorists of Pakistan are by default friends of India... i dont mind it. we have to do our work to answer this.. best answer would be to have annual Jalsa of Khalistani Sikhs in Janam'sthan:thank_you2:.. we should talk to Khalistani sikhs in canada, london etc for this. also if possible invite nagas manipuri assam, etc to our parliament for speeches and we can also work on hindu Muslim divide in India :yes4: we just need few bomb blasts at Kumbh or other hindu festivals rest RSS fanatics will do their job by killing 4 5 million Indians... :ph34r:

You claim Azad Kashmir as your own even though it's under our control. You lost one of the highest peaks at Draas Sector in 1999 (one could make the case indians claimed it but not in the physical sense).

All of your neighbors are at loggerheads with you. Your LTTE allies in SL were thrashed into a million pieces and are now fish food.

Such tall brave words from a pipsqueak. Regarding proxies and all - india started it. The chickens will come home to roost. the high rate of sucicide and delinquency in your military is very telling

You are presenting a distorted set of facts with half side of history.

Who told you LTTE was our ally? You do know that LTTE killed our PM as he bombed them to pieces, right? Only some fringe elements in TN supports LTTE like how only some in your Balochistan supports BLA. Even today, TN political fringe parties are at loggerheads with the centre at Delhi because we hate/ oppose LTTE. BTW, we were the first ones outside SL to send our army to fight LTTE.

Regarding the peaks, there are atleast 5 or 6 major peaks in Kargil, drass and Uri sector which overlooks Pakistani side of LOC. So? Even in Siachin, we hold the higher areas and only the lower valleys approaching Siachin is controlled by Pak Army.

As far as coming home to roost are concerned, we have tackled those in Punjab (zero militancy today), Nagaland (just 3 months back we signed a peace agreement ending a 50 years old battle) and not to mention the other NE insurgencies.

Only the prick of Kashmir militancy remains supported by Pakistan, that too, is in its terminal decline. In fact, from 2010-2015, 245 people died in militancy related incidence. In 1991 alone, more than 500 were killed.

No matter how many cuts you want to inflict on India, we are here to stay. Our military strength, economic might and the sheer diverse population can withstand it. But history tells otherwise regarding Pakistan.
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