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India hosts Balochistan based terror head in its Capital.

Yep..consequences can get damn serious...Indra can't come back from grave to tell you!

Pakistan being a Punjabi dominant state clearly understands the Sikh psychology and very well understood the iron-fist psychology of Indra from its East Pakistan experience......By mixing the two...we paid back Indra!

Not all intelligence operations are planned in board rooms by officers...some of them are also made with the help of medic professionals..!

I really don't know whether to laugh or feel sad for you at your innocence.
Fantasy; Balochistan as Independent state is fantasy; state neighbors Iran, Afghnaistan don't have any problem. Khalistan as nation is reality. See their mammoth population in India.

You need to worry about. Whenever, India will break, Khalistan will be the first nation and Pakistan will be the reason behind it.

Has GoI discussed Baloch issue with Pak Govt?
Has India written and delivered a letter to Ban Ki-Moon regarding this issue ?

What Mammoth population ?
Sikhs very well hate Muslims because of the atrocities pinned on them by your ancestors.
So please do not day dream that Sikhs will side with Muslims.
No one is more patriotic than Sikhs. Wherever they are they are patriotic to the nation they belong.
All you guys rant and whine here are the result of your Government's incompetence and we Indians are very happy to hear your whines. Go on....!

Why would India even care to send a letter to UN on Balochistan ?
You yourself will send it one day...Wait and watch....
QUOTE="volcano, post: 7737383, member: 159216"]Great news if true. Pakistan for decades hosting anti indian terrorists in their country. Its high time we do the same.

Does Pakistan finance groups outside kashmir ? But when Maoists, Assam, Nagaland rebel kill non natives, the amount of outrage shown by typical indian is astounding but when it comes to Balochistan. An area on which India lays no claim, Just like Pakistan lay no claim on Indian Punjab, Assam, Nagalands and areas close to Burma. You suddenly become defensive and start supporting indian stance of financing those who kills indiscriminately. We have a complete database of those incidents where Non Native middle class workers were killed just because they were non native by this BLA.[/QUOTE]

How are they connected? why does India need a claim on balochistan to help those oppressed people gain recognition.
Two can play a game.

Far too long did India sit back and take a ' thousand cuts'. India I maintain has always taken a page out of the Pak book of dirty tricks & done a better job of it.
really 1971 >! hey anything ring a bell

there has to be something called shame...india is the only country that lacks it
atleast other nations admit to their deeds
Its a normal Geo-strategic proxies for proxies conflict , After Pakistan recently ratcheting up it's Kashmir rhetoric , this was bound to happen , lets be honest , Disputed or not is irrelevant & frankly , what matters is whoever controls a territory also gets to rule it , after all ground realities matters , therefore wisdom suggest that it is , indeed the weaker party which has to accept certain hard realities & not the other way around , call it whatever you want to , good , bad or ugly but this is just how the world works , for example if Canada were to demand that U.S treat's it , as an equal , then it would be unrealistic , same is the case with India & Pakistan
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We have tons of Baloch living in India. Many of them in Pune.

I wonder if some old timers here would recall that one of my very close biker buddies is a Baloch. Came to India as a young puppy. Finished his studies now and doing great on the DJ scene locally.

It is as it is.

The Baloch, especially some old tribes like the Marri, have strong Hindu roots. All of this does not suddenly change one fine day with a border being drawn on a map.

Marri's have HINDU roots.. what have you been smoking?
Marri's have HINDU roots.. what have you been smoking?

Off late, for the past 6 years, nothing at all.

As recently as the the Third Battle of Panipat, a large contingent of defeated Maratha taken as slaves (The Lost Maratha).

And as per some anthropologists, goes back a long way before that as well.

Not just the Marri too, but the Marri were mentioned since the gent in question is Marri. Since the Marri never accepted British dominion. So their land was never accepted as part of the Pakistan forming process from British dominion. Hence the ongoing resistance.
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Off late, for the past 6 years, nothing at all.

As recently as the the Third Battle of Panipat, a large contingent of defeated Maratha taken as slaves (The Lost Maratha).

And as per some anthropologists, goes back a long way before that as well.

Not just the Marri too, but the Marri were mentioned since the gent in question is Marri. Since the Marri never accepted British dominion. So their land was never accepted as part of the Pakistan forming process from British dominion. Hence the ongoing resistance.

Marri has nothing to do with Hindu roots.... They are Arab tribe ... you guys like to involve anything which benifit you guys..
Yes; Tribal were send to Kashmir in Sept 1947 by GOI ?:mad:

1932:Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah("Sher-i-Kashmir") sets up the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference to fight for Kashmiri freedom from the Maharaja's rule, which would branch off to become the National Conference in 1939.

The Glancy Commission appointed by the Maharaja publishes a report in April 1932, confirming the existence of the grievances of the State's subjects and suggests recommendations providing for adequate representation of Muslims in the State's services; Maharaja accepts these recommendations but delays implementation, leading to another agitation in 1934; Maharaja grants a Constitution providing a Legislative Assembly for the people, but the Assembly turns out to be powerless.
Prem Nath Bazaz, Struggle for Freedom in Kashmir , New Delhi 1954, pp.162-6

Yes Pakistan send 'infiltrators' in Kashmir even in 1932 & 1934

one more thing check the dates Tribesmen entered in Kashmir later not in 'September' .... as you are saying ....
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Abbotabad & OBL.. does that ring a bell , actually it should sound a gong.

himan kurkuray and attack on nirman house ring bells.... few guys on streets firing everyone and police and special force were sleeping ring bells....ajmal kasab talking as indian and use "BAGHWAN MUJHAY KABHI MAAF NAHI KARAY GA" ring bell...
Karachi got burned for week right after bombay shit... yes it ring bell.
india start blaiming without investigate .. old habbit yes ring bell...
just before world cup bombay style attack on SL cricket team ring bell...
Pishawar school attack and many things india is doing in Pak...
have you heard
"so sunar ki Aik Lohar ki"
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