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India hints at 'Military Option' against Pakistan.

When it comes to Pakistan, India has to be very cautious, the balance if power in the subcontinent had dramatically changed by the end of the 20th century.

If it was on China, I can also say the same.
indian can only b@rk no action. It will be good if india try any misadventure as it will bring more unity among Pakistanis.

BTW If PA did this then it was really a very good move as indian terrorists had kidnapped 4 innocent Azad Kashmiris from Neelum area, martyred 1 Pakistani soldier & critically injured another.
Dunya News: Pakistan:-Indian forces kidnap four Kashmiri from Neelum Val...
Tell Papa kalia that and ask him to stop being a sissy-

I have to hand it to you.

You never fail to scrape the bottom of the barrel and come up with the remark that displays the worst taste possible. While it is difficult to outdo a windy oaf, you have managed it again and again.

Congratulations, on displaying the cheapest manners and bearing. Keep it up; or should that be, keep it down?
I don't understand. What inspires such a woeful display of belligerence, arrogance and machismo by some of our friends from pak? All the theatrics and the "bring-on-the-retalliation" BS aside, it's not like the pak army has EVER (since its inception) managed a decisive, consequential and unquestionable military victory over India. On the contrary, powered by the same false sense of bravado and euphoria, various pak army generals have suffered embarrassment and brought shame to the country. Case in Point, the infamous - Op Gibraltar and Op Grandslam of 1965.

I am sorry, but aren't you being a trifle naive?

Isn't it precisely the inability to show anything for sixty plus years of pampered existence that causes such heartburn among its school-going fan clubs?

Elections are closer, a stunt like this is what those goons need.....


Quite the adepts at analysing what they are about, and what they call forth, aren't we? Expert democrats and civilian administrators that we are.

Good to see knowledge of civilian affairs keeping pace, neck and neck, with military analysis of the type of the wind-masters here. What overwhelming strength on two dimensions of national capability.
Didn't india did same thing in Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar? We let it go as our leaders were peace loving

1)These places were Hindu majority and deep inside India territory surrounded by Indian state on all sides.
SO there is nothing you could have done about it.

2) Your invasion of Kashmir predates Hyderabad and Junagadh and if we are nitpicking then one can say it was your treachery in Kashmir that guided Indians in Junnagadh and Hyderabad, except unlike you, we did not fail.

it is your indian education system & media that has made you guys ignorant bunch of fools.

According to IWT Pakistan was given 3 rivers out of 6 & indian was gifted 3 rivers because of Pakistan's fool corrupt & peace loving rulers, they let Pakistani lands dry & Pakistani population thirsty while indians enjoying Pakistani waters & now india has become so rogue that it start looting other 3 Pakistani rivers.

One of the plus sides of debating with adolescent nincompoops, is that they neither have an iota of knowledge on the subject, neither enough common sense to read up on the facts before making stupid claims, It is so easy to humiliate them.


i. The Indus system of rivers comprises three Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas and Sutlej and their tributaries) and three Western Rivers (Indus, Jhelum and
Chenab and their tributaries).

ii. The Indus Waters Treaty 1960 was signed on 19.09.1960 between India and
Pakistan. It is however effective from 01.04.1960.

iii. Under the Treaty, the waters of Eastern Rivers are allocated to India. India is
under obligation to let flow the waters of the Western Rivers except for the
following uses:

(a) Domestic Use,
(b) Non-consumptive use,
(c) Agricultural use as specified,
(d) Generation of hydro-electric power as specified

iv. India has been permitted to construct storage of water on Western Rivers
upto 3.6 MAF for various purposes. No storage has been developed so far.
v. India has been permitted Agricultural Use of 7,01,000 acres over and above
the Irrigated Cropped Area (ICA) as on 1.4.60. Out of this additional ICA of
7,01,000 acres, only 2,70,000 can be developed (i.e. a total ICA of 9,12,477
acres including that on 1.4.1960) till storages are constructed and 0.5 MAF of
water is released there from every year. ICA during 2008-09 was 7,92,496


Our waters going into sea or gutter it is we & our people who have to feel concerned not you, i don't think you will feel comfortable if some one points out & tell you what?/how? to do with your wife

It very much becomes our business, when you blame us for violating the treaty!! As always you end up loose all the arbitration cases(presided by World bank experts), yet you do not have common sense for introspection.

Our usage is well with in the confines of the treaty as proven again and again, however if you have problem with treaty, we will only be too happy to scrap the treaty..Just say the word!!
Last time the Indians felt adventurous, they were clipped around the ear and shown the exit.
Given the Indian habit of creating mischief, Pakistan may not be so generous this time. !!

Oh!..and then what happened...I will wait for your generous reply!
1)These places were Hindu majority and deep inside India territory surrounded by Indian state on all sides.
SO there is nothing you could have done about it.

2) Your invasion of Kashmir predates Hyderabad and Junagadh and if we are nitpicking then one can say it was your treachery in Kashmir that guided Indians in Junnagadh and Hyderabad, except unlike you, we did not fail.

Just like Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar were majority hindu but have joined Pakistan was Kashmir case whose liar ruler had assured & promised people of Kashmir that they will not be part of india but later show his true colors & nehru who promised Kashmiris right of self determination but later his greed of land didn't let that happen.

IWT water was to be used only by locals as specified in the treaty, currently india is generating electricity from these rivers for india.
Isn't India already attacking Pakistan with the TTP who are nothing more than Indian agents getting their marching orders from the Indian consulates across the border? :D
It is highly probable considering the image of UPA/Congress government which is at all time low and there are almost no chances of they win back next year. But I am worried, common men from both sides will be paying for any adventure and I believe no other country in the world would support the India’s stance. I guess coward operations against Pakistan is the only and best feasible solutions.
Just like Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar were majority hindu but have joined Pakistan was Kashmir case whose liar ruler had assured & promised people of Kashmir that they will not be part of india but later show his true colors & nehru who promised Kashmiris right of self determination but later his greed of land didn't let that happen.

IWT water was to be used only by locals as specified in the treaty, currently india is generating electricity from these rivers for india.

oh really ? it's Pakistan who turned down joint plebiscite offer in all three states and attacked Kashmir.
Isn't India already attacking Pakistan with the TTP who are nothing more than Indian agents getting their marching orders from the Indian consulates across the border? :D

And notice how suddenly 2 major attacks in Balochistan.

Everyone knows about the covert games being played. Actually, both sides have used covert means off and on for decades.

Since the hindostaniis are now talking about military "retaliation" then I will look forward because we saw how mighty and successful their so-called scare mongering and mobilization worked out for them in 2002 when a world record was set for military casualties pre-war time and logistical brilliance of theirs in jus moving men and equipments

Show us some retaliation, we will wait :)
IWT water was to be used only by locals as specified in the treaty, currently india is generating electricity from these rivers for india.

Are you genuinely ill-informed or are you feigning ignorance here?

The indus water treaty divides the river system into two parts. Eastern rivers - Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. Western Rivers - Indus Jhelum and Chenab.

The treaty provides for unrestricted flow of the western rivers to pak, EXCEPT for the following uses -
(a) Domestic Use,
(b) Non-consumptive use,
(c) Agricultural use as specified,
(d) Generation of hydro-electric power

Here is the text of the Treaty - http://wrmin.nic.in/writereaddata/linkimages/IndusWatersTreaty196054268637.pdf

Check our Article III(2).
Nice story bro...but ofcourse...this stupid post of yours have been dis assembled atleast dozen times here ... IAF cannot attack without the approval from the govt. and in 26/11 NO such approval was given..... This was a message by the IAF to the Pak and Indian govt. that they are very much willing to carry out the attack..

That area is a bloody grusome inhumane battlefield...if anyone is sane and rational enough they are not going to glorify the killings ...

And at what cost? You *** heads forget that those same aircrafts were painted/tracked and could've been shot down at the press of a finger.
Hints at retaliation? See, I don't know about ALL Indian citizens but most of us are aware that our Government develops cold feet and never bothers with retaliation. Why the charade?
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