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India hints at 'Military Option' against Pakistan.

And at what cost? You *** heads forget that those same aircrafts were painted/tracked and could've been shot down at the press of a finger.

no it would not.....things don't work like that up there.....until and unless there is an actual declaration of war planes very rarely come to a shooting match .... We did not shoot down the planes even in kargil even after having a confirmed lock...
those are some strong words there

Empty words as usual :meeting:

Your defense minister's credibility is pretty much nil when media pressure causes him to lie through his brown, crooked teeth. We are still waiting for him to elaborate on his incontrovertible evidence of "specialist forces" and all

To be honest, if these "specialist forces" were really just Kashmiris getting payback for their kidnapped relatives then I would actually be quite impressed. Crossing over undetected and crossing out almost a half dozen troops and still being able to make it back unnoticed
Just like Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar were majority hindu but have joined Pakistan was Kashmir case whose liar ruler had assured & promised people of Kashmir that they will not be part of india but later show his true colors & nehru who promised Kashmiris right of self determination but later his greed of land didn't let that happen.
As usual your information is vague and inaccurate.

Bottom line here is..

You invaded Kashmir, and failed and Kashmir became a part of India and later when India assimilated Hyderabad, Junnagadh, we did not fail and these places became a part of India.

If you can learn anything from this, then learn this,' Success in geopolitics is achieved by carefully balancing diplomacy with military muscle and not just madly invading an independent state with your tribal hordes.'

IWT water was to be used only by locals as specified in the treaty, currently india is generating electricity from these rivers for india.

Why are you so determined to prove that IQ does not cross 3 digit, I gave you excerpts from the treaty which exactly state the what India is allowed to do the with that water.

Where the hell does it say in the treaty, that India can not generate electricity(which migh be used in other parts of India) from it??!!
When it comes to Pakistan, India has to be very cautious, the balance if power in the subcontinent had dramatically changed by the end of the 20th century.

If it was on China, I can also say the same.

Nothing new , there , mate . Empty words , I would say . You can expect a dozen more threads on the same issue in the coming days from the Indian media , chest thumping and creating war hysteria . Similar threatening and subsequent mobilization were carried out in '87 ( Op.Brasstacks ) , '02 ( Op.Parakram ) and '08 ( warning of surgical strikes ) . Do Google the results , apparently the Indian top brass understands well , what the war mongering Indians do not understand .

Did they expect better after abducting 4 Kashmiris from Neelum Valley and killing them on the other side ?
no it would not.....things don't work like that up there.....until and unless there is an actual declaration of war planes very rarely come to a shooting match .... We did not shoot down the planes even in kargil even after having a confirmed lock...

Yes, it would - if they were deemed hostile during a hostile period and it was in our air space.

Perfectly justified and in fact I hope IAF tries so that PAF can get good target practice . This is what they've trained for.
Empty words as usual :meeting:

Your defense minister's credibility is pretty much nil when media pressure causes him to lie through his brown, crooked teeth. We are still waiting for him to elaborate on his incontrovertible evidence of "specialist forces" and all

But , of course .

I will wait for him to get some more ' new information ' so that he can properly determine who the heck was involved . The statement has already been changed multiple times .
Nice story bro...but ofcourse...this stupid post of yours have been dis assembled atleast dozen times here ... IAF cannot attack without the approval from the govt. and in 26/11 NO such approval was given..... This was a message by the IAF to the Pak and Indian govt. that they are very much willing to carry out the attack..

The intrusion was an unwarranted misadventure. Not some attack.
No government in the picture, just IAF and Pakistani side testing each others limits.
The intrusion was an unwarranted misadventure. Not some attack.
No government in the picture, just IAF and Pakistani side testing each others limits.

i believe IAF wanted to send govt. a msg they were willing to get the job done ..but you could be right
The intrusion was an unwarranted misadventure. Not some attack.
No government in the picture, just IAF and Pakistani side testing each others limits.

Dont you understand , mate ? Indian commanders/generals do not carry out anything , without the approval of both houses of the Parliament , they are saints . They will intrude in Pakistani airspace armed-to-the-teeth but wait for permission from New Dehli to attack . :azn:
Yes, it would - if they were deemed hostile during a hostile period and it was in our air space.

Perfectly justified and in fact I hope IAF tries so that PAF can get good target practice . This is what they've trained for.

check post no. 85

Dont you understand , mate ? Indian commanders/generals do not carry out anything , without the approval of both houses of the Parliament , they are saints . They will intrude in Pakistani airspace armed-to-the-teeth but wait for permission from New Dehli to attack . :azn:

there is something called a declaration war.....INdia ain't Pakistan were we just barge in like you did in 65 and Kargil.... thought you'd figure that out..... Besides..if IAF wanted to attack you would not see just 4 aircrafts....but am guess am talking to a wall
@Alfa-Fighter, Get your facts right, that was no retaliation, it was a cowardly attack against a slow moving unarmed aircraft the size of an airliner, so let me put you in the picture as far as aerial warfare goes between the two countries.




Armed Dassault Ouragan of Indian Air Force forced to land in Pakistan by Pakistan Air Force F-86F Sabres

I always crack up when they bring up Atlantique - an aircraft that cant even engage fighters - but they forget about their Migs and rotary aircrafts turned to crisp the same year.

indian sense of bravado is astounding.
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there is something called a declaration war.....INdia ain't Pakistan were we just barge in like you did in 65 and Kargil.... thought you'd figure that out..... Besides..if IAF wanted to attack you would not see just 4 aircrafts....but am guess am talking to a wall

There is something called ' common sense ' . Why intrude , well armed , in another hostile country's airspace if you dont have the intention and permission to attack ? Unless ofcourse , you came with a plan which was cancelled after the MKI's were ' locked on by the Vipers ' .

The similar goes for the PAF .
How many time should i repeat myself ..... It was a clear message by the IAF to PAk and Indian govt. that they were ready to take any action if given the order.

A helicopter like that does not even exist .... its a fake plastic model

Besides... are you aware of Patton nagar ? :omghaha:

Are you aware of Chawinda? Kalaikunda (on your side)
There is something called ' common sense ' . Why intrude , well armed , in another hostile country's airspace if you have the intention and permission to attack ? Unless otherwise , you came with a plan which was cancelled after the MKI's were ' locked on by the Vipers ' .

The similar goes for the PAF .

the same common sense which your apparently lacking..... stop repeating the same sentence dude ...check post number 85 ..
Am sorry I burst your bubble of " your vipers chasing away MkI" ..besides Mki would come in packs of 5 not just 2 aircrafts
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