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India hints at 'Military Option' against Pakistan.

That is an oversimplification - the issues at hand are more complex.

how so?

I'll ask what I keep on asking: Which "specialist" force is your government referring to and how did they go from clueless to "we have indisputable evidence of Pak Specialist forces involvement" in a span of less than 24 hours

is it just a coincidence that certain relevant sections of the hindi public and their chest-thumping media 'compelled' him to change his stance?

I'd prefer for them to try doing that rather than to stop taking their anger out on Kashmiri civilians; raping, mutilating and tossing them in un-marked mass graves (as evidence and substantiated reports show)

Civilians in India are safer that those who take a walk within your markets and among your funeral processions .:disagree:
Any military minded chap including your heads of military know that all Pakistan can do is tops sustain an assault for 7 days should a full scale conventional war break out between the two countries. apart of from sheer bluster and sheer naivety - I don't know where you guys come up with thinking you can take on India forces. hell you don't even have a navy worth squat and would run over from sea, land and air within days. that is not bluster on my end, it is reality based facts. senor sher khan...

of course you and me would not be anywhere near the fight, we will be sitting cozy in Judea Christian lands.

7 days? where did you come up with that number

since you seem to be such a knowledgeable "military minded chap" yourself :laugh: why dont you enlighten us?

i dont even see how navy figures in here unless you are talking about a full-fledged war in which case we have sea-launched capability (conventional and otherwise) which we didnt possess in the other wars.
7 days? where did you come up with that number

since you seem to be such a knowledgeable "military minded chap" yourself :laugh: why dont you enlighten us?

i dont even see how navy figures in here unless you are talking about a full-fledged war in which case we have sea-launched capability (conventional and otherwise) which we didnt possess in the other wars.

other than going nuclear, which you cant on the seas yet ( if you meant you had a triad in place), you don't have the firepower Indian Navy has. Your own defense minister said you could maybe hold out for 20 days. That too when you economy was not as bad and heading south as it keeps doing. I would put it at 7 days.

Pakistan cannot afford to match the induction of modern weaponry by India, which possibly has a greater capacity to sustain a war, Pakistani Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar has said.

"If we only try to match them (India) militarily and buy the sort of armament they have, we will probably not be able to afford it," Mukhtar said. Explaining his contention, he noted that India's economy is "six to seven times bigger than" Pakistan's and its trade volumes were "five to six times greater".

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Nationalistic chest thumping ?

I am sure you are not aware of ground reality's, hence you can say that so easily.

I do understand your point of view. I also understand that most Indians (I am in a minority) feel the need to retaliate militarily. It is just that - will such action have the end result you desire - which I assume is to leave peacefully in India?
Arnab Goatwami says its 29 Baloch Reg, others in indias establishment (who report to the media it seems) say its "mujahideen regiment"

If they weren't so emotional all the time they'd realize that Kashmiris retaliating for murder, kidnap and rapes can't be considered unjustified especially given how long it's going on. If my father or brother was kidnapped in broad daylight by those sissies and taken across the LoC I would take up arms too. Damn

TBVH , I have lost track of the allegations and statements changed from time to time , since then . But currently , its the Musa brigade as far as I remember . Yeah , Mujahideen regiment , as if we have a regiment like that :azn:

I have two theories . Either the Pakistan Army retaliated for the abduction and subsequent killing of four Kashmiris from Neelum Valley on which doubts are being cast out in India , by the police . But , in such case , I would find it strange that ISPR would deny that , because they haven't in the past , this isn't the first time , something like that has happened on the Line of Control . Or the Kashmiri freedom fighters are behind this , there has been a lot of killing and violence in Occupied Kashmir recently by the forces deployed in every nook and corner . Not to mention , the past record and human rights violation and history of heinous crimes against a secessionist populace is nothing unknown . In both cases , this wasn't unjustified , they asked for it .
is it just a coincidence that certain relevant sections of the hindi public and their chest-thumping media 'compelled' him to change his stance?

Interesting to note that Mr.Antony would only change his statement after the massive uproar at the Parliament and strong protest from BJP .

7 days? where did you come up with that number

Apparently , even this ' keeps changing ' because the Indian media put it at only 2 hours , last night :rofl:
other than going nuclear, which you cant on the seas yet ( if you meant you had a triad in place), you don't have the firepower Indian Navy has. Your own defense minister said you could maybe hold out for 20 days. That too when you economy was not as bad and heading south as it keeps doing. I would put it at 7 days.

Keep telling yourself that, if it helps grease your keyboard pride ;)

quite frankly, i dont know what's keeping you and your high & mightys from putting words into action
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I do understand your point of view. I also understand that most Indians (I am in a minority) feel the need to retaliate militarily. It is just that - will such action have the end result you desire - which I assume is to leave peacefully in India?

And to live peacefully in India , you need to fight your aggressor enemy. who is already frustrated with success rate of IA in killing the swines at LOC before they enter our country and disturb the area which they are doing since 90;s.

Hence you see the killing your countrymen. Nothing is done for chest thumping here, these guys are there fighting for our country to protect it.
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