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India hints at 'Military Option' against Pakistan.

As i said on other thread, there is news awaiting for pakistanis, i spoke to my friend yesterday (officer Rank) and talked about this incident,he is currently posted in the same area (poonch).

All i can say here is just have patience, no one will be spared. Thats It!

Its just matter of Time.
As i said on other thread, there is news awaiting for pakistanis, i spoke to my friend yesterday (officer Rank) and talked about this incident,he is currently posted in the same area (poonch).

All i can say here is just have patience, no one will be spared. Thats It!

Its just matter of Time.

See the thing is. Pakistanis can tolerate Drone Strikes or Navy SEAL raids from USA because USA is a gliobal superpower and also gives Pakistan lots of money.

If India tries launching military incursions into Pakistan it will lead to all out war.
But , of course .

I will wait for him to get some more ' new information ' so that he can properly determine who the heck was involved . The statement has already been changed multiple times .

Arnab Goatwami says its 29 Baloch Reg, others in indias establishment (who report to the media it seems) say its "mujahideen regiment"

If they weren't so emotional all the time they'd realize that Kashmiris retaliating for murder, kidnap and rapes can't be considered unjustified especially given how long it's going on. If my father or brother was kidnapped in broad daylight by those sissies and taken across the LoC I would take up arms too. Damn
As i said on other thread, there is news awaiting for pakistanis, i spoke to my friend yesterday (officer Rank) and talked about this incident,he is currently posted in the same area (poonch).

All i can say here is just have patience, no one will be spared. Thats It!

Its just matter of Time.

I hope the retaliation is not that the Pakistanis are paid back in the same coin - i.e. I hope Indian troops don't kill a border patrol just for the sake of nationalistic chest thumping.
Am sorry I burst your bubble of " your vipers chasing away MkI" ..besides Mki would come in packs of 5 not just 2 aircrafts

Apparently , you dont seem to understand the intention of a hostile ' coming fully armed ' .

I am stating ' facts ' and what happened back then . You can always discuss with your Govt why didn't they come in packs of 5/10/20/ .
As i said on other thread, there is news awaiting for pakistanis, i spoke to my friend yesterday (officer Rank) and talked about this incident,he is currently posted in the same area (poonch).

All i can say here is just have patience, no one will be spared. Thats It!

Its just matter of Time.

See the thing is. Pakistanis can tolerate Drone Strikes or Navy SEAL raids from USA because USA is a gliobal superpower and also gives Pakistan lots of money.

If India tries launching military incursions into Pakistan it will lead to all out war.

Well, the thing is - if Pakistan keeps pushing India because of their own internal political dynamics - at some point India will have to retaliate - maybe not in this administration. Once it starts, who knows how it will spiral? Indians and Pakistanis talk of nuclear war like they talk about a cricket match - we will do this and we will do that.
As i said on other thread, there is news awaiting for pakistanis, i spoke to my friend yesterday (officer Rank) and talked about this incident,he is currently posted in the same area (poonch).

All i can say here is just have patience, no one will be spared. Thats It!

Its just matter of Time.

arre yaar... this is not fair ....kitna wait karna padega :frown:
See the thing is. Pakistanis can tolerate Drone Strikes or Navy SEAL raids from USA because USA is a gliobal superpower and also gives Pakistan lots of money.

If India tries launching military incursions into Pakistan it will lead to all out war.

And where did i talked about military incursions ?

Previous misadventures like these by pakistan had also been avenged by IA in even bigger numbers. Its a dirty war, which is going on (LC) which only few really know about.
Arnab Goatwami says its 29 Baloch Reg, others in indias establishment (who report to the media it seems) say its "mujahideen regiment"

If they weren't so emotional all the time they'd realize that Kashmiris retaliating for murder, kidnap and rapes can't be considered unjustified especially given how long it's going on. If my father or brother was kidnapped in broad daylight by those sissies and taken across the LoC I would take up arms too. Damn

That is an oversimplification - the issues at hand are more complex.
Yea, had a couple of them gone down with their tail on fire, the message would have been loud and clear, but then talking nonsense is your forte.

Any military minded chap including your heads of military know that all Pakistan can do is tops sustain an assault for 7 days should a full scale conventional war break out between the two countries. apart of from sheer bluster and sheer naivety - I don't know where you guys come up with thinking you can take on India forces. hell you don't even have a navy worth squat and would run over from sea, land and air within days. that is not bluster on my end, it is reality based facts. senor sher khan...

of course you and me would not be anywhere near the fight, we will be sitting cozy in Judea Christian lands.
I hope the retaliation is not that the Pakistanis are paid back in the same coin - i.e. I hope Indian troops don't kill a border patrol just for the sake of nationalistic chest thumping.

I'd prefer for them to try doing that rather than to stop taking their anger out on Kashmiri civilians; raping, mutilating and tossing them in un-marked mass graves (as evidence and substantiated reports show)
I hope the retaliation is not that the Pakistanis are paid back in the same coin - i.e. I hope Indian troops don't kill a border patrol just for the sake of nationalistic chest thumping.

Nationalistic chest thumping ?

I am sure you are not aware of ground reality's, hence you can say that so easily.

We have a one the largest militaries in the world WITH A defense budget & GDP to match

yet we TALK THE TALK but never WALK THE WALK..

GET ON WITH IT eye for and eye + 1
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