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India hints at 'Military Option' against Pakistan.

Ummmm...how on this earth you will resolve such a complex issue as Kashmir without CBMs/trade...they are per-requisuite to create a congenial environment so that both govt. can show some heart and don't risk being decimated by their respective population...Now the problem is that terror as a tool needs to be discouraged which is what is being said in the open but at ground there is no god damn change...

How would you define CBM? Is that trade? Is that cricket? Cenima and Dances? A CBM would be trusted and dependable joint investigation team which actually looks at "terrorist" activities whenever they happen. India never accepts joint and neutral investigation teams.. can we ask why?

Besides, out of such situations, Indian government gets benefit internally and internationally. Why would they not want such a situation every 6 months?

Last time India retaliated , you got your navy plan down n 17 down. thats was AF retaliation, gods knows what would Army do.......

@Alfa-Fighter, Get your facts right, that was no retaliation, it was a cowardly attack against a slow moving unarmed aircraft the size of an airliner, so let me put you in the picture as far as aerial warfare goes between the two countries.




Armed Dassault Ouragan of Indian Air Force forced to land in Pakistan by Pakistan Air Force F-86F Sabres
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How would you define CBM? Is that trade? Is that cricket? Cenima and Dances? A CBM would be trusted and dependable joint investigation team which actually looks at "terrorist" activities whenever they happen. India never accepts joint and neutral investigation teams.. can we ask why?

Besides, out of such situations, Indian government gets benefit internally and internationally. Why would they not want such a situation every 6 months?

trade, Cinema and cultural programs, games B/W to countries is the first step of CBM. terrorism?? who started that? pakistan don't even investigate who were the handlers in karachi during mumbai attack. india is the only country in this world who came forward for friendship despite the country is victim of terrorism from the other. every time india come forward pakistan create problem: kargil war, 2013 beheading, now cross border attack.
We all know how this story goes.........................

Pakistan is what it is but if India didn't take major action after 26/11 or the beheading incident earlier this year-what's changed?

The typical denial game by the Pakistani side will go on- dealing with these people is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. Who does India attack? The known militant camps in "Azad" Kashmir? The local military units? The PA HQ? This isn't a rogue group but a rougue nation and unless India is willing to take action against the entire nation of Pakistan it is better to just STHU.
Get a life man, without any authorisation, were they just out on a joy ride or something.

How many time should i repeat myself ..... It was a clear message by the IAF to PAk and Indian govt. that they were ready to take any action if given the order.

@Alfa-Fighter, Get your facts right, that was no retaliation, it was a cowardly attack against a slow moving unarmed aircraft the size of an airliner, so let me put you in the picture as far as aerial warfare goes between the two countries.


A helicopter like that does not even exist .... its a fake plastic model

Besides... are you aware of Patton nagar ? :omghaha:
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trade, Cinema and cultural programs, games B/W to countries is the first step of CBM. terrorism?? who started that? pakistan don't even investigate who were the handlers in karachi during mumbai attack. india is the only country in this world who came forward for friendship despite the country is victim of terrorism from the other. every time india come forward pakistan create problem: kargil war, 2013 beheading, now cross border attack.

Mate, Pakistan has seen 13 years of terrorism coming from Afghanistan but being supported and backed by who? Remember 24 Indian consulates? Who many people have lost life to those? number of several times more than India can complain.

Remember BLA? Remember Indian PM accepting India's involvement in Baluchistan in the joint statement? Remember the suffering Pakistan had from yet another Indian Sponsored Terrorist group in Pakistan?

How many fingers have you got in your hands? 10? I have got the same number and we both can point towards each other in same number. You blame on us and we blame on you - and Cricket, Cinema and Dances cannot help this blame system. You talk of CBMS, we talk of CBMS but you talk of fixing the cancer with Pandora and we talk about fixing the cancer by accepting it as cancer. But actual problem is not this aspect. Actual problem is that India gets benefit by not resolving those issues. Honestly, India needs all this happening every now and then as it gets benefits out of it.

Its pinching but can you mention 1 or even a half benefit which Pakistan could get out of 26/11? There is none rather Pakistan received everything bad and after loosing those 200 innocents, India gained everything which it wanted, both internally and externally. As I mentioned, it is in the favor of India to keep a tension going between India and Pakistan as it is able to "cash" it and gain sympathies + is able to deny few things for us through its international influence. Welcome to reality, welcome to International Politics.
Mate, Pakistan has seen 13 years of terrorism coming from Afghanistan but being supported and backed by who? Remember 24 Indian consulates? Who many people have lost life to those? number of several times more than India can complain.

Remember BLA? Remember Indian PM accepting India's involvement in Baluchistan in the joint statement? Remember the suffering Pakistan had from yet another Indian Sponsored Terrorist group in Pakistan?

How many fingers have you got in your hands? 10? I have got the same number and we both can point towards each other in same number. You blame on us and we blame on you - and Cricket, Cinema and Dances cannot help this blame system. You talk of CBMS, we talk of CBMS but you talk of fixing the cancer with Pandora and we talk about fixing the cancer by accepting it as cancer. But actual problem is not this aspect. Actual problem is that India gets benefit by not resolving those issues. Honestly, India needs all this happening every now and then as it gets benefits out of it.

Its pinching but can you mention 1 or even a half benefit which Pakistan could get out of 26/11? There is none rather Pakistan received everything bad and after loosing those 200 innocents, India gained everything which it wanted, both internally and externally. As I mentioned, it is in the favor of India to keep a tension going between India and Pakistan as it is able to "cash" it and gain sympathies + is able to deny few things for us through its international influence. Welcome to reality, welcome to International Politics.

india is facing terrorism backed by pakistan for 30 years.
the reason behind terrorism in pakistan because pakistan join US for war on terror, not india.
BLA aka Baloch liberation army is freedom fighters of baloch which is self standing who are separated from other terrorists group. Indian PM didn't say anything about India's involvement in Balochistan.
after 26/11 india, us ,britain, afghan give evidence on pakistan's ISI on 26/11. rana and headly even say the former pakistan army and An ISI Officer involved in training of 10 terrorists. Kasab, only terrorist who captured alive Also mention the ISI and PA involvement in their training. the problem pakistan facing is a backlash of pakistan done in bleeding india 1000 cut policy. currently nobody is supported taliban in afghan but they are giving Coalition forces a tough resistance, the same reason is in pakistan nobody is supporting pakistan taliban and BLA the have resources to fight pakistan.
More opportunities to kill more Indian terrorists, i hope they dont back down again this time. lol
india is facing terrorism backed by pakistan for 30 years.
the reason behind terrorism in pakistan because pakistan join US for war on terror, not india.
BLA aka Baloch liberation army is freedom fighters of baloch which is self standing who are separated from other terrorists group. Indian PM didn't say anything about India's involvement in Balochistan.
after 26/11 india, us ,britain, afghan give evidence on pakistan's ISI on 26/11. rana and headly even say the former pakistan army and An ISI Officer involved in training of 10 terrorists. Kasab, only terrorist who captured alive Also mention the ISI and PA involvement in their training. the problem pakistan facing is a backlash of pakistan done in bleeding india 1000 cut policy. currently nobody is supported taliban in afghan but they are giving Coalition forces a tough resistance, the same reason is in pakistan nobody is supporting pakistan taliban and BLA the have resources to fight pakistan.

You, like indian Government, tried to project terrorism as the "core issue" as if pain is the main issue but not the broken bone. You need these allegations against Pakistan to refuse to talk on Kashmir and that is why you need more of those but look through the eyes of Pakistan if you may.. terrorism unless it is of the scale of naxals is useless for Pakistan but when it is less, it is useful for india. indian audience is hungry for emotional victory over Pakistan and such incidents and then India's opportunity to bash-back gives them that. Your politicians are wise and they know how to drive billions of countrymen nut.
How many time should i repeat myself ..... It was a clear message by the IAF to PAk and Indian govt. that they were ready to take any action if given the order.

A helicopter like that does not even exist .... its a fake plastic model

Besides... are you aware of Patton nagar ? :omghaha:

The only fake plastic are your brain cells, never seen an Alouette III with engine removed, read the plaque and enlighten your self. As for your off-topic rant, ever heard of Chamb-graveyard.

Last time the Indians felt adventurous, they were clipped around the ear and shown the exit.
Given the Indian habit of creating mischief, Pakistan may not be so generous this time. !!

Sir you are a respectable member of PDF ! But your statement says something else . When was the last time Pakistan CLIPPED arround Indian Army's ear and Shown the exit ? And my question to you is . Do you belive Pakistan Army can pin Down Indian Army on One on One .Face to Face . With full Force ? With or without Nuclear ?
The only fake plastic are your brain cells, never seen an Alouette III with engine removed, read the plaque and enlighten your self. As for your off-topic rant, ever heard of Chamb-graveyard.


oh yea....says INdian airforce in that board and Indian army in that helicopter.....
credibility lost....

Besides as for rants goes.,..ever heard of 90000 pow and bangladesh ...or not to mention the kargil blunder ? Poor boy is emotional :laughcry:

Sir you are a respectable member of PDF ! But your statement says something else . When was the last time Pakistan CLIPPED arround Indian Army's ear and Shown the exit ? And my question to you is . Do you belive Pakistan Army can pin Down Indian Army on One on One .Face to Face . With full Force ? With or without Nuclear ?

He is a drama queen ... ignore him .... after 13000 posts he still has a problem with his manners..i just put him on ignore list
oh yea....says INdian airforce in that board and Indian army in that helicopter.....
credibility lost....

Besides as for rants goes.,..ever heard of 90000 pow and bangladesh ...or not to mention the kargil blunder ? Poor boy is emotional :laughcry:

He is a drama queen ... ignore him ....

It was a matter of time before you the acute drama RANI would drag 1971 and all else just to make an escape and cover your losing streak.....poor you and your derelict mindset.

Sir you are a respectable member of PDF ! But your statement says something else . When was the last time Pakistan CLIPPED arround Indian Army's ear and Shown the exit ? And my question to you is . Do you belive Pakistan Army can pin Down Indian Army on One on One .Face to Face . With full Force ? With or without Nuclear ?

Please read my original post again, I clearly stated the AERIAL war scenario between the two countries. !!

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