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India has asked China to cease activities in Azad Kashmir: Jaitley

Pakistan's Kashmir is not disputed, its India's occupied Kashmir that is disputed.

Part of Kashmir with Pakistan is happily living with us. We are not occupying them. Kashmir as a whole is disputed when it comes to resolution. By saying Pakistan is occupying Kashmir, India accepts Kashmir is a dispute. But when it comes to talking about Kashmir, the dispute, India runs away.

On what basis, we have accession paper of entire Kashmir from Maharaja Hari Singh and you have no document to claim any region of Kashmir as the part of Pakistan.
“China maintained control over more of the disputed territory, but the agreement overall was more favourable to Pakistan. China kept roughly 5,309 square kilometres it contested in the Shaksgam Valley. However, it transferred [ sic] control of some 1,942 square kilometres of territory in the Oprang Valley to Pakistan, which also maintained control over an additional 1,554 square kilometres of territory it already held. On balance, Pakistan seems to have gained more from the deal, as the final borderline followed closely the line of actual control advocated by Pakistan. China not only abandoned its claims to the Hunza, but Pakistan also received grazing areas in the Prang and Bund Darwaza valleys, the Kharachanai salt mine, and the town of Sokh Bulaq. In addition, Pakistan kept control over three-fourths of K2 as well as six of seven disputed mountain passes. Finally, Pakistan transferred no territory already under its control to China.” (Page 116; emphasis added, throughout.)

China & Kashmir
Pakistan's Kashmir is not disputed, its India's occupied Kashmir that is disputed.

As much as the cacophony you guys generate in local polity and try to on international forums about the kashmir case, the knowledge about kashmir conflict is horrendous at best !

Your seemingly innocuous statement is a symptom of that !
People of Arunachal have survived and thrived since ages without any requirement from their northern neighbour.
No point talking abt KMT or communist as china occupied Tibet by invasion an that too not long ago.

Tell me if Arunachal with survive without water from China??? I just want to prove your statement that "possession is a fact and claim is false" is valid, you Indian don't hold a solid ground on Arunachal but we Chinese hold the foundation of this land. And now you want to extend the talk about Tibet, is this a contested land???, sorry but you gorvernement already annonced and formalized who is the owner.
The agreement resulted in China withdrawing from about 750 sq m of territory, and Pakistan withdrawing its claim to about 2,050 sq m of territory (which it had not in fact occupied or administered)-Sino-Pakistan Agreement

Professor M. Taylor Fravel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has written a definitive work on China's territorial disputes. In an outstandingly able survey, he provides, with copious references to Chinese sources, an overview that reveals China's outlook on the disputes. This is what this scholar of unimpeachable credentials has to say on what the China-Pakistan boundary agreement actually provides:

China maintained control over more of the disputed territory, but the agreement overall was more favourable to Pakistan. China kept roughly 5,309 square kilometres it contested in the Shaksgam Valley. However, it transferred [ sic] control of some 1,942 square kilometres of territory in the Oprang Valley to Pakistan, which also maintained control over an additional 1,554 square kilometres of territory it already held. On balance, Pakistan seems to have gained more from the deal, as the final borderline followed closely the line of actual control advocated by Pakistan. China not only abandoned its claims to the Hunza, but Pakistan also received grazing areas in the Prang and Bund Darwaza valleys, the Kharachanai salt mine, and the town of Sokh Bulaq. In addition, Pakistan kept control over three-fourths of K2 as well as six of seven disputed mountain passes. Finally, Pakistan transferred no territory already under its control to China.” (Page 116; emphasis added, throughout.) It was instead China which “transferred control of some 1,942 square kilometres” to Pakistan. When will the half-a-century-old lie the country has been fed on be laid to rest?

How do you accede an area whose defence doesn't fall under your actual control?
So, basically 3 sq m were conceded by Pakistan for every 1 sq m conceded by China. o_O
Nice agreement. :yahoo:
Nice agreement.
Oh yeah, nice agreement and a brilliant compromise by Islamabad and Beijing, because we got an ally- a great friend and had to transfer no territory under our control. Concede, accede, secede doesn't apply to an area which a country never controlled. Comprehension problems there perhaps?
Don't burst the bubble.....Eid aa rahiii haiii ! :)
Seriously, most of them do not even know the content of the agreement yet they will consider it their duty to be the first ones to use it and derail Sino-Pak threads. I have seen it since a long time, be it military, economy and political threads, someone from the other side of the border will make sure he brings it unnecessarily and either rant/troll/flame or see to it, the thread is ruined.
On what basis, we have accession paper of entire Kashmir from Maharaja Hari Singh and you have no document to claim any region of Kashmir as the part of Pakistan.

Bengali jee paper se kiya hota hai, its up to Kashmiris to decide.

As much as the cacophony you guys generate in local polity and try to on international forums about the kashmir case, the knowledge about kashmir conflict is horrendous at best !

Your seemingly innocuous statement is a symptom of that !

Dispute is Iokashmiris don't want to be with Bharat mata. While Pak kashmiris themselves liberated the land and made part of Pakistan. Only indiot will deny this fact.
Yes, nice agreement and a brilliant compromise, because we got an ally- a great friend and had to transfer no territory under our control.
Yeah...a brilliant compromise indeed. Just to gain an ally, you kissed good bye to the land you claim! What a friend!
In the same way give off land to Afghanistan since they have issues with durrand line! Why cant you apply the same logic there? Maybe coz India is not involved? Towards whom are you more loyal? Friends of your own country? What will you do if the claim more of your territory? Satisfy them?

Wrong again, what did we gain before 1962? nothing
And after 1962? nothing again.
So, basically 3 sq m were conceded by Pakistan for every 1 sq m conceded by China. o_O
Nice agreement. :yahoo:

Seem like its hard to digest for some Yindus that Pak gained from that deal instead of usual lies fed by mandir books to yindus about how Pak gave away land to China?
you kissed good bye to the land you claim!

No, we didn't do even that. Read the article 6 of that agreement again, understand that the Govt of Pakistan advocates the Mccartney-Mcdonald Line which the agreement closely followed. I really do not feel like wasting my time anymore on repetitive "going around in circles" posts.

P.S Durand Line is an internationally accepted border, the area in question is a disputed one with frontiers even that of the state itself not defined. There's no analogy to begin with, there.
Bengali jee paper se kiya hota hai, its up to Kashmiris to decide.

Dispute is Iokashmiris don't want to be with Bharat mata. While Pak kashmiris themselves liberated the land and made part of Pakistan. Only indiot will deny this fact.

I would have debunked your 5th standard understanding of kashmir problem logically but it is futile with nimrods like you !

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