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India has asked China to cease activities in Azad Kashmir: Jaitley

Arunachal Pradesh is NON NEGOTIABLE. Negotiation is only about Mcmohan Line that divides Tibet and Arunchal Pradesh.

Your declaration just don't count :D, ask your gorverment to make a proper formal declaration.:coffee:

You are dealing with Indians, we won't give you anything. :laugh:

And you know who you're dealing with? :D
Another piece of troll thread where each side flamed the other. Akai Chin and Arunachal issues is more or less a done deal. The problem is they could not be formalized.
we dont get anything at the present for now but we hold South Tibet's future ;)

Sounds very emotional and fancy but not real. :omghaha::omghaha:

ok daalkhor, GB is the part of Kashmir and until you don't settle that with India, you will keep finding India's objection. ;)

Make us do that !

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