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India has asked China to cease activities in Azad Kashmir: Jaitley

Lets see what govts. decide. Neither India will stop its work on China's objection nor China will. But Arunachal Pradesh is not UN disputed. But then why China is working in UN disputed land ?
But if they don't agree that Kashmir is UN disputed region than, we can have same logic that India and China discuss on any disputed territory between each other.

But for us, Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh is not a disputed territory. ;)
No, we didn't do even that. Read the article 6 of that agreement again, understand that the Govt of Pakistan advocates the Mccartney-Mcdonald Line which the agreement closely followed. I really do not feel like wasting my time anymore on repetitive "going around in circles" posts.

P.S Durand Line is an internationally accepted border, the area in question is a disputed one with frontiers even that of the state itself not defined. There's no analogy to begin with, there.
Wait a minute...dont waste you time but one last thing. You said
The agreement resulted in China withdrawing from about 750 sq m of territory, and Pakistan withdrawing its claim to about 2,050 sq m of territory (which it had not in fact occupied or administered)-Sino-Pakistan Agreement

So, you say since you never controlled that 2050 sq kms, you didnot loose anything. This is the point I dont get. You were claiming right.. You thought it was yours and claimed. Now it wont be yours forever. What does that mean? Havent you lost it? In return, China gives you just 750 kms!! And you are happy with it!!?? Gosh!! Apply this to kashmir then. You never controlled kashmir but you claim. If according to your theory, the same logic is applied, we will arrive to a solution. You would never agree to that solution right...I'm talking in that sense. If you still feel like we're "going around in circles", lets leave it here.

whatzzz matter, can't handle the truth? :lol::lol::lol:
I would have debunked your 5th standard understanding of kashmir problem logically but it is futile with nimrods like you !

Yindu don't come up with maha bharat mata crap to debunk anything, not needed.

you talking about UN resolution.

Bengali jee i am saying Pak kashmiris themselves liberated the land from yindu hands and made part of Pak land. While occupied kashmiris are fighting for freedom and IoK is disputed area.

Thats why India is ready to accept LoC as IB, which will be best possible deal for Mata.
Brave Giligt and Chitral Scouts liberated Gilgit Baltistan from DOGra rule with support of local people and this project is for betterment of common man who is proud native of this land for centuries and inheritor of its civilization way before Hindutva republic of India even existed.
Chinese soldiers are busy killing Uighur muslims.

Wrong again, we killed only Uighur terrorists, nice try :lol: and you see nothing deter us from even more open up the economic corridor, China and Pakistan are working for the future that is incomprehensive to India, you guys can protest we will simply ignore you as how you did to us in South Tibet with your infrastructure construction.
Bengali jee i am saying Pak kashmiris themselves liberated the land from yindu hands and made part of Pak land. While occupied kashmiris are fighting for freedom and IoK is disputed area.

Thats why India is ready to accept LoC as IB, which will be best possible deal for Mata.

Then what were Pasthuns doing there in 1947.
Wrong again, we killed only Uighur terrorists, nice try :lol: and you see nothing deter us from even more open up the economic corridor, China and Pakistan are working for the future that is incomprehensive to India, you guys can protest we will simply ignore you as how you did to us in South Tibet with your infrastructure construction.

Most Indians are one cunning bunch. They won't let go any opportunity to create hatred between other countries. Remember how they were flaming Pakistani members by tagging them on that Uighur thread claiming that China is killing Muslims. The Indian aim is to create tension & hatred between China & Pakistan & China & Islamic world. China & Islamic world must realize this. Remember India is friend of no one...remember how they ditched their Israeli friends who helped & supported India at various points.
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Helping their brothers to liberate IoK which didnt happen unfortunatly.

Helping or doing looting, killings of Kashmiri Muslims, not even sparing the European missionaries in Kashmir. ;)

On occasions Bourke-White was able to slip out unescorted and meet tribal Pashtun invaders. She narrates her conversation with one Invader leader, Badsha Gul of Mohmand tribe. Gul had brought one thousand tribals, a convoy of trucks and ammunition for invasion of Kashmir. The trucks and buses would at times come back within a day or two "bursting with loot, only to return to Kashmir with more tribesmen, to repeat their indiscriminate "liberating" - and terrorising of Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim villagers alike"

Tribal Invasion: An American Reportage
Helping or doing looting, killings of Kashmiri Muslims, not even sparing the European missionaries in Kashmir. ;)

On occasions Bourke-White was able to slip out unescorted and meet tribal Pashtun invaders. She narrates her conversation with one Invader leader, Badsha Gul of Mohmand tribe. Gul had brought one thousand tribals, a convoy of trucks and ammunition for invasion of Kashmir. The trucks and buses would at times come back within a day or two "bursting with loot, only to return to Kashmir with more tribesmen, to repeat their indiscriminate "liberating" - and terrorising of Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim villagers alike"

Tribal Invasion: An American Reportage

Bengali you will not understand, even if i believe your report of few pashtuns looting it shouldnt matter at the end. Many did go there to liberate.

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