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This is an argument I heard from an Indian energy analyst on the internet:
We've hit Peak Oil. One argument we always here is whether China can get rich before it gets old. Another equally important argument is can India get rich before energy gets too expensive. Every country on earth is competing for this same energy and it costs the same no matter if you're a rich or a poor country.
There's a lot of doomsday talk among the peak oil crowd. I think this is being way overblown, at least in China's case, for the following reasons...

  1. MSR - Molten Salt Reactors (liquid thorium reactors)
  2. 4th gen breeder reactors
  3. nuclear fuel reprocessing
  4. CTL - Coal To Liquid technology
  5. Shale Gas

I'm not going to get into the details too much because it would be pages long but look up any of these energy sources as they relate to China and you will see that they China is in absolutely no long-term danger of any energy deficit. If we're talking short-term as in less than 10 years, then yes China as well as the rest of the world can possibly have a minor energy crisis. However, if we're talking beyond 2025, China will be sitting pretty energy wise. Look at the benefits of these energy sources, I will only summarize...

  • Liquid Thorium Reactors => unlimited cheap electricity
  • 4th gen breeder reactors => near unlimited cheap electricity (dangerous process)
  • nuclear fuel reprocessing => near unlimited cheap electricity (hazardous process)
  • CTL - Coal To Liquid technology => can eliminate oil imports (would take decades to ramp production, dirtier than regular oil)
  • Shale Gas => increases natural gas resources over 10-fold (make China natural gas independent)

All of the above are currently at initial to full scale production. I believe most of these doomsday naysayers either have an agenda or are driven by some ideology because their conclusions simply don't make sense, at least in China's case.
So when is CCP planing to reverse its One child policy ?
If Chinese people had their way..this policy would never been introduced..but unfortunately in China public opinion has never mattered much.

The vast majority of our educated people support an effective population control policy. The best proof is when the couple are the only child in their families, they can get two kids, however very small number of them prefer to have their second kid.

On the other side, if you look at your fancy "monthland" which so far systematically failed 1 billion of its citizens, people there didn't get any say for the national policies, otherwise how can you keep getting liars like Singh voted in? How can you failed to provide toilets for half of your population? How can you fail to educate half of your female citizens to allow them to at least read/write their names?

In China, we don't pretend to be a democracy, we don't feel proud of such status, but we are practical people. We change what we believe is out dated. The same can not be said for india -- a fake democracy.
Chinese population is rapidly aging..so if govt of China wanted to really reverse this policy before its economic growth starts to decline ..they would have done it already..because it will take another 20-25 odd yrs before working population age to start decreasing after the reversal of its policy.

You are dead wrong.

True, the population is aging faster than countries like india, but the other side of the fact is those young people get much better education as their family can dedicate resources to their only child. To give you a quick snapshot, most kids in Shanghai will eventually get to universities. Can you say the same for kids in Mumbai? No, you can't.

With such differences, which country has a higher chance to develop an advanced economy? probably not india.

Natural resources are another issue india will eventually face, the biggest one being space itself. How many cars can you park on the streets of Delhi? How much oil you need to import to support keep those cars moving? How many new apartment need to be built for your fancy uncontrolled population? Do you have enough funds and management skills to provide enough roads? How about the load on healthcare system?

Oh, suddenly all these problems will disapear in front of india, because we are talking about india. Let's just keep the good bit: a young population.

The vast majority of our educated people support an effective population control policy. The best proof is when the couple are the only child in their families, they can get two kids, however very small number of them prefer to have their second kid.

On the other side, if you look at your fancy "monthland" which so far systematically failed 1 billion of its citizens, people there didn't get any say for the national policies, otherwise how can you keep getting liars like Singh voted in? How can you failed to provide toilets for half of your population? How can you fail to educate half of your female citizens to allow them to at least read/write their names?

In China, we don't pretend to be a democracy, we don't feel proud of such status, but we are practical people. We change what we believe is out dated. The same can not be said for india -- a fake democracy.

u almost trolled completely about education.
firstly u were writing about education to female students -->
let me ellaborate u,govt have developed schools at almost every Killometer here not only primary but also secondary schools for high studies.
govt gives money to parents to bring their childrens to school and give them food and every facility to their parents.
although this is not done in whole country and other thing is the uneducated parents whose mentality is hard to change + this facilities are provided from recent years not from many past years so every thing takes time to reach and to give results.
u cant expect anything early when ur 70% population is under villages.
so think before trolling abt the govt abilities.
govt is doing enough

and regarding to china,i dont care wat u are or not..
u had wrong point abt india,i cleared u abt this ,rest is ur choice
it is just amazing that indians even believe that a larger population is an advantage.

look at your country please, your land size is 1/3 compared to ours, your water supply is limited, with the current production level you even don't have enough food to feed your 1 billion people.

how can you claim it as an advantage? :D
The vast majority of our educated people support an effective population control policy. The best proof is when the couple are the only child in their families, they can get two kids, however very small number of them prefer to have their second kid.

On the other side, if you look at your fancy "monthland" which so far systematically failed 1 billion of its citizens, people there didn't get any say for the national policies, otherwise how can you keep getting liars like Singh voted in? How can you failed to provide toilets for half of your population? How can you fail to educate half of your female citizens to allow them to at least read/write their names?

In China, we don't pretend to be a democracy, we don't feel proud of such status, but we are practical people. We change what we believe is out dated. The same can not be said for india -- a fake democracy.

Huh,dont just throw any rubbish around because of ur simple hatred against India,u want to say that u have more say in ur policies and we have here,yes we r poor,we lack toilets,more poor people than the entire combination of earth,but do u know why peple select Mr singh,because he do not force Vasectomy on us.

U may never feel proud of Democratic system because u people had never enjoyed it,infact I should say u had not even experienced communism,u r also a fake communist nation,were communism is used for subjugation of people,Here we dont aspire to develop our nation on the cost of its people,we dont want population control by making our men impotent.
Idk why some chinese fanboys believe that China as if is invincible??can't it be overtaken? answer is yes..
whom do you expect to overtake it?Obviously the one who is just behind China.
Who's just behind China in growth rate?...you guys know it yourself.

Go smell some coffee and get your logistics refreshed.
u almost trolled completely about education.
firstly u were writing about education to female students -->
let me ellaborate u,govt have developed schools at almost every Killometer here not only primary but also secondary schools for high studies.
govt gives money to parents to bring their childrens to school and give them food and every facility to their parents.
although this is not done in whole country and other thing is the uneducated parents whose mentality is hard to change + this facilities are provided from recent years not from many past years so every thing takes time to reach and to give results.
u cant expect anything early when ur 70% population is under villages.
so think before trolling abt the govt abilities.
govt is doing enough

and regarding to china,i dont care wat u are or not..
u had wrong point abt india,i cleared u abt this ,rest is ur choice

typical troll, already reported.

I am asking for a number, a number showing your education spending at your federal level.

please stop trolling, just show me the number and then compare it with your military spending level.
Idk why some chinese fanboys believe that China as if is invincible??can't it be overtaken? answer is yes..
whom do you expect to overtake it?Obviously the one who is just behind China.
Who's just behind China in growth rate?...you guys know it yourself.

Go smell some coffee and get your logistics refreshed.

you can keep talking, dreaming, just like the previous 100 generations of indians have done. but trust me, that is not going to change the world you live in.

the fact is: our economy is 400% compared to yours, your capital looks like a dump site.
typical troll, already reported.

I am asking for a number, a number showing your education spending at your federal level.

please stop trolling, just show me the number and then compare it with your military spending level.

Education in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
u can get information abt our budget on education which is 6.6 billion dollars and our military budget is more than 40 billion dollars(shown+hidden)..

and regarding to reporting of post,watever satisfies u ,u can do...........
you can keep talking, dreaming, just like the previous 100 generations of indians have done. but trust me, that is not going to change the world you live in.

the fact is: our economy is 400% compared to yours, your capital looks like a dump site.

Another fact is that our economy is growing 9 percent and urs 10 percent,not much of a difference is it?And btw the article was talking about overtaking China in terms of GDP growth rate,bigot! go read it first.
And as for GDP percapita the income is still pretty low and only 3000 USD's more than India,am amazed that you talk about India's poverty.
People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (see the right grey column)
When your own country is still poor(in per capita terms)
Then keep laughing..
Whatever makes you happy.

Idk why some chinese fanboys believe that China as if is invincible??can't it be overtaken? answer is yes..
whom do you expect to overtake it?Obviously the one who is just behind China.
Who's just behind China in growth rate?...you guys know it yourself.

Go smell some coffee and get your logistics refreshed.

Yeah right, dream on cos its free, the whole world will stop growing inorder for our mighty Indians to catch up.
And frankly speaking, its pretty funny that India is nowhere near to what some idiots's wet dream claim.:lol:

Yeah right, dream on cos its free, the whole world will stop growing inorder for our mighty Indians to catch up.
And frankly speaking, its pretty funny that India is nowhere near to what some idiots's wet dream claim.:lol:


That fabulous chart wasn't available to many economists around the world.
Sorry! :lol:
Yeah right, dream on cos its free, the whole world will stop growing inorder for our mighty Indians to catch up.
And frankly speaking, its pretty funny that India is nowhere near to what some idiots's wet dream claim.:lol:

This shows the growth rate,but doesn't include India.
And you know what's India's growth rate is and the rest of the world's growth rate(except China offc)
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