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Education in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
u can get information abt our budget on education which is 6.6 billion dollars and our military budget is more than 40 billion dollars(shown+hidden)..

and regarding to reporting of post,watever satisfies u ,u can do...........

I just read your suggested wiki page, and I have to say I am really shocked. I knew the life in india is tough, but I didn't expect it to be that horrible.

35% of its population is still illiterate; only 15% of Indian students reach high school, and just 7% graduate.[5] As of 2008, India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for 7% of India's college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57% of college professors lack either a master's or PhD degree

Education in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

have a read, do you seriously support the evil regime which is sysmatically denying your children's right to education?
but recently a survey said that 95% of children in India go to schools.
use google to your benefit
but recently a survey said that 95% of children in India go to schools.
use google to your benefit

that doesn't change the fact that "India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for 7% of India's college-age population".

save some money, buy yourself a ticket, go to Shanghai, visit schools there. then ask the regime in Delhi why they refuse to allocate more money for schools.
There's a lot of doomsday talk among the peak oil crowd. I think this is being way overblown, at least in China's case, for the following reasons...

  1. MSR - Molten Salt Reactors (liquid thorium reactors)
  2. 4th gen breeder reactors
  3. nuclear fuel reprocessing
  4. CTL - Coal To Liquid technology
  5. Shale Gas

I'm not going to get into the details too much because it would be pages long but look up any of these energy sources as they relate to China and you will see that they China is in absolutely no long-term danger of any energy deficit. If we're talking short-term as in less than 10 years, then yes China as well as the rest of the world can possibly have a minor energy crisis. However, if we're talking beyond 2025, China will be sitting pretty energy wise. Look at the benefits of these energy sources, I will only summarize...

  • Liquid Thorium Reactors => unlimited cheap electricity
  • 4th gen breeder reactors => near unlimited cheap electricity (dangerous process)
  • nuclear fuel reprocessing => near unlimited cheap electricity (hazardous process)
  • CTL - Coal To Liquid technology => can eliminate oil imports (would take decades to ramp production, dirtier than regular oil)
  • Shale Gas => increases natural gas resources over 10-fold (make China natural gas independent)

All of the above are currently at initial to full scale production. I believe most of these doomsday naysayers either have an agenda or are driven by some ideology because their conclusions simply don't make sense, at least in China's case.

The energy oil provides actually is discounting in many ways. For example in transportation Oil is by far the cheapest and most efficient form of energy especially when it comes to Shipping and Aviation. As cars go current technology has still not found a suitable replacement for the energy provided by a simple tank of gas.

Other concerns of course are oil based fertilizers used in almost every part of the world food production and other stuff like soap, detergents, plastics etc etc which we use in our daily lives.

And mining also uses a huge amount of energy which in practical sense is suitably powered by oil, I doubt any battery/CNG powered dump truck would last half as long as what we have currently today.

Of course if the infrastructure is already in place suitable replacements can be made (i.e high speed trains vs planes) which can be powered by domestic sources (power stations). But I can't imagine the price of other resources which need to be extracted by oil based replacement solutions will be.
Then keep laughing..
Whatever makes you happy.
I thought you are a big fan of BBC? :lol: the chart was from this link of todays news.:oops:
BBC News - China overtakes Japan as world's second-biggest economy
That fabulous chart wasn't available to many economists around the world.
Sorry! :lol:

This shows the growth rate,but doesn't include India.
And you know what's India's growth rate is and the rest of the world's growth rate(except China offc)

Read your own post again and tell me does that making any sense:azn:
Currently there 20 million Chinese studying in universities in China, there are also a large number studying in western countries.
I am wondering what is the stats in india? do they have 2 million university students?

How many universities the regime in Delhi fund? 100?

see, indians are mentally prepared for a war, they have even set the exact time to launch attack, but to legitimize their offensive military moves, they are saying it will be China who will launch the first attack.

China can attack India by 2014

The foremost thing is to do make India's military power simply awesome to deter the enemy. It is vital to rapidly modernize the Indian Armed Forces in terms of human resources and equip them with technological capabilities to conduct deep offensive operations.

The threat from China has crept to level ‘Orange’ for the past many years and the creeping invasion built over decades displays great features of stealth.

China is laying claims over Arunachal Pradesh .To counter threat posed at multiple-levels by China, India should demand that illegally occupied territories by China and Pakistan should be vacated immediately.

India’s long term declared objective should be to demand vacation of all illegally occupied territories by China and Pakistan. To equate legal accession of Kashmir by New Delhi with forcible occupation of independent Tibet by China is a fallacy. Moreover, our borders were with independent Tibet and never with China.

The border negotiations have been going on continuously since 1981, making them already the longest and the most-barren process between any two countries in modern history. The record includes eight rounds of senior-level talks between 1981 and 1987, and 14 joint working group meetings between 1988 and 2002. The latest discussions in 2009 constitute the 14th round of talks between the designated Special Representatives since 2003.

India has begun improving infrastructure along the border with China and is building new roads and airports. Special troops are being raised for deployment at the border and weapons are being purchased for deployment in the higher reaches.

New Delhi also has voiced its concern over increased defense spending by China.

Meanwhile India has sought more "clarity and transparency" in China''s nuclear cooperation with Pakistan, saying Beijing needs to be more "sensitive" towards its "genuine concerns".
It doesn't matter how many they fund. The people regarded as elite in any society must belong to the >115 IQ range. In china, those with >115 IQ consist of only 1 standard deviation above the mean IQ, so as much as 17% of chinese are high IQ peoples. however, in India, you must increase your IQ to 2 standard deviations above the mean to become a high IQ person, and only 2% of indians can do so. With China's population advantage, we have approximately 10 times the number of high IQ peoples as India has. Therefore, the lower number of Indians attending university is expected.
It doesn't matter how many they fund. The people regarded as elite in any society must belong to the >115 IQ range. In china, those with >115 IQ consist of only 1 standard deviation above the mean IQ, so as much as 17% of chinese are high IQ peoples. however, in India, you must increase your IQ to 2 standard deviations above the mean to become a high IQ person, and only 2% of indians can do so. With China's population advantage, we have approximately 10 times the number of high IQ peoples as India has. Therefore, the lower number of Indians attending university is expected.

and we work much harder than indians. in just 5 years, we built 7000-8000 km high speed railway. how many km india has at home? 0 probably.
1. Infrastructure - The current infrastructure in India is already strained and will continue to be so especially with more and more users from the population boom.
India's infrastructure problems will be solved by China. By the end of this decade, China will become the world's biggest international construction outsourcer. It will be solving India's transportation bottlenecks just like it is solving India's communications bottlenecks (mobile & internet) now. The question is if the Indian boom will continue considering the upcoming world financial crisis which I believe will cause protectionism in the developed countries.

2. Food - Food is already an issue around the world, and increasing floods don't make the issue any better.
3. Job Security - It appears everyone seems to assume once China's population goes down the manufacturing base will immediately shift to India. Who is going to shift the jobs there? The Americans and Europeans have already been tapped dry of cash with majority of the worlds funds being held by China, will China shift the manufacturing jobs to India and cause instability in her own country not sure about that.
China won't need to wait that long because by 2020, labor intensive industries will have already begun moving out of China while its population is still increasing. Looking at the GDP per capita and distance to markets, I'd say the following countries are most likely to pick up these labor intensive industries...

  • Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines
  • India, Pakistan
  • Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala

Although I think India will pick up a sizable chunk of this, I doubt it will be anywhere near the scale that some are predicting. When the WTO textiles agreement eliminated quotas in 2005, China and India were expected to grab the lions share of the textile industry. This did happen in China's case but not India's. The reasons are varied but the main one is that China's infrastructure advantage gave it a competitive advantage. In relation to other countries, given equal infrastructure, India has no advantage other than wages, and a transportation cost advantage to European markets.

If I were to take a guess, I would say China is planning on transferring a large proportion of it's labor intensive industries to the inland Chinese provinces Guizhou and Sichuan where wages are still very competitive with India. Their problem is transportation distance to the European market. This disadvantage can be largely mitigated if China could transport its goods directly from the Bay of Bengal instead of from the South China Sea. This is where China's treaties and construction of ports in Myanmar and Bangladesh could come in very handy.
It doesn't matter how many they fund. The people regarded as elite in any society must belong to the >115 IQ range. In china, those with >115 IQ consist of only 1 standard deviation above the mean IQ, so as much as 17% of chinese are high IQ peoples. however, in India, you must increase your IQ to 2 standard deviations above the mean to become a high IQ person, and only 2% of indians can do so. With China's population advantage, we have approximately 10 times the number of high IQ peoples as India has. Therefore, the lower number of Indians attending university is expected.
IQ tests as they exist today are a subjective construct. There are different forms of intelligence that are not measured by IQ tests. This is why so many college educated degree holders are clueless when they leave the academic environment and enter the workforce. IQ does not connote ingrained comprehensive ability. This should be self evident looking at the world's people. I do believe it does connote the potential for technical ability though but even this potential can be developed through improved nutrition, childhood environment and even attitude and personality.
India's infrastructure problems will be solved by China. By the end of this decade, China will become the world's biggest international construction outsourcer............................ Their problem is transportation distance to the European market. This disadvantage can be largely mitigated if China could transport its goods directly from the Bay of Bengal instead of from the South China Sea. This is where China's treaties and construction of ports in Myanmar and Bangladesh could come in very handy.

Thanks Marshall, thats a really detailed analysis. Agreed on China moving the manufacturing industry inland, already I have come across a few reports about developments of inland cities near the Middle East region that was previously unheard of. Cheers!
IQ tests as they exist today are a subjective construct. There are different forms of intelligence that are not measured by IQ tests. This is why so many college educated degree holders are clueless when they leave the academic environment and enter the workforce. IQ does not connote ingrained comprehensive ability. This should be self evident looking at the world's people. I do believe it does connote the potential for technical ability though but even this potential can be developed through improved nutrition, childhood environment and even attitude and personality.

I am confusing about you want to tell.
IQ of course doesn't lead you to success, but a higher average IQ for a population of 1.3 billion is definitely a big advantage.
there is one important factor to remember when considering which country will pick up the labor intensive work that is going shift out of China: whether the workers there are willing to work hard.

it has been widely reported that Chinese companies helping india to build their communication systems are facing this problem: local workers in india simply refuse to show any professionalism. they show up late, then have breakfast, 8 hours working lead to 4 hours productivity.

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