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Not that I doubt Mozart was intelligent, but who says Mozart had a high measured IQ?

You're equating intelligence with IQ score and using questionable statistical data to back up what every reputable scientist knows is largely subjective according to the whim of the test maker, the ratio of verbal vs. visiospatial, cultural, etc. Case proven and closed, by who? IQ tests didn't even exist at the time of Mozart. Trolling case proven and closed.

You are telling low IQ bu$$crap again! Do your know how to reason?

Yes, unfortunately at the time of Mozart, the IQ test has not been invented yet. yet how one is possible to know What sort of IQ score Mozart could have had then?


This is because we KNOW for a fact via logical deduction that :

ALL intelligent persons ( logically assuming that “intelligent persons”are defined as ones with proven / universally recognizable amd measurable successful track records , ON AVERAGE, in their professional fields, being artists, scientists, engineers or talors, blacksmiths or whoever) score HIGH in IQ test;

whereas ZERO famous ( aka. recognised universally for his/her high achievements) person in his/her professional field scores LOW on IQ test.

This simple factual deduction proves that there is a logical and statistically valid link between the TEST ( whatever its name is, IQ Test or whatever Test it might be called) and one’s INTELLIGENCE LEVEL ( whatever that is or means in detail, I don’t care).

Therefore, Mozart MUST have extremely high IQ score FOR SURE, if he have had a chance to take the test.

This is EXACTLY the same as the analogy I raised previously that if one wants to prove his Sprint Capability ( not intelligence but physical one) , one only has to be put into ANY short-distance running test, as all people with HIGH Sprint Capabilities run FAST in the TEST and ZERO person with LOW Sprint Capabilities run fast in the test.

This test can be 100m, 60m, 150m, 74m or 59m, I don’t care and it doesn’t matter, just as whether it’s IQ TEST or ER TEST or HG TEST – doesn’t matter as long as there is a statistcally valid correlation between A TEST and a RESULT.

This is a basic level LOGIC question. And you failed spectacularly. I can perfectly detest your IQ level now. :lol:

Again you are equating intelligence with IQ tests. Nobody is saying scientists can be retards...sheesh.... Am I talking to a child?

:rofl: yeah, what a retard!

In the late 19th-early 20th century, Italian immigrants landing in the USA underwent IQ testing and on average were rated as dull and satisfactory for menial labor with their low 80s IQs. Today, Italy is listed with an IQ of 102 which is the highest in Europe.

Show us statistically proven sources for your above Bu$$crap, please.

The same phenomenon of wildly fluctuating IQ scores within the same ethnic and cultural groups has been ongoing for decades. The Flynn Effect was created to try and explain this phenomenon but it doesn't explain it all. Why can no theory explain what should seemingly be a mostly genetically inborn ability evolved through eons?

You don’t know a jack about Flynn while quoting him! Flynn himself admits IQ and effectiveness of IQ first of all! What he did was only tring to explain some MINOR upward fluctuations in IQ over time.

Now do you have a clue on what is Reverse Flynn Effect? No, I bet you don’t.

The answer is very obvious. It's because IQ tests are so subjective that they can almost be considered pseudo science. Do I really have to waste time explaining this logically to somebody resorting to personal attacks so easily?

Humans are ALWAYS imperfect, that’s why!

Likewise, wow perfect IQ test is doesn't matter, my slow-minded friend !!!

What matters is that with a Test, called IQ test, no matter how imprecfect it is, we can draw scientifcially /statistically VALID conclusion, as precise as how scientists predict where and when Sun rises like a clock!

That is the spirit of how science has been conduted, the way how we high IQ human beings progress in history, in spite of imperfection.

The answer is very obvious. It's because IQ tests are so subjective that they can almost be considered pseudo science. Do I really have to waste time explaining this logically to somebody resorting to personal attacks so easily?

Without even a clue about a , b and c, and you try to provide an ANSWER “z” here.

:rofl: :rofl:
Unlike China India's currency isn't artificially undervalued. The pile 2 trillion dollar foreign currency reserve that china is currently sitting on is result of 70% undervalued yuan. China's huge trade surplus will turn into a trade deficit if they play on level playing field. Maybe we're developing slowly but at least no one can accuse India for cheating. WE PLAY FAIR.

You are right, my dear self-proclaim economist, too bad the reality seems so much different comparing with some "internet hoax":tup:

Every country manipulates currency to ensure that its economic model doesn't get hit. In today's world that may not be such a good idea.:lol:
India and Currency Wars - Forbes.com

WASHINGTON: China did not manipulate its currency to gain an unfair advantage in international trade in 2010, the US Treasury said Friday in a long-delayed report to Congress.

The Treasury said that China, eight other countries and the eurozone were all cleared of accusations that they manipulated exchange rates to their own benefit. :azn:
China did not manipulate currency in 2010: US - The Economic Times
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