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India finalizing US $ 10 billion mega stealth frigates’ project

@Abingdonboy....i don't know wether you know that or not.....The estimated cost of Next Gen Type 26 stealth frigate for Rayal Navy which will enter into service in 2020 is around around 400 million GBP{620 Million $ per copy }......and its obvious this 620 Million $ include the cost of R&D and infrastructure....Btw what kind of R&D will we do for this project....what i mean is Our present stealth frigate have-

American Engine
Israeli and French sensor and radar
Russian anti aircraft missile
Russian Rocket Launcher
Russian or Indo-Russian anti ship missile
Italian Naval Gun
Israeli Sam Barak
French or Britsh helicoptor

Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。
Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。

do you realize , we are using stuff which has a tag of "WORLD'S BEST"

we dont want 'china quality' tag for our ships
guys this ship will have displacement of 6800-7200 tonnes .
It will have best anti ship missile , best air defence system , 2 helicopter hanger , more stealthy then shivalik class (and more quieter ) , It will have an American engine (best in its class ) .

construction is suppose to take place between 2012-2021 ,

so in my opinion 10B$ is reasonable ( for 7 frigate )

Unfortunagtely it is OVER 11 billion at current exchange rates,which works out at 1.6 billion each。

If past experiences are any guide,the project is unlikely to finish on time and under budget,which means the final price tag will almost certainly top 2 billion a ship。

Something India can afford?Must afford?
Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。

check your sources before you troll.the ship is not italian design its made in inda.and the steel itself is made in india.so desperate to troll
Unfortunagtely it is OVER 11 billion at current exchange rates,which works out at 1.6 billion each。
you are comparing price of 4000tonns(built in 2000-2010) frigate to 7000tonns frigate .
1.6b$ price includes inflation during 2012-2021

If past experiences are any guide,the project is unlikely to finish on time and under budget,which means the final price tag will almost certainly top 2 billion a ship。
We should expect delay of 2-3 years
Something India can afford?Must afford?

yes we can afford
Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。
dude its Indian steel not imported steel.....Indian PSU SAIL has facility to manufacture AB grade which is reqiired to build frigate.....as faar as 054A frigate is concern...then you should know that you can't compare Apples with oranges 054A Frigate has a full displacement of 4000 tons and here we are talking about a frigate which will have full displacement of atleast 6200 tons.....dude you can't procure F15 Silent Eagle in the price of F16 C/D....

Btw buddy 054A Frigate is improved version of 054 frigate which was french design.....054A Frigate uses french engine and russian SAM

Note-First of all we don't hesitate in admiting where our country is standing and secondly being the citizen of democratic country we can criticise our Govt if we feel that govt is not doing right thing BUT that doesn't means that trolls from other country can jump in and use these criticism as an opportunity...
Well The Price is 9 Billion USD at Current exchange Rate

Also the 6200Ton Shivalik Class had Roughly 60% Indian Content , and cost an estimated 560 Million USD Each when inducted in 2010

So My guess is that a 7000 Ton design with a full flushed deck and improved weapons systems , Radars and electronics ,
and with an estimated induction in 2018-20
So it would not be wrong to budget a price tag of around 1.3 Billion USD each
Maybe it is becoz MOD doesnot want to have a situation as in case of Shivalik class where the estimated the cost at 200 Million USD each , bu which eventually cost 560 Million Each

For chinese trolls ,

China is not churning out 4 Type 54A a yr , these ships were ordered in 2001 and started entering service in 2008
guys this ship will have displacement of 6800-7200 tonnes .
It will have best anti ship missile , best air defence system , 2 helicopter hanger , more stealthy then shivalik class (and more quieter ) , It will have an American engine (best in its class ) .

construction is suppose to take place between 2012-2021 ,

so in my opinion 10B$ is reasonable ( for 7 frigate )

Exactly, which are almost in the same league as destroyers....
Exactly, which are almost in the same league as destroyers....

actually I think P-17A will fill both roles of destroyer and Air Defence role(if Aegis air defence System is installed...i hate USA's string on weapon system :hitwall: :hitwall:)
Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。

Steel is made in India by SAIL and from this Decade by Essar Steel.

You know why China stopped at Type 054As?

SEMT Pielstick supplied you with 14 Engines in 2002. China has consumed all of them and no one is around supplying China with Marine Propulsion System. :lol:
Well The Price is 9 Billion USD at Current exchange Rate

Also the 6200Ton Shivalik Class had Roughly 60% Indian Content , and cost an estimated 560 Million USD Each when inducted in 2010

So My guess is that a 7000 Ton design with a full flushed deck and improved weapons systems , Radars and electronics ,
and with an estimated induction in 2018-20
So it would not be wrong to budget a price tag of around 1.3 Billion USD each
Maybe it is becoz MOD doesnot want to have a situation as in case of Shivalik class where the estimated the cost at 200 Million USD each , bu which eventually cost 560 Million Each

For chinese trolls ,

China is not churning out 4 Type 54A a yr , these ships were ordered in 2001 and started entering service in 2008

Shivalik was heavily Under budgeted. For $200 Million, You want The World's Largest Stealth Frigate - A 6200 Tons?

This time It is perfect, It will be in the range 7000-7300 Tonnes.
don't think India can really afford that, with engines already from GE (not sure), Aegis combat systems on the P-17A's means giving complete control to the Americans of our most coveted project, i don't mind if they put other systems in the ship even it means lesser in tech. but pls no aegis pls. Remember how Obama administration stalled the commissioning of INS Shivalik for few months just b'coz the engines were from GE.
You know what, I reckon that we already have got AEGIS on the warships. That's why the unit cost is coming $1.42 billion a piece. Afterall wasn't it reported earlier that adding AEGIS would drive the cost above $1 billion??
I'm sorry to say this but you clearly have no idea what you are saying. What do you think is part of a CBG? Frigates maybe? You can't have ACCs outnumbering frigates and destroyers in a navy not only would this be stupid in warfare terms but also highly sustainable due to the incredibly operating costs of ACCs and the fact that, by nature, an ACC requires huge amounts of manpower to operate it. And the fact is these frigates are multi-role platforms able to pretty much do everything ie ASW, surface warfare, anti-air etc etc whilst you cannont claim ACCs are. Navies are built on frigates and destroyers. ACCs might be the most prestigious surface ships but it is the "unsung heroes" like frigates and destroyers that allow these assets to operate and really add punch to a navy. These frigates are simply unmatched in the region and much of the world and having 7 of them is just unreal and such inductions along with others are making the IN a very potent force in the world. And anyway yes, they are expensive but you pay for what you get- the Arleigh Burke class destroyers for instance cost close to $1.7 BN per ship a decade ago and are still some of the most potent surface vessels around. The IN is not on some shoe-string budget so they have clearly asked for all the "bells and whistles" on the P-17/P-17A and there is a cost for this(literally!).

You have taken a far too simplistic view and come to a very wrong conclusion.Using your logic- for the same cost of the VIkramditya, IAC-1 and IAC-2 the IN could have gotten 8-9 P-17As or 6-7 P-15A/Bs

+ $1.5 BN per ship is inaccurate- the true figure is closer to $1.1 BN per ship with a few BN being spent on infrastructure and construction upgrades

Exactly i agree with u the higher cost is due to new technology like modular shipping, Aegis system, better ASW system, etc.

I knw the article is silent in this matter but even if u check wiki it clearly says that the cost of per ship is around $900 million(Rs.4000 cr.) each however the total cost is $10 billion(Rs.45000 Cr.)

now that doesn't seem too much if u compare it to previous project 17 ships

N most imp people at IN r more intelligent then pdf if other equivalent ships would have been so cheap then this order would have gone to some Russian or French co. in first place:azn:
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