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India 'concerned' over China running Gwadar port

I don't think you have gasp on current affairs.

I am sorry that I didnt convey good enough what I meant, I am talking with a timeline of over 30 years both ways but lets leave it there
You are better friend with USA then what India is at present. Things have been changing fast in your favour for last one year. All thanks to end game of Afghanistan
Hey thanks, you know ...the best team wins!! :cheers:

Just two years back Chinese were denying to operate it or even admitting if they have been even asked to, the approval has came from USA. Sleep tight.

sleep tight?
if true then I want to celebrate.
it will also mean that Chinese have bought some assurances from Americans re Balochistan stability. things are really looking better the more I think about it.

by the way , you dont have to answer this but if you can then it will be great to know if the approval from uncle Sam also included a "friendly advice" to India to lay off and stop its anti-Pakistan operations from Afghanistan? I dont attribute the lull in BLA terrorism due to our FC successes I wonder if it has anything to do with lack of support from Indians?
hmm hence the open concern from India and none other than the defence minister.
but I wont place my bets until I see the Chinese Naval Vessels along with Permanent Naval structures and personnel deployed there. 80-20 I say the odds are that it will remain purely a commercial operation.

majorly commercial if things go as planned but defiantly at the right time Gwador port will serve as a Sino/Pak Naval facility ( there are more than one reason to be so). I think in 10-20 years time most of the PN sea fleet will be of Sino or Sino/PAk origin and till that time Gwador will be one of the busiest warm deep sea port in the region, so you will have to wait that much to reverce your dice from 80-20. ( again if things goes as planned because no one knows the future at-least me )
Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too. And then they whine about others undermining their sovereignty .

Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too. And then they whine about others undermining their sovereignty . This is just a move to make china more involved in Pakistan to feel safe and powerful.
Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too. And then they whine about others undermining their sovereignty .

Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too. And then they whine about others undermining their sovereignty . This is just a move to make china more involved in Pakistan to feel safe and powerful.

Seems there is no end to Indian "concerns" - concerned that a Chinese company will manage Gwadar port, then concerned that Pakistanis have chosen a Chinese Company to mange Gwadar ports - I will wager that should the Chinese company attract greater investments in Gwadar, that too might be a "concern" to some of our friends in India.
this is what pakistan should do, pakistan should be concerned about many things in india, but the thing is, if india was half as much concerned about its internal matters, thing wouldnt go out of their hands
Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too. And then they whine about others undermining their sovereignty .

Why can't Pakistanis manage their own port? They do it at Karachi too.

just to tease the Indians and p1ss you guys off I think :rofl:

we have a maxim "
aik akaila 2 gearah"

one is just one on his own and two 1s make 11

i.e. whole is greater than sum of parts. American bases are spread across the globe and you seem to be ok with that. same bases that were even used in some active hostilities. Gawader on the other hand (for the 10th time) is purely commercial concern

stop being a cry baby now, wipe your tears and put up a happy face and come along, you are also welcome.
I am sorry that I didnt convey good enough what I meant, I am talking with a timeline of over 30 years both ways but lets leave it there

Hey thanks, you know ...the best team wins!! :cheers:

sleep tight?
if true then I want to celebrate.
it will also mean that Chinese have bought some assurances from Americans re Balochistan stability. things are really looking better the more I think about it.

by the way , you dont have to answer this but if you can then it will be great to know if the approval from uncle Sam also included a "friendly advice" to India to lay off and stop its anti-Pakistan operations from Afghanistan? I dont attribute the lull in BLA terrorism due to our FC successes I wonder if it has anything to do with lack of support from Indians?

America knows its all Pakistani hogwash that India is harbouring insurgency in Balochistan, they do not need to give us a dictation on it, our hands are clean. India's interference in Pakistan via Afghanistan means problem to USA, we are not that fool to put USA on harms way. You should stop misleading your mates and stop tearing the bill on India's name for your intrinsic problems.

The approval came from USA on Pakistan's assurance because it is Pakistan's port and Pakistan might have pushed in some lines about it into its list while negotiating end game of Afghanistan.

India do need to beg assurance from China or interfere in American great game. However India is free to take appropriate action if China will use it as a military base because we know the Pakistani assurances to anyone are fragile and Chinese plans are ambiguous.
The concern is that gwadar maybe used as a military base. As long as it remains an exclusive commercial base india has no issues.

You will note that india was unhappy with China developing hambantota port in SL. the SL premier removed the indian concerns totall. He clearly gave assurances that the port will NEVER be used as a military base and that SL would never do anything which would harm india. That pretty much wrapped up all issues for india.

SL has learnt the hard way that india absolutely detests any foreign military presence in her immediate neighbourhood. LTTE was simply a result of SL inviting US back in those days.

The question simply is that does Pakistan understand this fact. Pakistan is always keen to host a foreign militaries on its soil. If it gives a guarantee that gwadar remains strictly commercial then no issues. If it does not india will take action to protect hr interests. Simple as that.
America knows its all Pakistani hogwash that India is harbouring insurgency in Balochistan, they do not need to give us a dictation on it, our hands are clean. India's interference in Pakistan via Afghanistan means problem to USA, we are not that fool to put USA on harms way. You should stop misleading your mates and stop tearing the bill on India's name for your intrinsic problems.

The approval came from USA on Pakistan's assurance because it is Pakistan's port and Pakistan might have pushed in some lines about it into its list while negotiating end game of Afghanistan.

India do need to beg assurance from China or interfere in American great game. However India is free to take appropriate action if China will use it as a military base because we know the Pakistani assurances to anyone are fragile and Chinese plans are ambiguous.

the post started very promisingly , I respect a differing view point
but fell on its face in the last paragraph
again same boasting and threats come on guys its just a tiny port, stop scaremongering

your theory is that US approval has made the Gowader port to finish and open for business hence it wont see Indian meddling in Balochistan from Afghanistan very favourably. interesting view if the assumption is true, but America has never kept its own concerns against China hidden and its stand off in the Pacific is no secret. I tend to give credit to our steadfast resolve and dedication to make this project come to reality, you instead want to give credit to American blessing for us and China, doesnt really matter because it suits us either way ;)

@Irfan Baloch saab, I have difficulty in understanding why would the 5/7th largest military power in the world actually let a third country come in and control a port in it's most troubled area.

During the cold war, pakistan had almost become another state of america, and see where it stands now. Relations with a foreign country do not remain static.

Personally, from Indian stand point I don't see it as an alarming development.

pakistan, instead of giving third parties access to thier country should be looking to open air bases in other countries for strategic power projection...
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Seems there is no end to Indian "concerns" - concerned that a Chinese company will manage Gwadar port, then concerned that Pakistanis have chosen a Chinese Company to mange Gwadar ports - I will wager that should the Chinese company attract greater investments in Gwadar, that too might be a "concern" to some of our friends in India.

Ok let's be honest here. Pakistan has leased it's land infifinetely to Chinese before and this is the same. The port is constructed and operated by Chinese. If it such a a strategic port, shouldn't it be under pakistan's control ?
Ok let's be honest here. Pakistan has leased it's land infifinetely to Chinese before and this is the same. The port is constructed and operated by Chinese. If it such a a strategic port, shouldn't it be under pakistan's control ?

As long as we are being "honest" - please offer something that will unequivocally allow us to come to the conclusion that you have
As long as we are being "honest" - please offer something that will unequivocally allow us to come to the conclusion that you have

It is the same concern Pakistan has with India's presence in Afghanistan. Encirclement.
@Irfan Baloch saab, I have difficulty in understanding why would the 5/7th largest military power in the world actually let a third country come in and control a port in it's most troubled area.

During the cold war, pakistan had almost become another state of america, and see where it stands now. Relations with a foreign country do not remain static.

Personally, from Indian stand point I don't see it as an alarming development.

pakistan, instead of giving third parties access to thier country should be looking to open air bases in other countries for strategic power projection...

agree in essence. but such bases on our land are much minuscule compared to what Americans have in UK, Germany, Japan, Philippines etc etc. we only had shamsi airbase leased to Americans and some remote airstrips for drone attacks.

this Gawader port is intended to be a commercial hub, see UAE for example they have lent their land to foreign companies to develop and do business no one is complaining.

yes during cold war we got more than we bargained for and we (Americans and Pakistanis mostly) paid dearly Saudis got off lightly they brutally crushed the Al Qaeda and it lost the appetite to try its Islam there so it went to countries with questionable leadership and confused population.

coming to current WoT, Pakistan was signatory to the UN resolution in fight against terrorism and so was India hence both allowed their air corridors to American planes to topple taliban. Pakistan being neighbor had to take the brunt of the war whether or not it had cooperated with America. people naturally escape from violence and seek refuge in safer locations. we never stopped Afghans back in the Soviet era so there was no chance we were going to do that this time we had more of our own IDP issue.

your last paragraph doesnt apply for Pakistan, it does for India though. our only issue is our unresolved disputes with India which compelled us to go nuclear and spend so much on defense. we dont have regional designs of power projection like India does.

of we are able to resolve our issues amicably then you will find our ports open for you as well as long as they are not meant to cause alarm to our neighbors in the West.

Indian Defense minister sees a problem although some Indian analysts might dismiss it. but then again things can change, there is Persian conflict brewing and there is Somalian piracy at hand so there might be a tentative development of a small naval force of China but it would never ever reach anywhere close to pose a challenge to Indian navy.

but if I was an Indian I would always have been wary of such post. your remote airbases in the central Asia are also a concern although they might not be Pakistan specific but there is no guarantee that placing them there had Pakistani targets in mind as well.
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