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India 'concerned' over China running Gwadar port

Indian has to invest more on strengthening naval power and amphibious attack capabilities.

Undersea pipeline from Oman and investing Chah Bahar port with better port equipments should be fast tracked.

Maritime boundary dispute with Pakistan on sir creek etc, and few other should be scratched afresh and be kept hot indifintly.

Better resources to monitor situation in Balochistan be pledged.

its ok inter service intelligence is always there.

Indeed, thanks for starting a new game and giving us a new excuse, we will wait for Chinese ammunition dumps piling at your ports, till then you guys wouldn't complaint when India invests for points above mentioned by me.
BTW china is going to do something new in sikkam n AP:lol:

that is beyond the scope of this thread
I think India will do everything to avoid what happened in 1962 so it will only choose weaker opponents.
if China is stronger in Sikkam then dont forget that Indians rule the seas and are only second to Uncle Sam's Navy so there will be trouble.

Indians might increase their support of the terrorists to disrupt the operations of the port and that will be a major headache. what doesnt help is that we got politicians who care more about terrorists who have declared war on state and its people than our national assets so military response to such subversions will be very subdued.
Let my post die natural way or send someone intelligent to answer it.


Your quote is best suited to Bharat Verma as it is advisery only, there can be many more "should be" than these 4. But what is achievable in given time and in prevailing circumstances is of more importance.
Indians might increase their support of the terrorists to disrupt the operations of the port and that will be a major headache. what doesnt help is that we got politicians who care more about terrorists who have declared war on state and its people than our national assets so military response to such subversions will be very subdued.

No we don't do petty things but doesn't mind if indigenous internal strife self fits into it, all we need is to look is if China has military imprints in there.

We are aware how Chinese can dictate your nuclear doctrines and then if they are operating your deep ports it means our string of pearls theory is been validated.

India need justification (not to Pakistan or China but rest of the world) to invest in military capabilities and test more potent weapon systems. The ultimate goal is to have parity with China with an excuse of over active Pakistan.

If its all about supply of oil to China via land rout form your ports then all we are concerned about war time reserves, on going supplies will be checked for sure as they remain all the time in our range.

If it is only about trade and prosperity then Singaporean company could have brought about the same for Pakistan.


It could be just another Pakistan's experiment pleasing a hyper power assuming at acute necessity they will run extra mile for them for this favour.

Time will tell heaven or hell (for all the parties involved).

dont worry she will always protect her own interests. in Pakistan ie route to Indian Ocean n Arabian Sea

Sorry I haven't got your point. You were talking for China that they will annex Sikkim and AP and I requested you to have their consent before speaking for them.
Again Indian fragile hearts felt hurt and nervous. Pakistani know well that if China runs the port she has to make it more prosperous day by day. No operator from any other countries can do it.
Indian has to invest more on strengthening naval power and amphibious attack capabilities.

Undersea pipeline from Oman and investing Chah Bahar port with better port equipments should be fast tracked.

Maritime boundary dispute with Pakistan on sir creek etc, and few other should be scratched afresh and be kept hot indifintly.

Better resources to monitor situation in Balochistan be pledged.

Hysterics, again! The statement of the Indian defense Minister suggest that they will seek "assurances" from the Chinese - because Pakistan are not going to be a tactical, nor a strategic threat for at least another decade or two - Pakistan's economy will continue to be a basket case as strategic vision is not a strong suit of either the politicians nor the armed forces, this reality coupled with the instability in Afghanistan and therefore the length and breadth of Western and North Western Pakistan, and the reality of the nature politics in Pakistan, will mean that Pakistan are effectively sidelined from autonomy of action with regard to the regional security considerations.

However, if Pakistani politics lead to a political party with an overwhelming mandate and should that party seek to enact structural reforms in the economy and up on the right side of the armed forces, Pakistan may be able to convince it's people and the world that it has turned a corner and it's economic trajectory will then allow Pakistan relative space to be become a relevant player in regional security - but even then, the most optimistic of timelines, to my thinking, is again, a couple of decades.

The Pakistan economy has the potential to double in 10 years, that's a conservative outlook, to my thinking, however, getting to start the series of reforms required to set that in motion, remains, well you know, that's all a very big, "if"

So, as long as the Chinese offer the "assurances" required, which I think they will, because it's economic concerns over all others, in the present and near term future.
No we don't do petty things but doesn't mind if indigenous internal strife self fits into it, all we need is to look is if China has military imprints in there.

you are not alone
you have tried and failed in Balochistan & Sindh but succeeded in East Pakistan, you failed & paid dearly by supporting LTTE against Sri Lanka.

not sure what do you mean by not doing "petty things". whenever a hostile state decides to invest in disturbance and instigate insurgency in an other country then such decision s taken at the highest level and can involve decades of planning, nothing petty about it.

Americans failed by arming Kurdish militia against Iraq and in the end had to attack it themselves also they have failed so far by supporting Jundullah terrorists against Iran, tens of millions are set aside and maticulous planning is undertaken to bear the fruits in future.

We are aware how Chinese can dictate your nuclear doctrines and then if they are operating your deep ports it means our string of pearls theory is been validated.

beg to disagree, our nuclear program was directly in relation and reaction to your country going nuclear earlier. China has had no say in that. I wont press you on that, if it pleases you to show us as the client state of China dictating our national policy then please yourself whenever you feel like it.

I must admit though, I am lost by what you mean by "our string of pearls theory". do elaborate if you will.

India need justification (not to Pakistan or China but rest of the world) to invest in military capabilities and test more potent weapon systems. The ultimate goal is to have parity with China with an excuse of over active Pakistan.

you are a sovereign country, you dont need justification to even the rest of the world. trust me countries in Americas or Africas wont even care how much you spend. but if you feel like explaining to uncle Sam then please do, but learn from the same Uncle too, when was a last time Uncle Sam felt the need to explain and justify its space & military spendings?

If its all about supply of oil to China via land rout form your ports then all we are concerned about war time reserves, on going supplies will be checked for sure as they remain all the time in our range.

valid point although very cursory but right thinking.

If it is only about trade and prosperity then Singaporean company could have brought about the same for Pakistan.


It could be just another Pakistan's experiment pleasing a hyper power assuming at acute necessity they will run extra mile for them for this favour.

Time will tell heaven or hell (for all the parties involved).

again same rhetoric about Pakistan's relations with China.
very cute to put it mildly.
If India is concerned about anything we have done in the last 5 years for the first time then I am glad as hell we are promoting our own interests finally. We should have opposed the US-India nuke deal and the US offer to sell them better quality F16's. Our foreign minister is indeed a khara from family of Khar's (donkey in Pashto)... we must not give up on the foreign policy front or we will have nothing left.
Again Indian fragile hearts felt hurt and nervous. Pakistani know well that if China runs the port she has to make it more prosperous day by day. No operator from any other countries can do it.

There is no nervousness, there is concern here and rightly so. Any country which neglects whats happening in its neighborhood is either sloppy or reckless and is bound to suffer the consequences. I bet China too looks at whats happening in its backyard. The reaction could be similar if USA sets up a new base right next you other than what it already has there.

The minister just said that he is concerned as this is internal matter of Pakistan. They have full rights to do what they want.
Hysterics, again! The statement of the Indian defense Minister suggest that they will seek "assurances" from the Chinese - because Pakistan are not going to be a tactical, nor a strategic threat for at least another decade or two - Pakistan's economy will continue to be a basket case as strategic vision is not a strong suit of either the politicians nor the armed forces, this reality coupled with the instability in Afghanistan and therefore the length and breadth of Western and North Western Pakistan, and the reality of the nature politics in Pakistan, will mean that Pakistan are effectively sidelined from autonomy of action with regard to the regional security considerations.

India doesn't need assurance from China, all we need is to wait for ammunition dumps and military imprints. The assurances are unsaid between India and China BTW. Our concern is how impulsive Pakistan will translate this Chinese closeness at our borders. More we exaggerate and make it an excuse to fuel arm race more Pakistan will stay in its right place or will indulge into the futile arm race with us. In both the cases we are comfortable, period.

However, if Pakistani politics lead to a political party with an overwhelming mandate and should that party seek to enact structural reforms in the economy and up on the right side of the armed forces, Pakistan may be able to convince it's people and the world that it has turned a corner and it's economic trajectory will then allow Pakistan relative space to be become a relevant player in regional security - but even then, the most optimistic of timelines, to my thinking, is again, a couple of decades.

I don't know from where this economy angle has came into it. I doubt anyone in India will buy this argument when we have been forced to see only black and white.

The kind of slogans we have started listening against India on Kashmir complemented by events at LOC we are not going to bet on prosperity Pakistan will achieve in near future. All I can see is confronting Pakistan with its neighbour. Not a good sign for a nation aspiring to become economically sound. The same logic can be thrown at us that but now somewhat our economy is immune to most of the insurgencies including insurgency in J&K morally and politically supported by Pakistan (no pun intended) and the world has lost its appetite to swallow the same perpetrated against a bonafide state.

The Pakistan economy has the potential to double in 10 years, that's a conservative outlook, to my thinking, however, getting to start the series of reforms required to set that in motion, remains, well you know, that's all a very big, "if"
So, as long as the Chinese offer the "assurances" required, which I think they will, because it's economic concerns over all others, in the present and near term future.

There is no big if in the way of Pakistan's prosperity. Pakistan can do better with or without India in all markers. Chinese contribution to Pakistan's prosperity is just an add on, most of the job done has to be from your side.

Like is said it will depend on Pakistan how She will translate this coyness with China to India. India will always have nuisance at its disposable. Its Pakistan's call whether she will tackle Indian nuisance with military alliance or will deal with India like a confident neighbour. Till today all the signals coming out of Pakistan are neither assuring nor ground breaking as far as peace is concern.
If India is concerned about anything we have done in the last 5 years for the first time then I am glad as hell we are promoting our own interests finally. We should have opposed the US-India nuke deal and the US offer to sell them better quality F16's. Our foreign minister is indeed a khara from family of Khar's (donkey in Pashto)... we must not give up on the foreign policy front or we will have nothing left.

ha ha ha.... a Pakistani going to block INDO-US deal after 2010?.... u must be joking..... when was the last time y were able to block an Indian deal....we blocked even for Pakistan to get fund from world bank.... and u could do nothing....
India doesn't need assurance from China, all we need is to wait for ammunition dumps and military imprints. The assurances are unsaid between India and China BTW. Our concern is how impulsive Pakistan will translate this Chinese closeness at our borders. More we exaggerate and make it an excuse to fuel arm race more Pakistan will stay in its right place or will indulge into the futile arm race with us. In both the cases we are comfortable, period.

I don't know from where this economy angle has came into it. I doubt anyone in India will buy this argument when we have been forced to see only black and white.

The kind of slogans we have started listening against India on Kashmir complemented by events at LOC we are not going to bet on prosperity Pakistan will achieve in near future. All I can see is confronting Pakistan with its neighbour. Not a good sign for a nation aspiring to become economically sound. The same logic can be thrown at us that but now somewhat our economy is immune to most of the insurgencies including insurgency in J&K morally and politically supported by Pakistan (no pun intended) and the world has lost its appetite to swallow the same perpetrated against a bonafide state.

There is no big if in the way of Pakistan's prosperity. Pakistan can do better with or without India in all markers. Chinese contribution to Pakistan's prosperity is just an add on, most of the job done has to be from your side.

Like is said it will depend on Pakistan how She will translate this coyness with China to India. India will always have nuisance at its disposable. Its Pakistan's call whether she will tackle Indian nuisance with military alliance or will deal with India like a confident neighbour. Till today all the signals coming out of Pakistan are neither assuring nor ground breaking as far as peace is concern.

Chest thumping is usually a mask for fears - there is nothing to fear, no reason to be afraid - Get your Chinese assurances and be o your way - all will be good.
ha ha ha.... a Pakistani going to block INDO-US deal after 2010?.... u must be joking..... when was the last time y were able to block an Indian deal....we blocked even for Pakistan to get fund from world bank.... and u could do nothing....

Very true... when a nation has no policy that happens. We have surrendered policy decisions.
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