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India 'concerned' over China running Gwadar port

What's your point? The sanction is not working or the sanction is partly working because China took part in it?
Look at rising inflation in Iran. And it has Oil as major income source, no terrorism, no WoT going on. Look at Pakistan's economic condition and then think what will be effect of US-EU imposed sanctions.

Please be rational and open for discussion.
The internal inflation in Iran is partly caused by the difficulty it has to import the goods they need. Iran dosen't produce much industrial goods.

For Pakistan, it will be a different story. China produce almost anything people need in their live. Pakistan and China will do business as usual and it will be a golden opportunity for China to outrun its west competitors in the Pakistani market.

Look at rising inflation in Iran. And it has Oil as major income source, no terrorism, no WoT going on. Look at Pakistan's economic condition and then think what will be effect of US-EU imposed sanctions.

Please be rational and open for discussion.
oh by the way, Indian concerns are valid (from their prespective) . China is getting very close in setting itself in the worm waters and India will spearhead any kind of resistances that will be put in the path of China to deny this very important sea route

Well put. The Chinese have a very well thought out strategy and a dangerous one for everyone else. They are building LARGE infrastructure in the ME, Indian Ocean and around the South America. Now if you think about it, during times of tension, all or most of these ports can have 'visiting' Chinese navel vessels (if not flat out secret bases). And thus, covering and pressurizing their foes through their presence next door. Similar tactics compare to the US. The only difference is, US pays to park its Naval assets but the Chinese will have the legit right to do so as they will be running key ports and have already made billions of investments through Brazil, to Sri Lanka

look at sanctions on Iran. I am saying US and EU doing it.

Bro - reality check and a sad one that we are trying to embrace. The US won't have as much economical influence by 2020-2025 compared to what it enjoyed till now. BUT....military wise, I got one sentence to say, don't fu*k with us :)
Well put. The Chinese have a very well thought out strategy and a dangerous one for everyone else. They are building LARGE infrastructure in the ME, Indian Ocean and around the South America. Now if you think about it, during times of tension, all or most of these ports can have 'visiting' Chinese navel vessels (if not flat out secret bases). And thus, covering and pressurizing their foes through their presence next door. Similar tactics compare to the US. The only difference is, US pays to park its Naval assets but the Chinese will have the legit right to do so as they will be running key ports and have already made billions of investments through Brazil, to Sri Lanka

USA for its own reasons runs similar or bigger bases across the globe one not so far but in Bahrain. some of my Indian fellow are mourning the lost sovereignty of Pakistan due to this Gwader deal but there are no tears spared for the bases in Korea, Japan and Bahrain for example. if instead of mourning they just stick to their boasting and threats that they will teach China the lesson of 1962 then it will be fine although a mountain has been made out of a molehill, just like a contractor they have taken the contract to run the port not the entire city. but hey when they can hit two birds with one stone (rage / troll over Pakistan & China) then why bother with details eh?
Sorry to play the devils advocate here, but the Chahbar project is going nowhere. As long as the American/Israel hating Mullahs in power, Uncle Sam with full backing of the Western and Arab World will do everything in their power to make sure the Iranians don't get rich. The sanctions are already crippling Iran, India has reduced her oil imports from Iran and its already making a dent on their economy.

I am not saying that you don't love the Iranians, i am sure you do and probably want to adopt a couple of cute Iranian kids. But the reason why India is backing off as it can be seen at present, is because the Western and Arab World got a lot greenback which you want to get your hands on. 'Kehtay hain na, na biwi na bacha, na baap bara ya maiya, sab say bara hai rupiyah'.

The bold part- Where are you getting this from ?

India begins use of Chabahar port in Iran despite international pressure - Telegraph

Also, Fyi


The US today came out in support of the agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan on the development of the Iranian Chabahar port saying that the project would help in the development of trade and commerce...
The bold part- Where are you getting this from ?

India begins use of Chabahar port in Iran despite international pressure - Telegraph

Also, Fyi

US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port - WittySparks News

The US today came out in support of the agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan on the development of the Iranian Chabahar port saying that the project would help in the development of trade and commerce...

Lip service and mere geo political realities are two totally different things. The Americans have stated that they are perfectly okay with the Chinese managing the Gwadar port, but in reality are they? Just because the Americans have stated something does not mean that they will stick by it.

The mere fact is, the Western World and Arab World spearheaded by Israel and US will do everything in their power to try and isolate Iran. As long as the Ayatullah is in power and Ahmadinejad chants 'Death to America and Israel', they simply will not accept Iran getting strong economically because that would translate into Iran getting strong militarily. India's trade with the Arab World, West and Israel far eclipses her trade with Iran. So far the port has made very little impact in economic terms, if the port starts getting busy and more money starts to flow in the pocket of the Iranian Regime, you can be damn sure that there is going to be immense pressure from these above mentioned powers to try and rein India's trade with Iran. Already the Americans have been successfull in forcing China and India to reduce their oil imports from Iran, heck India is paying Iran by wheat because she cannot access the International Financial System. You can't have the cake and eat it too, you simply cannot milk both sides, thats how the world of geo politics is. The Arab and the Western World offer a lot more milk than Iran, so its natural India will choose to milk them instead of Iran.
Lip service and mere geo political realities are two totally different things. The Americans have stated that they are perfectly okay with the Chinese managing the Gwadar port, but in reality are they? Just because the Americans have stated something does not mean that they will stick by it.

The mere fact is, the Western World and Arab World spearheaded by Israel and US will do everything in their power to try and isolate Iran. As long as the Ayatullah is in power and Ahmadinejad chants 'Death to America and Israel', they simply will not accept Iran getting strong economically because that would translate into Iran getting strong militarily. India's trade with the Arab World, West and Israel far eclipses her trade with Iran. So far the port has made very little impact in economic terms, if the port starts getting busy and more money starts to flow in the pocket of the Iranian Regime, you can be damn sure that there is going to be immense pressure from these above mentioned powers to try and rein India's trade with Iran. Already the Americans have been successfull in forcing China and India to reduce their oil imports from Iran, heck India is paying Iran by wheat because she cannot access the International Financial System. You can't have the cake and eat it too, you simply cannot milk both sides, thats how the world of geo politics is. The Arab and the Western World offer a lot more milk than Iran, so its natural India will choose to milk them instead of Iran.

Ifs and buts are of no importance mate.

My question remains , where are you getting all this from ? Mere speculations ?

If the Chabahar port helps promote development in Afghanistan and allows influence of Iran and India in Afghanistan , two countries that are anti-Taliban, there is no reason why America won't support Chabahar port.

We continue to buy Iranian oil and the reduction was marginal and we have even managed to convince the Americans about it.

I know Pakistanis are excited about this port and its prospects being under the Chinese and all but to write off everything else and declaring victory so early is immature to say the least.

Chabahar is on and is doing just fine as of now and America supports it. It has good reason to as i mentioned above.If they , however, choose to not support it in the future, we shall see. As of now there are no such signs and these are your mere wishful speculations.
The bold part- Where are you getting this from ?

India begins use of Chabahar port in Iran despite international pressure - Telegraph

Also, Fyi

US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port - WittySparks News

The US today came out in support of the agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan on the development of the Iranian Chabahar port saying that the project would help in the development of trade and commerce...

With so much indian support to afghanistan, why INDIA wasn't invited to any peace conference on afghanistan by by US itself?lol lol lol
Chabar could be sunk , in a minute if & whenever israel show up plans to attack iran?
Would US or ISrael will let india run a iraninan port so iran can get some economic stability?lol lol lol
Or we can safly assume, that CHAHABAR means that , india giving pakistan a tool to block indian vessel movment? A rare bargaining chip?lol
Well ,enjoy chahabar with only india using it,we ill enjoy gwadar with whole woRld getting benefitted because of USA,s economic sanctions on Iran? &
Plz don't let me know that US has jst dropped its sanctions on iran because of india?lol
Sure india can put more burden, to its growing slumps, which kept making more indians millionere?lol lol lol
The world is big enough for Chahbahar, Gwadar, Dubai and any number of other ports - let there be competition for BUSINESS - consider just how under developed the entire region is and you will find that the world is big enough for a number of ports and the more the competition, the better the services offered - all these offer citizens of the region and the world, opportunities to create better lives.

All this silly "cold war" stuff, lets leave it behind, lets focus on development and business
Gawadar port belongs to pakistan.and if someone got a problem with pakistan that he will use it for military or economic purposes.let him burn in his own jealousy.
it is good taht pakistan give this port to china.this will strengthen our relations and with chinese interests in this port.we can give a slap on us-india face.
Gawadar port belongs to pakistan.and if someone got a problem with pakistan that he will use it for military or economic purposes.let him burn in his own jealousy.
it is good taht pakistan give this port to china.this will strengthen our relations and with chinese interests in this port.we can give a slap on us-india face.

DEAR TRY TO UNDERSTAND!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Indians are never happy with us so we need to least bother about them or what they say if Pakistan thinks giving Gawadar to China is good move than it should go ahead with the plan and in return we can get some money and also some more may be War Ships Why not ?:azn::azn:
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