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India, China show great progress in ending poverty: World Bank

Damn, guess IQ 82 is not there for nothing, you just don't do childish act like to "dare" someone regarding XYZ on the internet, its plain stupid since you just don't know who you dealing with, it will be like i accuse you as an "online gay" looking for attention, "i dare you to prove me wrong", will you take my "DARE" seriously? boy on boy, btw, "NEW to the internet"?:lol:

We don't have reeducation centres in India to match the IQ of Chinese who they achieve after slave labor in reeducation centres of China.
this bieng a pakistani moderated forum, the india haters are given full permission to insult us without fear of retaliation. so be prepared for the chibots and their cheerleaders

Quite many of those trolls are banned whenever the mods find them doing any such thing. You have to use the report option if there are people doing such things. Its a huge forum so I doubt the mods can or have time to go through all the posts in every thread.

India has shown zero, utterly zero, proof that they have reduced poverty. 95% of Indians still live in mud houses, eat with hands, drink dirty water, have barely any food to eat, no jobs, rubbish dumps all over the streets, crows and flies living with dirty Indians.

India has more poverty than Africa and Sub-Saharan Africans have better access to clean water than 95% of the Indian population.

Sorry but I'm not buying this story for one second, Indians are still dirt poor. The poorest Chinese is richer than 95% of Indians. India has mass starvation problems with children starving to death. Is this country really reducing poverty? Yea right :lol:
It's now at 22% @$1.25(PPP) per day per person.Even,UN accepted India's poverty line which maintains International standard.

Do you have a source from the world Bank from this ?

World bank mentions it as 32.7 % by the same threshold in 2010.
India has shown zero, utterly zero, proof that they have reduced poverty. 95% of Indians still live in mud houses, eat with hands, drink dirty water, have barely any food to eat, no jobs, rubbish dumps all over the streets, crows and flies living with dirty Indians.

India has more poverty than Africa and Sub-Saharan Africans have better access to clean water than 95% of the Indian population.

Sorry but I'm not buying this story for one second, Indians are still dirt poor. The poorest Chinese is richer than 95% of Indians. India has mass starvation problems with children starving to death. Is this country really reducing poverty? Yea right :lol:

For this scathing post, you get extra 0.5 cents bonus.:rofl:
India has shown zero, utterly zero, proof that they have reduced poverty. 95% of Indians still live in mud houses, eat with hands, drink dirty water, have barely any food to eat, no jobs, rubbish dumps all over the streets, crows and flies living with dirty Indians.

India has more poverty than Africa and Sub-Saharan Africans have better access to clean water than 95% of the Indian population.

Sorry but I'm not buying this story for one second, Indians are still dirt poor. The poorest Chinese is richer than 95% of Indians. India has mass starvation problems with children starving to death. Is this country really reducing poverty? Yea right :lol:

India doesn't need to show proof to some two bit Chinese internet warriors.

Proof is what the World Bank, IMF , FAO and UNDP show.

Height of trolling.

1) According to NSS(2010), it's 29%.

Q: Who is a poor?
A: According to UN, It's he who earns less than $1.25(PPP) per day.

Q: What's is India's poverty line?
A: It's almost the same of $1.25(PPP) per day.

Q: What's the latest statistics?
A: It's 22%.(2013)

Q: Why is it not on UN website?
A: Poverty data in UN website is updated after every five years like 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010,2015...etc.

Q: Has UN accepted India's method of poverty calculation?
A: Yes.
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India doesn't need to show proof to some two bit Chinese internet warriors.

Proof is what the World Bank, IMF , FAO and UNDP show.

Height of trolling.

You just put the last nail in his coffin. You really had to do this didn't you?:pissed:

Thanks to you, now he will be taken to an internment camp 'for not doing enough' to contain Indians online and probably you'll see another person in his stead using the ID. :D

Just accept what they say and smile. Remember, their lives are in danger as they are being watched. They simply cannot agree to us or they will be executed for treason.
You just put the last nail in his coffin. You really had to do this didn't you?:pissed:

Thanks to you, now he will be taken to an internment camp 'for not doing enough' to contain Indians online and probably you'll see another person in his stead using the ID. :D

Just accept what they say and smile. Remember, their lives are in danger as they are being watched. They simply cannot agree to us or they will be executed for treason.

:tup: :lol:
I don't feel bad for him. He should have found himself a better way of making money :rolleyes:
When China claimed to have lifted 220 million people out of poverty, guess what its poverty line was? Just $85 per year, or $0.24 per day! Whatever statistical adjustments you make for comparability, it was far lower than today’s Tendulkar line. Did today’s critics of the Tendulkar line castigate China for fudging? No, they sang China’s praises.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-ending-poverty-world-bank.html#ixzz2hNeJasZS

India set it at $1.25(PPP) per day.

PPP is pretty useless.
India has shown zero, utterly zero, proof that they have reduced poverty. 95% of Indians still live in mud houses, eat with hands, drink dirty water, have barely any food to eat, no jobs, rubbish dumps all over the streets, crows and flies living with dirty Indians.

India has more poverty than Africa and Sub-Saharan Africans have better access to clean water than 95% of the Indian population.

Sorry but I'm not buying this story for one second, Indians are still dirt poor. The poorest Chinese is richer than 95% of Indians. India has mass starvation problems with children starving to death. Is this country really reducing poverty? Yea right :lol:

Where are you getting that 95% figure, throw some recent article?
PPP is pretty useless.
No. Nominal is useless. Because, it is only used in BoP. All, other things are done in PPP. You can not compare the price of one apple in US to one in India. If you convert it directly, it will be a joke. An Indian can buy many apples at the price of an apple bought in US in Dollar.You can have a decent lunch in India at a price which(if converted directly to dollar) you can never even think of it in US. By the way, it's decided by UN and accepted worldwide for this reason.
PPP is pretty useless.

PPP is the best technique to calculate standard of life within a country while its not of much use in calculating GDP size, defence budget.
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