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India, China show great progress in ending poverty: World Bank

Well the IMF doesn't agree with you. PPP doesn't take into account imported produce and India is one of the worlds largest importers. From 2008 to 2011 India increased food imports by 100%!!!!! According to articles in the the Wall Street Journal and the Business Standard - food prices in India are soaring due to inflation and the rising cost of food imports (i.e GDP Nominal).

GDP PPP is only useful when taking into account indigenously produced goods and services - not goods and services that are imported.

Also it tends to be poor Sub-Saharan countries and other pathetic poor countries like India who like to use GDP PPP because it makes them feel better.

1) India is almost self-sufficient in food. That is why India has Food Security Act where 67% of Indian are given food almost free of cost(2 or 3 INR/kg). At the same time, poor in any self-sufficient country does not take imported food.Do not post cheap posts.:coffee:

2) India's GDP (PPP) is almost $5 trillion. Do you have any problem? Show me any country in Africa or even in Europe with GDP $5 trillion.(PPP):azn:

3)It's very heartening to see that you have started believing Indian media.:victory:
Poverty in china:

You posted pictures of disabled, beggars, old man standing in neighborhoods that are being demolished. Any country has those people. Of course, I am appalled by their conditions. But those pictures only show China still lacks safety networks for the least privileged people. China still has pockets of extremely poor people, esp. elderly and disabled, when the government's safety net has not covered every corner of society. I don't know what those pictures are trying to show. You need find better pictures, mate, if you want to prove that China has widespread poverty.

Also random pictures of an old man, couple of girls and street beggars aren't really representative of poverty levels in a country. I can take similarly artistic pictures of under privileged people in the city I live in, or better Detroit.
You posted pictures of disabled, beggars, old man standing in neighborhoods that are being demolished. Any country has those people. Of course, I am appalled by their conditions. But those pictures only show China still lacks safety networks for the least privileged people. China still has pockets of extremely poor people, esp. elderly and disabled, when the government's safety net has not covered every corner of society. I don't know what those pictures are trying to show. You need find better pictures, mate, if you want to prove that China has widespread poverty.

Also random pictures of an old man, couple of girls and street beggars aren't really representative of poverty levels in a country. I can take similarly artistic pictures of under privileged people in the city I live in, or better Detroit.

I was trying to show just what you have acknowledged. Otherwise, your compatriots were busy showing that all of China is like Beijing & Hongkong.

compared with people living in our cities, those who living in rural areas are poor,but much richer than the people living in india cities on average. the point is ,can you believe it?

You may check the post no. 86 & 87, a picture speaks a thousand words. I wonder if search engines in China will show such pictures.
I was trying to show just what you have acknowledged. Otherwise, your compatriots were busy showing that all of China is like Beijing & Hongkong.

You may check the post no. 86 & 87, a picture speaks a thousand words. I wonder if search engines in China will show such pictures.

do you think beijing or hongkong is our best city??OMG, the two are which i dislike most, bad traffic and bad weather....in fact our 3rd tier cities are much better than your best ones.the gap between our villages and yours are even bigger ...it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, go ask who has been to china....
if pics really works, then no need for statistics,maybe China is poorer than india,haha.
while china is shoving the poor beneath the rugs by killing them in droves and pushing them in far west which is predominantly an infertile area .. while India is lifting real people out of misery !
do you think beijing or hongkong is our best city??OMG, the two are which i dislike most, bad traffic and bad weather....in fact our 3rd tier cities are much better than your best ones.the gap between our villages and yours are even bigger ...it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, go ask who has been to china....
if pics really works, then no need for statistics,maybe China is poorer than india,haha.

The biggest tragedy is even Chinese people don't know the realities in their country curtsy iron curtains by CPC . Non existent free media is just adding the woes
The biggest tragedy is even Chinese people don't know the realities in their country curtsy iron curtains by CPC . Non existent free media is just adding the woes

CPC sent a mother to a work camp when she tried to raise the case of rape of her daughter .. Now no chinese would be expected to know that ..
The biggest tragedy is even Chinese people don't know the realities in their country curtsy iron curtains by CPC . Non existent free media is just adding the woes
please enlighten us what your free media told you except
Venus and Jupiter.
go yourself compare our 4th tier cities and your best ones and tell us which are better planned and developed WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE MAP .And then the villages.
Indian here seem to missed the bottom line of what defines poverty.

When China was dirt poor in the 1970s, its citizens lived longer than India, had a lower child mortality rate, lower malnourishment rate. When the income began to trickled down to the lowest denominator, all the indicators drastically improved and directly attributed to a better life for hundreds of millions, this is worthy of a praise.

India has completely missed the point of development, its people still dying to the tune of starvation in the 21st century in the millions per year (which is direct evidence against indian food security as claimed by cheerleaders here). Its infant mortality rate is still as bad as China's in the 1970s, all of this has been backed up by the constant UN reports on human development, which continues to see India as the global leaders, in hunger, poverty and suffering.

When the chinese were poor, the government made sure every 1 had housing and every one capable of working had a job, in India you have the unemployed loittering the slums, rape and crime becomes rampant, and even in the 21st century its regarded a norm for hundreds of millions of Indians to practice open defecation in densely crowded urban areas.
^^ You are wrong on several counts here but no point wasting time arguing...
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