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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

India and China will go one step forward and two steps back in this futile exercise.

Both countries pose existential threat to each other.
I don't understand at all. China is a loser, but China has occupied Indian territory. So China's plan was to give the territory to India, but the Indians strongly refused. China's plan failed and so occupied Indian territory.

This is the story described by the Indian media,and Indians also believe it.

What a strange world.
Why dont you leave this forum and go to your indian bharat ratsh!t forums if you dont like what Pakistanis are saying here.

Your not welcomed here bharati.

Man, you guys are thick headed. If I am not welcome, why can't you just mind your business? I am here as long as I am allowed. I don't give a $hit about your liking. Now go away.
We are on a Pakistan site and will post to our hearts content - you could do us all a favour and either post something about the topic - don’t make personal attacks or remain quiet
Your nation has regularly been humiliated and had its land grabbed. Don’t you want to discuss this sensitive issue? Come on let’s share the dilemma. Are you hoping kissing Bidens feet will give india new amewicaaaaan new fwendship to help you @masterchief_mirza indian rectums burning sir.
Not surprisingly, personal attacks quickly become the sop for these unsavoury characters. Civilised Pakistanis like our elder brothers on this forum decline to engage in such behaviour despite provocations from "educated" Hindustani representatives. I, however, have no such reservations and will gladly put these characters in their place and hide their Burnol prescription for added measure.
India and China will go one step forward and two steps back in this futile exercise.

Both countries pose existential threat to each other.

You are right about the one step forward and two step backward, but India did get something out of this exercise.

1. It helped push reorganization of Indian forces into Battle Theaters.
2. Helped us get a Chief of Integrated Defence Staff
3. Helped us sign foundational agreements with the US that support our forces
4. Helped us make quad a functional reality
5. Helped us balance our trade with china with imports going down and exports to china going up for the first time.
6. International standing and recognition as someone who can and will stand up to china.
7. Pushed our border connectivity into completion.

What did China gain ?


What did China lose ?

All that India gained.

Nah don't worry about that, I couldn't go high IQ with you when you lots have no IQ at all.

LOL. Now go start a thread about chinese 'high iq", Olympic gold medal, china train and how Muslims are happy in china.
What else paper tiger could have done except surrender?
That’s funny it’s your Indian army doing all the surrendering
I hope you realize that outside china, that photograph has ZERO credibility.
Here is a video

You are right about the one step forward and two step backward, but India did get something out of this exercise.

1. It helped push reorganization of Indian forces into Battle Theaters.
2. Helped us get a Chief of Integrated Defence Staff
3. Helped us sign foundational agreements with the US that support our forces
4. Helped us make quad a functional reality
5. Helped us balance our trade with china with imports going down and exports to china going up for the first time.
6. International standing and recognition as someone who can and will stand up to china.
7. Pushed our border connectivity into completion.

What did China gain ?


What did China lose ?

All that India gained.

LOL. Now go start a thread about chinese 'high iq", Olympic gold medal, china train and how Muslims are happy in china.

I guess the word "gain" in India is different from the rest of the world.

True or not, it will remain to be seen, but one thing is for sure- this continues to be Doklum 2.0.
  • The Chinese conscript army has had a tough time after ambushing/attacking a non-armed, small patrol of 20 Indians soldiers with 150 Chinese soldiers armed with weapons.
  • They did so after they secured an agreement that no armed and only small contingent would patrol from both sides. Effectively, showing how they can never be trusted.
  • And after all that effort and bluster, they disrespected and hid their soldier's deaths (estimated between 40-60 dead) out of embarrassment
  • Lost all advantages by giving up peaks to the Indian military.
Let's not forget they lost the narrative and further reputation on the world stage.

Finally, drove India into the Quad. Xi is awesome for China, a-ha :no:

Excellent writing.....
From the beginning only I was saying no way India and China would go on full blown war against each other even if they both threateningly come close to it..... glad to see I was correct.....

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE ..... sorry no India China war for you..... you worked very hard though..... sorry some other centuries.....
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