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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

Here is another Video,

This is the end of the video that Indians edited out and didn't want to show. The clash video shows Indian soldiers running AWAY. lol


Here is another Video,

LOL. Unlike you fake photos, these videos are real.

Despite out numbered the Chinese soldiers fought BACK and NOT like the BATTLE HARDENED INDIAN SOLDIERS in this video.

Another video but this one is from 2017. Indian soldiers got *** kicked and ran away.

Man, you guys are thick headed. If I am not welcome, why can't you just mind your business? I am here as long as I am allowed. I don't give a $hit about your liking. Now go away.

Nobody gives an EFF about you bharati.

Just dont tell us what we need to post or do. This is our forum. You can go cry in bharat ratsh!t forums.
I hope you realize that outside china, that photograph has ZERO credibility.
The picture is consistent with other events where Indian soldiers surrendered en mass
Which leads to the conclusion the Indian army is quick to surrender when fighting even numbers of enemies and will only fight when they outnumber pla 5-1 one
China has so many photos of the dozens of indians killed and over 70+ Indian captured. We won't release the photos because we don't want to hurt our slaves feelings. Afterall 85% of their mobile phone and pretty much all their products are made in China and they make China billions upon billions of dollars each year.
Did global times say Chinese cede to India and lost? See how India spin just becos both side decide to reduce the tension.
What else paper tiger could have done except surrender?

Indeed China is paper tiger. Colonel Babu never killed by Chinese. Happen to go toilet in outfield and trip into the manhole and suffocate to death by his own poo. :rofl:
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Chinese should not be trusted ever. India should keep an eye them and never lower our guards.
China has so many photos of the dozens of indians killed and over 70+ Indian captured. We won't release the photos because we don't want to hurt our slaves feelings. Afterall 85% of their mobile phone and pretty much all their products are made in China and they make China billions upon billions of dollars each year.
Damage is already done. Huge public and media awarenesses about boycott chinese product.
Who needs to wake up will be known to all in a week time...have your dreams till than...

All the talk of 1000 or 3000 km territory lost without fight will be forgotten by people bragging here like horns from a donkey's head.

Actually it's 20000 Sq Km and Chinese have the right to brag as their victory was decisive.
No need to discuss. When it's only Indian news outlets reporting, you know it's garbage.
If this withdrawal goes through as stated.

It is a clear cut victory for India.
China initiated this conflict by moving from finger 8 to finger 4 on North bank.
India responded by capturing equivalent Chinese territory on the South Bank...which forced China on to negotiatiating table.

Although no country will gain or loose any territory..but China being the aggressor state here.. and being forced back to its pre - April status quo positions..is a clear cut Indian victory.
If this withdrawal goes through as stated.

It is a clear cut victory for India.
China initiated this conflict by moving from finger 8 to finger 4 on North bank.
India responded by capturing equivalent Chinese territory on the South Bank...which forced China on to negotiatiating table.

Although no country will gain or loose any territory..but China being the aggressor state here.. and being forced back to its pre - April status quo positions..is a clear cut Indian victory.


This is not an agreement but India's fantasy.
Waiting on unbiased news. Indian news is dogshit.
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