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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

Who cares what half morons or full moron choose to or not to believe ..as per your predictions.. Chinese were suppose to capture Ladakh in the month of October...what ever happened to that?

Yes. China and Pakistan will do a joint attack on India.

Ladakh goes to China.

Kashmir and Kargil goes to Pakistan


Yes. China and Pakistan will do a joint attack on India.

Ladakh goes to China.

Kashmir and Kargil goes to Pakistan


View attachment 687623
Sorry but we taking North East India, Those mongoloid people are much closer to Chinese then India anyways and meanwhile we should be supporting their militia groups.
Sorry but we taking North East India, Those mongoloid people are much closer to Chinese then India anyways and meanwhile we should be supporting their militia groups.


Mao said Tibet is the palm while Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan & Arunachal are the fingers.

China has the legitimate right to reclaim the five finger.

Mao said Tibet is the palm while Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan & Arunachal are the fingers.

China has the legitimate right to reclaim the five finger.
We will make sure to break up this fake country India into many countries of differing races and background, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and the eastern communists will all get their country.

We will make sure to break up this fake country India into many countries of differing races and background, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and the eastern communists will all get their country.

Your Kung flu pandas are not able to hold on to 8 km of territory from finger 8 to finger 4..and are ready to withdraw before the onset of winter..have lost even more territory on the South Bank.

As the poem goes..If wishes were horses then beggars would ride..is apt for you circle jerkers.

We will make sure to break up this fake country India into many countries of differing races and background, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and the eastern communists will all get their country.

Indians will thank China for this help.
The enemy of the Indian army is no longer the Chinese army, but the cold and high altitude
The enemy of the Indian army is no longer the Chinese army, but the cold and high altitude
Indian have been constantly fighting on the highest and coldest battlefield on Earth for last 3.5 decades.

This is China's first winter in Himalayas..and from the looks of it, they are ready to withdraw before full onset of Winter.
Chinese can never be trusted. Even if disengagement happens, Indian military will be on its guard and patrol LAC more aggressively to prevent another Chinese invasion in the future and it is great that we have realized that China will always be a greater threat than Pakistan.
Whatever preparations have been made to take on the dragon when the time comes will serve very well in neutralizing smaller threats.
I had stopped replying to Chinese members on this forum after they got deluded to the extent of sharing dozens of Chinese news about Chinese UCAV's 'decimating every Indian soldier on every Indian location'. I encourage the fake news factory to come up with more credible stories if you want to make any difference at all. Fact that they tried only shows how deeply insecure and scared the Chinese are at accepting their own mortality - that even in fake news they can only use UCAVs to kill Indian soldiers so that not a single additional Chinese citizen dies in the process of clearing entire mountanous peaks of Indian forces.

All your drone swarms, UCAVs, martial arts, superior technologies and numbers have fallen flat in their face just like unboxing a fake iphone that looks good from outside but runs outdated android hardware with fake software inside.
Chinese can never be trusted. Even if disengagement happens, Indian military will be on its guard and patrol LAC more aggressively to prevent another Chinese invasion in the future and it is great that we have realized that China will always be a greater threat than Pakistan.
Whatever preparations have been made to take on the dragon when the time comes will serve very well in neutralizing smaller threats.
I had stopped replying to Chinese members on this forum after they got deluded to the extent of sharing dozens of Chinese news about Chinese UCAV's 'decimating every Indian soldier on every Indian location'. I encourage the fake news factory to come up with more credible stories if you want to make any difference at all. Fact that they tried only shows how deeply insecure and scared the Chinese are at accepting their own mortality - that even in fake news they can only use UCAVs to kill Indian soldiers so that not a single additional Chinese citizen dies in the process of clearing entire mountanous peaks of Indian forces.

All your drone swarms, UCAVs, martial arts, superior technologies and numbers have fallen flat in their face just like unboxing a fake iphone that looks good from outside but runs outdated android hardware with fake software inside.
And your news media is not fake news factories, propaganda machineo_O
And your news media is not fake news factories, propaganda machineo_O
We have never had any news of killing a single Chinese soldier after the first clash where Chinese attacked our unarmed soldiers and still got beaten up.

The PLA CCP bots which have multiplied like rabbits in recent time have taken over this forum with CCP propaganda and every day kept posting shit like x Indian soldiers have been killed by Chinese drones, drone swarms, UCAVs etc because they are so afraid to confront their own mortality even in fake news they dont want to use PLA soldiers again to fight India.. The entire PLA has become an obsolete army that can fight only with remote control toys.
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