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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

mitrrunn koi waideshi samachar ki website ka source tou do! GodiMedia toh kamal hai!

India media claimed
" The Chinese would return to the Finger 8 region on the North Bank of the Pangong Lake, vacating their existing positions. "

So it turns out to be Dokhlam 2.0 - stand up to a bully and usually a bully backs down.

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.

Unless Indian Army official channel doesn't say this. All is fake.

Same news sources claimed PAF F-16 was shot down last year and changed the F-16 type and pilot name 4 times.

And over 1 month later (December 18, 2020) and the following article appears in Times of India:

No de-escalation, troops hold on to positions in freezing conditions at LAC

Things will be clear in a fortnight. From Chinese army reaching Delhi in few days to this end.

More than a fortnight don't you think?

In 24 hrs this thread will either explode or mods will close its because it doesn’t suite their propaganda interests.

These posts are interesting to look back at to demonstrate how poorly India's media analyzes events or just outright makes up stuff.

india did NOTHING about the above and submitted to the Chinese conquering OVER 38,000 Square KMS of sovereign indian territory. So why shouldn't the Chinese now not disengage?

The hindus take this like a superb victory for them when in fact in China nobody gives a shit about this.

I have my own ideas of what's going on but neither see China backing off.

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.

Two months later...

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.

indian media = fake news
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